Born 7/23/35, Ft. Worth, Texas. Graduated, U.S. Naval Academy, 1957.
1957-1961 : Naval Service included USS SARSFIELD, DD 837 (Gunnery Officer), COMDESDIV 601 (Operations Officer)
1962-1963 : Georgia Tech, MS/Physics
1964-1966 : LTV, Dallas, Texas. Conducted systems engineering for the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit (for Gemini 9 and 12)
1966-1973 : General Electric, Apollo Systems, Houston, Texas. Coordinated crew stations requirements and conducted stowage reviews for each Apollo Command Module and Lunar Module (GE contract with Apollo Spacecraft Program Office) Member of Apollo EVA task force, which in 1967 redesigned all Apollo in-flight EVA provisions to make use of lessons learned on Gemini. (Successfully demonstrated on Apollo 9) During final 2 years, managed groups of engineers engaged in reliability engineering work covering electronic parts and nonmetallic materials for the Apollo spacecraft.
1974-1986: Lockheed Engineering Services, Houston, Texas. Managed groups of engineers engaged in integration testing of Shuttle avionics systems, and Shuttle inflight telemetry processing during ground testing and orbital flight.
1987 - present: NASA/Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. Staff, Space Shuttle Program. Managed post-Challenger development of software systems to improve program visibility and management of risk. Since 1993, managed the development of engineering products for each Shuttle flight, which are used to reconfigure the Orbiter payload bay for each new payload complement.
June, 2002: Planned retirement
9 May 2002