This video depicts the landing of Apollo 17 at Taurus-Littrow
at it's real time speed of twelve frames per second. The methods
used to make this video were basically the same as those used previously
on the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 videos. There are a few interesting items
of note. The DAC is pointed in more of a straight ahead position, though
still mostly at the ground. This increases the "you are there" factor considerably.
Also, notice at P64 (pitchover) the simultaneous roll to the left. Then,
soon after that, a large pitchup, and later a sharper roll to the left
as the LM is retargeting. There is quite a bit of maneuvering during this
landing. Also, notice a bright area in the upper left center of the video.
Soon you'll see the shadow of the LM in the center of this bright spot.
This common effect is called the 'Glory'. Often you'll see it from airplanes
against clouds and on the ground. It's also quite prominent in the Apollo
17 ascent film.
This is a 5 meg video, and requires Quicktime
3, or higher, to view.