"Right on the Edge"
When Pete got his first look at Surveyor Crater, he saw that they were
headed right into it. He took over from the computer and nudged
Intrepid to the right, so he could fly along the north rim until he
found a good spot.
"I saw a suitable landing area between the Surveyor crater and Head
Crater, which meant I had to maneuver to my left. "
During the last two minutes of the
descent, he actually moved left about 200 feet. He knew he was
somewhere beyond Surveyor Crater, but, not how far. Later, he
leaned forward toward his window and looked back as far as he
could to his left.
"Houston, I landed - not 20 feet behind me - if I peer around the
corner of the window here, I'm right on the edge of another great big
Once Pete got outside, he saw immediately just how close to Surveyor
Crater he was.