Ulli writes "One of Al's most recent paintings is a portrait of Pete
jumping and kicking his heels. Al told me that 'kicking his heels' was a typical way for Pete to show that he was really enjoying life. "The (fantasy) sketch shows Al - not Pete - just after driving a core tube. In this joyfull moment he imitates his CDR's 'kicking the heels', but as a fine and trained athlete in a more acrobatic manner. What a pity that this never happened." Editors's note: We're glad that Al didn't actually try this. As Charlie Duke learned during Apollo 16 when he tried to jump and spin around through a full 360 degrees like an ice skater, it takes practice to do such things in an unfamiliar environment. Charlie lost control and fell heavily on his PLSS - fortunately without damage to anything but his pride. Although we're glad that neither Pete or Al tried anything like this on the Moon, we're very glad that Ulli was able to do it for them! Animated version by Ulli Lotzmann and Ken Glover. |
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