Dominique Caudron
I was born in 1946 in Le Cateau (France).
I'm an independant researcher and fairly eccentric, being amateur astronomer, artist, book lover, debunker, erudite, humorist, programmer, ufologist, webmaster:
- As an amateur astronomer, I made my first glass about 1958 (magnification: 2.5). On 1975 my own-made telescope had four optic tubes, with three lighted reticules.
- As an artist, I drawed many lithographs and made my own program for drawing op-art pictures.
- As an erudite book lover, I stored up a library closely of fifteen tons.
- As a debunker, il was a member of the Comité Français d'Expertise des Phénomènes paranormaux, created by the French Nobel Laureate (Physics) Alfred Kastler.
- As an humorist, I created the "entartomètre", to let off steam after being annoyed by crank people.
- As a programmer I made my own Basic interpreter, and my own assembling method, creating self-linked programs.
- As an ufologist, I tried in 1974 a new method of investigation with a simulator, generating an image of the UFO.
- As a webmaster, my web name is "Oncle Dom", and my site "La page de l'Oncle Dom".
28 January 2008