Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP)
ALSEP Familiarization Course Handout
The Bendix Corporation, Aerospace Systems Division
BSR 2264-B, 1 May 1969 (9 Mb)
ALSEP Design Summary, Presentation Material, BSR-2900, Bendix Aerospace Systems, 17-20 March 1970 (66 Mb
Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP)
Apollo 16 ALSEP, Array D, Flight System Familiarization Manual
The Bendix Corporation, Aerospace Systems Division
ALSEP MT-06, 15 July 1971 (28 Mb)
Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP)
Apollo 17 ALSEP, Array E, Familiarization Course Handout
The Bendix Corporation, Aerospace Systems Division
NASA CR 128636, 1 September 1972 (10 Mb)