NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION APOLLO ONBOARD VOICE TRANSCRIPTION (U) RECORDED ON THE LUNAR MODULE ONBOARD RECORDER DATA STORAGE EQUIPMENT ASSEMBLY (DSEA) March 1969 GROUP 4 DOWNGRADED AT 3 YEAR INTERVALS DECLASSIFIED AFTER 12 YEARS THIS MATERIAL CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS. TITLE 18. U.S.C. SECTION 793 AND 794. THE TRANS- MISSION OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER HOUSTON, TEXAS NOTICE: This document may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Infor- mations Act (5 U.S.C 552). Requests for its re- lease to persons outside the U.S. Government should be handled under the provisions of NASA Policy Directive 1382.2 INTRODUCTION This is the transcription of the Apollo 9 flightcrew communications as recorded on the lunar module (LM) data storage equipment assembly (DSEA). The DSEA tape cassettes, after use onboard the LM, were trans- ferred to the command module for return to earth. The magnetic tapes, containing multiplexed voice and onboard-recorded mission elapsed time on a single channel, were then forwarded to the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas. Mission elapsed time was adjusted and appears as ground elapsed time in this document. Some of the timing was not recovered as is indicated by the blank or semiblank timing annotations in this transcript. The loss of timing is attributed to the fact that the design 3-second VOX record time delay was cut to 0.8 seconds. This change precluded the time-code translators from acquiring a lock on the timing signal. When the crew reconfigured to ICS mode (continuous recording), acquisition of lock on the timing signal returned to normal. Transcription of these tapes was managed by David M. Goldenbaum, Test Division, Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, to whom questions regarding this document should be referred. The Apollo 9 mission was flown March 3 to March 13, 1969. Communicators in the text are identified as follows: CDR Commander James A. McDivitt CMP Command module pilot David R. Scott LMP Lunar module pilot Russell L. Schweickart SC Unidentifiable crewmember Mission Control Center: CC Capsule communicator (CAP COMM) In the text, a series of three dots (...) is used to designate those portions of the communications which could not be transcribed be- cause of garbling. One dash (-) is used to indicate a speaker's pause or a self-interruption. Two dashes (--) are used to indicate an inter- ruption by another speaker or a point at which a recording was abruptly terminated. [Page iii] [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 1] DAY 2 01 20 00 46 LMP Gumdrop, Spider. How do you read? 01 20 00 49 CMP ... 01 20 00 52 LMP You're terrible. I got all kinds of noise here and I can't seem to squelch it out. 01 20 01 03 LMP I got the squelches all the way up. 01 20 01 15 LMP Same. Let me try my other PTT here. Okay, how do you read that? 01 20 01 24 LMP Okay, fine. I'm going to try the VOX now. 01 20 01 37 LMP Roger. 1, 2, 3, ...; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 01 20 01 43 LMP Okay. How about now? 01 20 01 47 LMP Okay. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 01 20 01 51 LMP Now, I'm going to switch antennas here. 01 20 01 57 LMP Okay. I still got all kinds of noise; how do you read me? 01 20 02 02 LMP ... you switching antennas. 01 20 02 09 LMP That's a little bit louder, but I still got all the noise. Stand by. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 2] 01 20 02 13 LMP Wait a minute. That's probably S-band noise. Let me turn down my S-band. 01 20 02 20 LMP Guess what. That was all S-band noise. 01 20 02 25 LMP Okay I'm going back on the other antenna. How's that now? 01 20 02 31 LMP ... 5 square. Let's just stay here. 01 20 02 39 LMP Yes, I do have the tape on. 01 20 02 50 LMP Okay. Stand by. VHF B SQUELCH coming down. 01 20 02 54 LMP There it is. I've got it set on about 4-1/2. 01 20 03 06 LMP Okay. You ready to go over to A? 01 20 03 10 LMP Let's go Simplex A. 01 20 03 17 LMP Okay. How do you read on Simplex A? 01 20 03 21 LMP ... square. 01 20 03 33 LMP VHF B TRANSMITTER coming - I mean VHF B TRANSMITTER to DATA. 01 20 03 42 LMP We want the tape off now also, right? 01 20 03 52 LMP Gumdrop, Spider. You want the tape off now also? 01 20 04 04 LMP Tape coming off. 01 20 27 00 LMP Okay, tape, we're starting the hatch installation and it's 44:27:00. Starting the tunnel closeout I should say. 01 20 27 17 CDR Dave, I don't guess you'll need me for anything, do you? Oh, shoot, he can't read me. Dave, I don't guess you'll need me for anything more in the tunnel here. I'll go ahead and close up our hatch. 01 20 27 28 CMP I'd like to check the capture latches. 01 20 27 30 CDR Oh, okay. I'm up here waiting for you. 01 20 27 34 CMP ... [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 3] 01 20 27 37 CDR Yes, I see your problem. 01 20 27 39 CMP Roger, those hoses are really something. 01 20 28 31 LMP Sure getting a lot of noise on the S-band. 01 20 28 33 CDR Are we? 01 20 28 43 LMP Houston, Spider. 01 20 28 46 CC Spider. 01 20 28 47 LMP We're picking up an awful lot of noise and static on the S-band again here. 01 20 28 54 CC Roger, understand. Gumdrop, are you getting it also? 01 28 20 59 CMP Roger, not bad. 01 20 29 05 CDR Did you say you were not getting it bad, Dave? 01 20 29 08 CMP No, I'm not getting it bad, but Gumdrop sounds clear ... I'm staying in S-band. 01 20 29 14 CC Okay, copy that. Did you copy Spider? 01 20 29 18 LMP Roger, I copied. 01 20 29 23 CDR Davey, I'm right here. 01 20 29 26 CMP Okay. 01 20 29 57 CDR Yes. Okay, that looks like it did it. 01 20 30 02 CMP Okay, I get a pole; and it flipped off. 01 20 30 04 CDR Yes, and all 3 out. 01 20 30 06 CMP Roger. 01 20 30 08 CDR Alrighty, I'll see you later. I'm going to close the door. 01 20 30 11 CMP Alrighty, have a nice time. 01 20 30 13 CDR We will. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 4] 01 20 30 14 CMP I'll get dinner ready when you're ready. 01 20 30 16 CDR Man, am I hungry. 01 20 30 22 CDR Okay, let's go back to - oop. Where did the clip go that was on it? 01 20 30 30 LMP I don't know. 01 20 30 41 CDR Well, shoot. Well, I'll let you read it to me. 01 20 30 48 LMP Okay, you got the hatch closed? 01 20 30 49 CDR No, I haven't. Is that - Is that's - what's next? Close the hatch; is that next? 01 20 30 53 LMP Right. 01 20 30 55 CMP ... how much longer do we have here? 01 20 30 57 CC Okay, we're going to have you here for about another 3 minutes, and then we're coming up over Antigua at about 53. And I would like to pass to Spider also that we would like to try to pick up the nominal flight plan at Antigua with the secondary S-band check. We recommended eliminating the COMM check, and whatever you have to do to pick up the flight plan at that time. 01 20 31 25 CDR Tell him I think that's a great idea. 01 20 31 28 LMP Okay, Houston, we read you. This is Spider. What time is that pass at Antigua? 01 20 31 35 CC Okay, Antigua will be at 53. 01 20 31 39 LMP Roger, we'll be ready for you. 01 20 31 40 CMP Gumdrop copies. 01 20 31 43 LMP ... -- 01 20 31 44 CC Spider, we have no good data for that AOT ... We'll have to eliminate that. ... 01 20 31 59 LMP Roger, understand. 01 20 32 02 CDR Okay, what -- [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 5] 01 20 32 04 CC ... burn ... 01 20 32 07 CDR Okay ... 01 20 32 09 LMP The hatch is closed and locked. 01 20 32 12 CC Gumdrop, I know with all the activity, I'd like to remind you of your CO[2] cartridge change that's due at 44:10. 01 20 32 20 CMP Roger, I'll have to get the tunnel closed out first, but I'll do it first chance. 01 20 32 24 CDR Why don't you read the rest of it, Rusty? 01 20 32 27 LMP Okay. 01 20 32 28 CMP Roger ... 01 20 32 30 LMP CABIN DUMP VALVE to AUTO. 01 20 32 32 CDR CABIN DUMP VALVE going to AUTO. 01 20 32 36 CC Spider -- 01 20 32 37 LMP Okay. CABIN REPRESS to AUTO. 01 20 32 38 CC -- bit rates. 01 20 32 40 LMP Roger, going LOW bit rate. 01 20 32 42 CDR CABIN REPRESS to AUTO. Clunk. Okay, we're AUTO. 01 20 32 51 LMP Boy, we got a lot of nuts and bolts around this thing. 01 20 32 54 CDR Yes ... we sure do. Okay, CABIN REPRESS is AUTO. 01 20 32 59 LMP Okay, PRESS REGS A and B to CABIN. 01 20 33 01 CDR PRESS REGS A and B to CABIN. PRESS REG A; PRESS REG B, CABIN. 01 20 33 11 LMP Okay, CABIN FAN CONTROL, CLOSE. Got it. 01 20 33 14 CDR Okay. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 6] 01 20 33 15 LMP Look at this washer. 01 20 33 17 CDR Yes. Well, that's a good place for it. Okay, what's next? 01 20 33 25 LMP Okay. Glycol pump check. 01 20 33 28 CDR Okay. 01 20 33 29 LMP Except that's supposed to be done over the ground. 01 20 33 32 CDR Well -- 01 20 33 33 LMP That's desirable over the ground, but not mandatory. 01 20 33 36 CDR Let's do it. Let's do it now. 01 20 33 39 LMP R&D INSTRUMENTATION A, CLOSE. They might be ON; go ahead and do it. 01 20 33 42 CDR R&D INSTRUMENTATION A, CLOSE. 01 20 33 44 LMP DFI POWER, ON. 01 20 33 48 CDR DFI POWER, ON. 01 20 33 50 LMP GLYCOL PUMP to 1 - GLYCOL PUMP 1, OPEN; excuse me. 01 20 33 53 CDR GLYCOL PUMP 1, OPEN. 01 20 33 55 LMP Okay. What was that? That was DFI POWER, ON. 01 20 34 01 CDR No, that was MAS - that was GLYCOL PUMP 1, OPEN, I got that. 01 20 34 06 LMP Oh, okay. 01 20 34 07 CDR Why don't we have a component light on there? 01 20 34 12 LMP Because you didn't push in the circuit breaker yet. GLYCOL PUMP 1, CLOSED. 01 20 34 15 CDR Oh, yes. 01 20 34 17 LMP Okay, we got the component light. INSTRUMENTATION, SECONDARY. 01 20 34 22 CDR Okay. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 7] 01 20 34 24 LMP Okay, and it's 7. Wow! 01 20 34 33 CDR It really comes on, doesn't it. 01 20 34 34 LMP Good. 01 20 34 36 CDR Okay. 01 20 34 42 LMP Okay, now it's OPEN. GLYCOL PUMP to 2. ... is out of ... again. 01 20 34 57 LMP ECS GLYCOL PUMP AUTO TRANSFER, OPEN. 01 20 35 01 CDR ECS GLYCOL PUMP AUTO TRANSFER, OPEN. 01 20 35 04 LMP Okay, going to PUMP 1. Okay, there's PUMP 1. GLYCOL PUMP AUTO TRANSFER, CLOSED. 01 20 35 16 CDR AUTO TRANSFER, CLOSED. 01 20 35 18 LMP R&D TELEMETRY CAL, ON for 15 seconds. 01 20 35 21 CDR Okay, ON. 01 20 35 27 LMP Maybe you turn that DFI on, it heats the glycol up to the point where it puts on the light. 01 20 35 32 CDR Huh! 01 20 35 43 CDR Okay, go ahead. 01 20 35 45 LMP Okay -- 01 20 35 47 CDR DFI POWER, OFF. 01 20 35 48 LMP DFI POWER, OFF. R&D INSTRUMENTATION A, OPEN. 01 20 35 51 CDR A, OPEN. 01 20 35 54 LMP Ohhhh, boy. This tape re - You want to get this stuff behind me? 01 20 35 58 CDR Sure, I'll get all that stuff, Rusty. You just read it to me, I'll ... 01 20 36 01 LMP Okay, SUIT GAS DIVERTER. Pull to EGRESS. This is - a pressure integrity check. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 8] 01 20 36 04 CDR PULL/EGRESS. 01 20 36 06 LMP CABIN GAS RETURN to EGRESS. 01 20 36 09 CDR CABIN - Oh, CABIN GAS RETURN, EGRESS. Roger, EGRESS. 01 20 36 16 LMP SUIT RELEASE, CLOSE. 01 20 36 18 CDR CLOSE. 01 20 36 19 LMP PRESS REG A, CLOSE. 01 20 36 21 CDR PRESS REG A, going CLOSED. 01 20 36 25 LMP PRESS REF B, DIRECT O[2]. 01 20 36 27 CDR DIRECT O[2]. Okay, you ready? 01 20 36 29 LMP Ready. 01 20 36 59 CDR How you feeling? Okay? Alrighty. If you start feeling ragged, give me a holler and I'll just let you rest. 01 20 37 31 LMP Okay, you want to go to CLOSE, when we get to 8.85. 01 20 37 35 CDR I can't see it very well. 01 20 37 36 LMP Okay, I'll - I'll let you know. We're at 8 now. 01 20 37 40 CDR Okay. 01 20 37 53 LMP Okay, that's 8.85, essentially. 01 20 37 57 CDR Alrighty, CLOSE. 01 20 37 59 LMP Okay, the timer is counting. I'm reading 4.01, or something like that. 01 20 38 06 CDR I'm 4.05. 01 20 38 08 LMP Okay. 01 20 38 15 LMP ... a minute we want to read it again. Should be less than 0.3. And you want to go - CO[2] CANISTER to SECONDARY, right away. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 9] 01 20 38 31 CDR Okay. 01 20 38 35 LMP Boy, my throat is really dry. 01 20 38 37 CDR Yes, mine too. I'd sure like to get some water and something to eat. 01 20 38 40 LMP I don't know if I'm hungry or not. 01 20 38 41 CDR Yes, my stomach is just dead ... 01 20 38 45 LMP Okay, I'm reading 3.95. 01 20 38 49 CDR Yes, me too. 01 20 38 50 LMP Okay, you got about 5 more seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - 01 20 38 57 LMP Go to SECONDARY. 01 20 38 59 CDR SECONDARY. 01 20 39 01 LMP Okay, and it's reading 3.75 now. 01 20 39 04 CDR Yes. 01 20 39 05 LMP And we'll time that. 01 20 39 12 CDR It felt nice and cool over here in the LM when I came over - with my helmet off. 01 20 39 25 LMP The temp is 68. Another 30 seconds. 01 20 39 36 LMP That's going to make it, too. 01 20 39 49 LMP ... seconds. 01 20 39 50 CDR Okay. 01 20 39 54 LMP And at that point, let me tell you what you're going to do. 01 20 40 01 CDR Okay, time's up. 01 20 40 03 LMP Okay, and it made it. CO2 CANISTERS, SELECT, PRIME. 01 20 40 09 CDR PRIME. 01 20 40 11 LMP ... lights, OFF. SUIT CIRCUIT RELIEF to AUTO. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 10] 01 20 40 15 CDR SUIT CIRCUIT RELIEF to AUTO. 01 20 40 17 LMP PRESS REGS A and B to CABIN. 01 20 40 21 CDR PRESS REGS A and B to CABIN. 01 20 40 24 LMP CABIN GAS RETURN to AUTO. 01 20 40 26 CDR CABIN GAS RETURN to AUTO. 01 20 40 32 LMP And SUIT GAS DIVERTER, PUSH to CABIN. 01 20 40 35 CDR Okay. Ready? 01 20 40 36 LMP Ready. Wow! That's like, now. 01 20 40 43 CDR Yes. 01 20 40 45 LMP SUIT CONTROL - Okay, I'd better get out a pen here. That's in FULL COLD on the SUIT and NORMAL on the CABIN. 01 20 40 55 CDR FULL COLD on the SUIT, let's see this -- 01 20 40 58 LMP No, that's where it is; I'm -- 01 20 40 59 CDR Oh. Okay. 01 20 41 00 LMP -- not asking you to put it there. 01 20 41 32 LMP Okay, regulator check is next. Let me see what -- 01 20 41 36 CDR Yes, we have about 12 minutes. Why don't we con- figure the S-band so that we're ready to support that thing? And then come back and we'll start the REG checks and stuff like that. We can pick these up later. 01 20 41 54 CDR Okay. As a matter of fact, if we don't have to use this card anymore -- 01 20 41 59 LMP ... have any steerable antennas, so he wanted the backup voice, okay? 01 20 42 03 CDR He what? I thought they wanted secondary S-band check at Antigua on the flight plan? Right here. 01 20 42 20 LMP ... the secondary S-band checks. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 11] 01 20 42 21 CDR Yes. 01 20 42 24 LMP Okay. We'll be ready to pick them up. 01 20 42 29 CDR Okay. Very good. Clip, hot dog. Alright, and we're -- 01 20 42 37 LMP Why don't we do the ascent battery activation and checkout, right now? 01 20 42 41 CDR Yes, we just did the pressure integrity check. 01 20 42 43 LMP Yes, we can catch that regulator check some other time. 01 20 42 45 CDR Yes. 01 20 42 56 CDR Let's see, that's the thing we have the new checksheet for, isn't it? 01 20 43 00 LMP Yes, I know what it is, if you want me to just go ahead and do it. 01 20 43 03 CDR Okay. Why don't you. 01 20 43 05 LMP Okay. DESCENT ECA CONTROL, CLOSED. Excuse me, ASCENT ECA CONTROL,CLOSED. 01 20 43 10 CDR Yes, here it is - here it is here - ASCENT ECA CONTROL, CLOSED; PYRO TEMP MONITOR, BAT 5. 01 20 43 15 LMP Okay, 5. 01 20 43 16 CDR BAT 5, NORMAL FEED, ON -- 01 20 43 17 LMP Hey, how about turning up the EL? Okay. Thank you. Okay, 5 coming on. 01 20 43 33 CDR What in heaven's name is that? 01 20 43 35 LMP It's on. Going to 6. 6 is ON. Okay, now - 1, 2, 3, 4, OFF. Right? 01 20 43 45 CDR Right, yes. 01 20 43 49 LMP Okay, 1, OFF. 01 20 43 53 LMP 2 going OFF. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 12] 01 20 43 57 LMP 3 going OFF. 01 20 44 02 LMP 4 going OFF. 01 20 44 03 CDR And the current should be zero. 01 20 44 10 LMP Okay, let me look at BATS 5 and 6. 5 is reading 27; 6 is reading 24. ... pretty good. Okay, now we go to BACKUP FEEDS, right? 01 20 44 19 CDR Yes, BACKUP FEEDS, both, ON. 01 20 44 31 LMP PRIMARY FEEDS, OFF. 01 20 44 32 CDR PRIMARY FEEDS, both, OFF; RESET. 01 20 44 42 LMP Okay, looks the same. 01 20 44 47 LMP ... back ON. 01 20 44 49 CDR Roger. BATS coming back ON, then. 01 20 44 50 LMP ON -- 01 20 44 51 CDR Go ahead, Gumdrop. 01 20 44 53 CMP Okay, the hatch is closed up; the probe works real good; the hatch works good. I'll just put the tunnel in DELTA-T, unless you want to run it in LM PRESS. 01 20 45 03 CDR We're pressurizing ourselves over here now, Dave. Hey, were you getting a lot of noise on VHF, then? 01 20 45 11 CMP No, but I seem to have a lot of noise - flow noise in here now. 01 20 45 17 CDR Okay, I was getting an awful lot of static all of a sudden there. 01 20 45 24 CDR Okay, when you get all those back on, Rusty. 01 20 45 26 LMP A is 36.8. ... 37.5. 01 20 45 34 CDR What's that? Oh -- 01 20 45 35 LMP PYRO A -- [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 13] 01 20 45 36 CDP PYRO B. 01 20 45 37 LMP -- and B. 01 20 45 38 CDR Okay. Say that again. I'll write it down. 01 20 45 39 LMP Okay, I'll get it here. 01 20 45 41 CDR What is it? I got the pencil here, Rusty. 01 20 45 43 LMP 36.8, 37-5. ... going to take this one back in now. 01 20 45 48 CDR Okay. 01 20 45 59 CDR Daylight AOT star visibility check. Oh, we're not going to get that done. I wonder what it looks like out through there? 01 20 46 07 CMP Okay, Jim, you want to vent the tunnel, or do you want to leave it full? 01 20 46 19 CDR It doesn't make any difference, Dave, I don't think. 01 20 46 24 LMP Well, when we make our REG checks -- 01 20 46 25 CDR Yes -- 01 20 46 26 CMP ... hatch the ... check is to vent the tunnel. 01 20 46 28 CDR Okay, why don't you go ahead and vent it? 01 20 46 29 CMP Okay, we'll see how it works. 01 20 46 31 LMP Are you going to suggest whether -- 01 20 46 32 CMP Is your dump valve in AUTO? 01 20 46 34 CDR Roger, we're all configured. 01 20 46 36 CMP Okay. 01 20 46 41 LMP Okay, we pick up the Antigua at 53, right? 01 20 46 44 CDR Roger. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 14] 01 20 46 45 LMP We have 7 minutes. Let's do something useful. You want to start that REG check? 01 20 46 50 CDR What the hell is that out there ... the tunnel. Well -- 01 20 47 04 LMP I don't know. That REG check takes us up and down here. 01 20 47 05 CDR Yes. 01 20 47 09 CDR Stay in BACKUP VOICE; S-band steerable antenna check - we don't need that. 01 20 47 20 CDR We've done the glycol pump check, haven't we? 01 20 47 23 LMP Yes. 01 20 47 24 CDR ..., get that checked off. 01 20 47 26 CDR We have the window shades on yet? Drogues and probe installation, OPS check and LM OVERHEAD HATCH, CLOSED; we've done that. Done that. 01 20 47 51 CDR Let's just stand by until we get to Antigua. 01 20 47 54 LMP Why don't you look ahead of that, Jim; and see what we can do? 01 20 47 57 CDR Well, we got to get the PLSS out. Get the PLSS PREP, install the ISA. Wonder where we install that? 01 20 48 08 LMP Hey, stow the - stow the OPS. 01 20 48 11 CDR Oh, yes, that's what we didn't do. 01 20 48 13 LMP Yes. And get these helmets out of here. That's what - that's something we can do. Tell you, I wish I could help you, but I don't -- 01 20 48 20 CDH Yes, that's okay. You can help me more by just being able to continue reading the checklist. ... strap that go - around this thing here. For the -- 01 20 54 17 LMP Tape, ON -- Okay, tape, we're doing the secondary S-band check. And it's - 44:54:20. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 15] 01 20 54 23 CMP And, Houston, Gumdrop. Tunnel's closed out, and everything works just like it should. 01 20 54 32 CC Roger, Gumdrop; thank you. 01 20 54 41 LMP And Houston, this is Spider. How do you read? 01 20 54 44 CC We're reading you loud and clear, Spider. We had a data dropout here, let's hang loose; see if we can get a data check back. 01 20 54 58 CDR Roger. 01 20 54 59 LMP I could hear your data dropout. 01 20 55 02 CC Very good. 01 20 55 13 CC And Spider, this is Houston. Could you give us HIGH bit rate? 01 20 55 17 LMP Roger; going HIGH. 01 20 55 36 CC Spider, we'll have to hang loose here for a minute. I'm getting you VHF now, we don't have a good lock on S-band. 01 20 55 43 LMP Roger. 01 20 55 48 CC And, while we're waiting, could you comment on if you accomplished these - with the exception of the COMM checks, are you up on the flight plan, now? 01 20 55 59 LMP We got the glycol check done and a suit integrity check done. We have not accomplished the regulator check or the rest of the COMM or the daylight star visibility. 01 20 56 11 CC Okay, we're scrubbing the daylight star visibility and the COMM checks. How about the ascent battery? 01 20 56 18 LMP Roger. The ascent batteries checked out okay, and the pyros. You ready to copy? 01 20 56 22 CC GO ahead. 01 20 56 23 LMP Roger; 36.8, 37.5, A and B. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 16] 01 20 56 27 CC Roger. Copy 36.8 and 37.5. Thank you. 01 20 56 32 LMP Roger. 01 20 56 40 LMP And for your information, the ascent batteries were sharing just about equally. 01 20 56 45 CC Roger. Understand. 01 20 56 54 CC And Spider, we have got a data check. Let's go on with the secondary S-band check. Step 2. 01 20 57 02 LMP Roger. POWER AMP going to SECONDARY. 01 20 57 09 CC Roger. 01 20 57 21 LMP Okay, and we're on secondary transmitter/receiver. How do you read? 01 20 57 26 CC Roger. I'm reading you loud and clear; let me verify that it is S-band, Spider. 01 20 57 30 LMP Okay. 01 20 57 33 LMP You want me to lift that, Jim? 01 20 57 34 CDR No. I can get it out, I think. 01 20 58 18 LMP Roger. 01 20 58 45 LMP And, Houston. We're back in PRIMARY/PRIMARY. And be advised on the primary transmitter/receiver, I've got a squeal. 01 20 58 55 CC Roger. Understand, you're PRIMARY/PRIMARY, and there is a - there is a squeal - You're coming through loud and clear here without any static at all. Let's stand by for a data; I'll give you a call. 01 20 59 06 LMP Roger. 01 20 59 08 CC And, Spider, also we'd like to, at your convenience, get an E-memory dump in here. It's a little ahead of schedule, but we'd like to get it now, so you can give us a VERB 74 sometime on your mark. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 17] 01 20 59 19 LMP Roger. Stand by. 01 20 59 29 LMP Okay, - 3, 2, 1 - 01 20 59 32 LMP MARK. 01 20 59 38 CC Roger. We - we got your - we got your mark, you want to stand by and see if we got it. We might have you repeat it again, shortly. And let me see if we're through with this check. 01 20 59 58 CC And, Spider, this is Houston. ... completed your secondary S-band check tests? 01 21 00 03 LMP Roger. 01 21 00 15 CC And Spider. If you've still got the squeal on PRIMARY let's go SECONDARY on your TRANSMITTER/ RECEIVER. 01 21 00 22 LMP Roger, it's gone away now; we'll see how it works. 01 21 00 27 CC Okay. Thank you. 01 21 00 33 CDR Phewee! 01 21 00 41 LMP ... work back there, isn't it? 01 21 00 42 CDR Oh, boy. This thing doesn't fit, Rusty. This God-blessed netting is all screwed up. Oh, I almost broke by God-blessed finger off. Now I got it out; I'm never going to get it back in there. 01 21 01 04 LMP ... netting? 01 21 01 05 CDR No, no, that's one - Oh, boy, the guy that sent that piece of machinery up ought to get his God- blessed head caved in. It simply no more fits than the man in the moon. I can't even push that handle back and forth without the thing being in there. I get all fouled up in there. The trouble is, if I leave it like that and get a little vibration, that mother's going to shake loose. 01 21 01 52 CDR Oh, hell's bells. All I got to do is touch it, and it comes right out. Will my feet bash anything they shouldn't? [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 18] 01 21 02 00 LMP No, you're sticking them in the guards; that's okay. I'll keep them away from the controllers. 01 22 02 07 CC Gumdrop, this is Houston. We'll have you now for about another 12 minutes. 01 21 02 13 CMP Gumdrop; Roger. 01 21 02 17 LMP Roger. 01 21 02 25 CDR Oh, boy. Phew! Phew! 01 21 02 31 LMP Don't overdo it. 01 21 02 33 CDR Yes. Well, Rusty, I don't know what the heck else I can do with that thing. 01 21 02 39 LMP Oh, boy. 01 21 02 45 LMP ... handle won't turn, huh? 01 21 02 46 CDR No, I can't push it in. 01 21 02 47 LMP Oh, my God, we got an OPS floating up here. I got to let go of something and grab it. 01 21 02 53 CDR I'll -- 01 21 02 54 LMP I got it. 01 21 03 01 CDR I don't know where that strap is either. This is really neat. 01 21 03 05 LMP ... use a bunch of these. 01 21 03 06 CDR I trlcd the other one here. And I had it strapped on one time; it just got out, that's all. It doesn't fit, you know, and -- 01 21 03 15 LMP That's why I say use these, because you can adjust them a lot better. 01 21 03 17 CDR Well, the other one was adjusted pretty well. 01 21 03 30 CDR The strap's still there. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 19] 01 21 03 44 CDR Ohhhh. Well, I'll just - I'll just put it through one of these other snaps on here. 01 21 04 45 CDR Okay, there, that's strapped down. 01 21 04 46 CC ... Houston. We'd like to know when you're going to deploy the landing gear. We'd like to have a mark on it, and we'd like to get it before we lose you at Madrid in about 8 minutes, if possible. 01 21 04 57 LMP Roger. We'll make - we'll put that in work right away. It'll be pretty close to the end. 01 21 05 04 CC Okay. Understand. 01 21 05 07 CDR Okay, let me get the camera. 01 21 05 08 LMP Okay. 01 21 05 09 CDR What do we need? We need the 5-millimeter lens, don't we? 01 21 05 12 LMP No, 18 -- 01 21 05 13 CDR No, the 18-millimeter lens, don't we? 01 21 05 14 LMP I'm ... my gloves off, Jim. 01 21 05 15 CDR Go ahead. 01 21 05 20 CDR ... This is indoor, too. Shoot, we're - we're really well equipped. 01 21 05 58 CDR Okay, Rusty, here's the camera. Let me get the film. 01 21 06 03 LMP Okay. Stand by. I'll be right with you, Jim. 01 21 06 07 CDR Okay. 01 21 06 10 LMP Okay, I got it. 01 21 06 19 LMP What are you looking for, Jim? 01 21 06 20 CDR The film. 01 21 06 24 LMP Didn't we transfer one? [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 20] 01 21 06 25 CDR No, we brought an indoor one over with us. 01 21 06 31 LMP Okay, you got it? 01 21 06 43 CDR Oh, shoot. How do we unseal this thing? Oh, there we go. Well, S comes before T, let's try that. 01 21 07 08 CDR Hey - 01 21 07 43 CDR Oh! Something else won't lock. 01 21 07 50 LMP ... you're really bashing things. 01 21 07 52 CDR Yes, I know it. Especially my helmet. There it is. 01 21 08 07 CDR Yes. 01 21 08 20 LMP Hello, world. 01 21 08 21 CDR Hey, Gumdrop, this is Spider. We're going to deploy the landing gear in a few minutes here, so you'll probably feel a big bang. 01 21 08 27 CMP Okay, Jimmy ... 01 21 08 31 CDR Roger. 01 21 08 32 LMP Shoot. 01 21 08 38 CDR Okay, where is that? 01 21 08 39 LMP Ahhhh, come on. 01 21 08 41 CMP Shut up that and give me a minute, will you? 01 21 08 51 CDR LANDING GEAR DEPLOY. 01 21 08 52 CC ... Spider ... and stand by ... We'll be going over Madrid shortly. 01 21 08 57 CDR Okay, how long do we - we have before we - you want the gear down? 01 21 09 01 CC We're ready any time. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 21] 01 21 09 04 CDR Yes, how long do we have? 01 21 09 07 CC Okay, you've got about another 5 minutes before we'll lose you at Madrid. 01 21 09 11 CDR Okay. 01 21 09 14 LMP We'll be ready. 01 21 09 20 CDR Unstow, adjust, and lock the sequence camera above the right window. 18-millimeter lens; CEX368 MAG; 24 frames per second; f:4 - 11 - f:ll at 1/250th; 20 feet. CB(11): ED LOGIC POWER A, OPEN. LOGIC POWER A, OPEN. R&D INSTRUMENTATION A, CLOSE. DFI POWER, ON. 01 21 09 49 LMP Oh, hell, I can't tell my frame speed, hold on. 01 21 09 52 CDR DFI POWER's coming ON, Rusty. 01 21 09 57 LMP Okay. 01 21 10 19 LMP Okay, the camera's ready. 01 21 10 21 CDR Okay. 01 21 10 22 CC Spider, for your info, we - DFI, we cannot read at Madrid, so we've only got about another minute here on Canaries. ... monitor that? 01 21 10 31 LMP Okay, you ready? 01 21 10 32 CDR Yes. Okay, Dave, we are going to do it very quickly. 01 21 10 37 CMP Okay. 01 21 10 39 CDR DFI POWER, ON; MASTER ARM coming ON. 01 21 10 42 LMP Did you get the LOGIC A, OPEN. 01 21 10 43 CDR LOGIC A is OPEN. 01 21 10 45 LMP Okay, MASTER ARM, ON; SEQUENCE CAMERA, CLOSED, I got that. 01 21 10 48 CDR Okay. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 22] 01 21 10 49 LMP Okay, you can give him a count, Jim, if you want. I've got the camera ready. 01 21 10 53 CDR Okay - Put this around. 01 21 10 57 LMP He has to - Why don't you watch it, too. 01 21 10 59 CDR Yes, I'm going to. LANDING GEAR DEPLOY. Okay, Houston, this is Spider. Are you ready? Houston, Spider. Do you read? Houston to Spider -- 01 21 11 12 LMP Hey, he's talking, Jim. 01 21 11 14 CDR Okay, Houston, Spider here. 3, 2, 1 - 01 21 11 17 CDR MARK. 01 21 11 24 LMP ... 01 21 11 25 CDR Okay, Houston. I've got a gray ... talkback, and I've got a gear out in front of me. I don't hear them. Hope they're on. 01 21 11 34 LMP Sure do. Okay, the camera's OFF; LANDING GEAR DEPLOY, FIRE; SEQUENCE CAMERA, OFF; GET is 45:11:35. 01 21 11 44 CDR GO. 01 21 11 45 CC Okay, I think we copied you. They were listening when you said the 3, 2, 1; then I got a broke - a breaklock just after you gave the indication. 01 21 11 52 CDR Okay. 01 21 11 53 CMP I got one out here too, so that snapped right on down there. 01 21 11 55 CDR Okay. Okay, we've got to finish out that sequence. 01 21 11 58 LMP Yes, Roger. I'm going. Okay, ED LOGIC B coming OPEN. OPEN. 01 21 12 07 CDR Okay. 01 21 12 10 LMP A, CLOSED. 01 21 12 11 CDR A, CLOSED. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 23] 01 21 12 13 LMP LANDING GEAR DEPLOY, FIRE. 01 21 12 16 CDR Okay, Dave, I'm going to do it with the other pyro system now; you may hear a little bump. Okay, 3, 2, 1 - 01 21 12 23 CDR FIRE. 01 21 12 25 LMP Okay, ED LOGIC B, CLOSED. 01 21 12 27 CDR Okay. 01 21 12 28 LMP MASTER ARM, OFF. 01 21 12 29 CMP By the way, can you see me out your ... window? 01 21 12 32 CDR Dave, I haven't had a chance to even look. 01 21 12 34 CMP ... 01 21 12 37 LMP Okay, LOGIC B, CLOSED. I got MASTER ALARM, OFF; LANDING GEAR FLAG, circuit breaker, Jim, OPEN. ED 11. 01 21 12 45 CDR Okay. 01 21 12 48 LMP R&D TELEMETRY CAL, ON. Why don't you try that real quick? 01 21 12 51 CDR Yes. Okay. 01 21 12 55 LMP ... going LOW bit rate, and we're going to CAL right now. 01 21 12 59 CC Roger. Understand. And we'll see you over Carnar- von at 39. 01 21 13 03 CDR Okay, did you get that - the gear extension, Houston? 01 21 13 07 CC That's affirmative, Spider. It came through loud and clear. We're showing the relays closed; and I thought you'd like to transmit. 01 21 13 13 CDR Thanks, Dave. 01 21 13 17 CMP Roger. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 24] 01 21 13 19 CDR Okay, DFI - TELEMETRY CAL, OFF. That DFI POWER OFF now? 01 21 13 27 LMP DFI, OFF; R&D A, OFF. 01 21 13 32 CDR DFI POWER, OFF; and R&D INSTRUMENT A, OFF? 01 21 13 34 LMP Right. 01 21 13 35 CDR Okay. 01 21 13 38 LMP ... on S-band, Jim, and you didn't hear them answer you. 01 21 13 40 CDR Yes. 01 21 13 44 LMP Okay, PLSS prep. 01 21 13 50 CDR Let me get the rest of this floor squared away. 01 21 14 02 LMP ... a view and a half out the window, isn't it? 01 21 14 04 CDR Yes, you got a real -picture window there. 01 21 14 14 CDR Watch your feet, Rusty. 01 21 14 29 CDR Oh, I haven't found anything in this God-blessed thing that fits yet. 01 21 14 59 CDR Okay, those aren't exactly flush, but they're down pretty well. 01 21 15 13 CDR Just a second, Rusty, I'll be right with you. Shoot, come on water gun. 01 21 15 30 CDR You alright, there? Okay. If you're in any - if you're in any trouble, wiggle your head, if you're not, just - okay? You want me to wipe your mouth off, if - 01 21 15 45 LMP Yes. 01 21 15 46 CDR - how about your nose here? 01 21 16 33 LMP Okay. 01 21 16 42 CMP Spider, I've been unable to reach you ... [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 25] 01 21 16 51 CDR Yes, that's okay, Dave. Okay? 01 21 16 59 LMP Yes. 01 21 17 01 CDR I'll get you my other chin strap here in a minute, this one of yours is kind of beat up. Here, I'll tell you what. If you - if you want to use this, I'll go down and get a - a clean towel, and I'll put some cold water on it for you, okay? 01 21 17 15 LMP Okay. (clearing throat) 01 21 17 21 CDR If I remember where the heck they were. 01 21 17 39 LMP I sure feel a lot better afterwards. 01 21 18 12 LMP Sorry. 01 21 18 13 CDR That's okay, Rusty. Everybody has a problem. I think though, we're going to have to talk to Houston, and tell them what ours is. And -- 01 21 18 21 LMP Yes. (clearing throat) 01 21 18 22 CDR -- I think we ought to - seriously consider - as a matter of fact, I'm going to recommend we scrub the EVA tomorrow. 01 21 18 27 LMP Yes, I think that's a good idea. 01 21 18 29 CDR I know how you want to do it, I think - maybe we'll - let you stay back in the conmmand module with Dave, and I'll come over here, and we'll run through the checklist, open up the cabin. Don't sweat it though. 01 21 18 51 LMP Why don't you go ahead and take your gloves off? (clearing throat) 01 21 18 56 CDR Here. How's that? Does that help, or is that just making you -- 01 21 19 02 LMP No, that's okay. Don't shake me too much, though. 01 21 19 04 CDR Okay. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 26] 01 21 19 06 LMP Because I've got something in my hand here I don't want to let go of. 01 21 19 08 CDR Yes. Let me - let me use this for just a minute. 01 21 19 36 CDR Hey, Dave? 01 21 19 39 CMP Go ahead. 01 21 19 40 CDR What's the next time we get acquisition at the ground? 01 21 19 43 CMP ... 01 21 19 50 LMP I don't know how we're going to clean this up now. 01 21 19 52 CDR Well, we'll - figure something. 01 21 19 58 CMP About 45 ... which is 20 minutes from now ... 01 21 20 03 CDR Okay, I guess nobody's listening. Hey, Rusty got sick again, I think - I'm going to have to call Houston; we're going to have to have a little dis- cussion about this. I think we're going to have to scrub the EVA for tomorrow for sure. But I think we probably ought to try to at least do the CABIN DEPRESS. We might want to do it at the end of today, and then just take tomorrow off. 01 21 20 21 CMP Yes, that might not be a bad idea. 01 21 20 37 CDR Too bad we don't have that -- 01 21 20 38 CMP ... 01 21 20 41 CDR No, not at all. Thank you. 01 21 20 43 CMP Okay. 01 21 20 47 CDR I wonder if - Let's see, we have a tissue dispenser in here someplace. 01 21 21 02 CDR Dave, as soon as we get contact with Houston, tell them I want to go PRIVATE with them. 01 21 21 06 CMP ... [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 27] 01 21 21 08 CDR No, I'm going to be - I'll probably not be talking much here for a couple of minutes. 01 21 21 12 CMP Okay, I'll let Houston know ... get squared away. 01 21 21 47 CDR How's your stomach feeling? Is it feeling any better? 01 21 21 49 LMP No, it feels fine now. 01 21 21 50 CDR You want me to undo your chin strap for you there? 01 21 21 52 LMP Yes. 01 21 21 53 CDR I'll just - I'm sorry, I'm going to have to gouge you a little bit there. 01 21 22 00 LMP Well, do you want to let it float or do you want to -- 01 21 22 06 CDR I'd get that Kleenex for you, if I knew where it was. It's over on your side, someplace up there. 01 21 22 47 LMP (clearing his throat). Now we got to stow this stuff somewhere. 01 21 22 52 CDR Yes, I know it. I'll be with you in just a minute, Rusty. 01 21 23 25 LMP That's really funny, Jim. Because both cases there, it's not because I'm moving; I can feel it way down in my stomach. 01 21 23 33 CDR Uh huh. 01 21 23 34 LMP It feels like there is something that I ate -- 01 21 23 37 CDR Well 01 21 23 38 LMP -- or something I took. 01 21 23 39 CDR Yes. 01 21 23 40 LMP One or the other. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 28] 01 21 23 42 CDR ... my stomach's been gurgling an awful lot, too. I think it's from that water. 01 21 23 46 LMP Well, I'm worried about that - I'm still wondering about that bacon. It might be the water, too. I don't know. 01 21 23 51 CDR Let's see, we got to do something with that. Tell you what. 01 21 24 01 LMP With what? 01 21 24 02 CDR With that - stuff you have in your hands there. 01 21 25 05 LMP Hey, great. 01 21 25 10 CDR Oh, shoot. It's not very big, Rusty. 01 21 25 13 LMP What is it? 01 21 25 14 CDR It's the bag that the water gun was in. 01 21 25 47 CDR That's a pretty clean one. I'll just stow this. 01 21 25 56 LMP (clearing throat) 01 21 26 24 CDR Thank you. 01 21 26 26 LMP I don't know where your clip went. 01 21 26 27 CDR That's okay. It's around somewhere. Why don't you just get comfortable, there, and don't do anything. 01 21 26 35 LMP Hell, I'm feeling good, Jim. 01 21 26 36 CDR Okay. Well, why don't you just rest for awhile, and not - not bother doing anything. I think we'll scrub most of these COMM checks here - a few of them until we get organized here. 01 21 26 43 LMP Hey, no, no I'm - I'm serious -- 01 21 26 45 CDR Well, we're going to have to get the PLSS out. 01 21 26 48 LMP Right, let's go ahead and do that. Let me get - Let me clean off my chin strap here. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 2] [Page 29] 01 21 26 52 CDR Yes, I've got another one with me, I think. 01 21 26 58 LMP Oh, that might be good. This one's kind of wet and soggy. 01 21 27 00 CDR Yes, let me get it ... 01 21 27 35 CDR There it is, back there. And there's the other one. Excuse me. 01 21 27 59 LMP Am I fairly well cleaned up? 01 21 28 01 CDR Yes, you look pretty good. 01 21 28 06 LMP (Clearing throat) 01 21 28 21 CDR Alrighty. Let me finish what I was doing, and get these helmet bags out of here. 01 21 28 34 LMP Okay, I'm going to look ahead, here. Alright, the next thing is the PLSS COMM check with the LM. I mean - yes. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 30] DAY 3 02 01 33 43 LMP I got the tape on now. 02 01 33 44 CDR DFI POWER, ON. 02 01 33 48 LMP And the radar is reading 81 degrees. 02 01 33 51 CDR Okay. Our steady-state limits are 10 degrees per second, or 10 degrees and 5 degrees per second. 02 01 34 02 LMP ... 6 minutes we're going to get the PROP QUANTITY MONITOR, ON -- 02 01 34 05 CDR Okay. 02 01 34 06 LMP -- DESCENT 1 and 2. 02 01 34 10 CDR Okay, Gumdrop. It looks like our attitude's about right, looking out the window here at the ground. 02 01 34 14 CMP Roger, it looks about right to me, too. 02 01 34 18 CDR It's only 1800 feet per second; it's about right - It's good enough, huh? 02 01 34 23 CMP 15 minutes ... 02 01 34 27 LMP ... 5 degrees, too. 02 01 34 29 CDR Great. Let's see. Ooh, look at that. 02 01 34 37 LMP How about that. Everything's in agreement. For some unu - unknown reason. 02 01 34 46 CDR Boy, it's going to be brighter than hell in here. 02 01 34 53 LMP Yes, you're right. It sure is. 02 01 34 58 CDR Is your light up there - strongly? 02 01 35 00 LMP Yes, it's strong. 02 01 35 06 CDR I guess it got to launch, didn't it? No, it wasn't going to. 02 01 35 10 LMP No, uh huh. Don't move it back too far because I want to be able to see the thing. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 3] 02 01 35 13 CDR Okay. 02 01 35 32 LMP Okay, believe it or not - we're going to switch inverters, here. 02 01 35 36 CDR Oh, Jeez. 02 01 35 38 LMP PROP QUANTITY MONITOR, DESCENT 1 and 2. 02 01 35 40 CDR DESCENT 1. 02 01 35 42 LMP Okay. 02 01 35 44 CDR Lights work, DESCENT 2, okay. 02 01 35 47 LMP Okay, you're in DESCENT 2. 02 01 35 48 CDR Yes. 02 01 35 49 LMP Okay, CB(11), EPS, INVERTER 1, CLOSE. 02 01 35 52 CDR INVERTER 1, CLOSE. 02 01 35 53 LMP Okay, and I'm going to INVERTER 1 over here. 02 01 35 55 CDR Okay. 02 01 35 58 LMP ... INVERTER 1. 02 01 35 59 CDR How are the buses looking? 02 01 36 01 LMP Oh, I can't tell here. Hold on, I'm going to -- 02 01 36 03 CDR Okay. 02 01 36 04 LMP -- OPEN. The buses look okay. ... CLOSE to OPEN. Okay, commander's bus is at 29, systems engineer is at 30.3. 02 01 36 14 CDR Good. Okay. 02 01 36 19 LMP Okay, 4 minutes, TTCA throttling up. 02 01 36 24 CDR Okay. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 32] 02 01 36 25 LMP Okay, we might as well wait here. 02 01 36 27 CDR Throttle, up, and on we go. 02 01 36 29 LMP THROTTLE CONTROL to MANUAL. 02 01 36 31 CDR THROTTLE CONTROL to MANUAL. 02 01 36 32 LMP MANUAL THROTTLE to COMMANDER. 02 01 36 33 CDR COMMANDER. 02 01 36 35 LMP Verify your throttle now, by moving it. 02 01 36 40 CC Spider, Houston. 02 01 36 41 LMP Oh, you got to - you got to have the engine armed, I guess. 02 01 36 43 CDR Yes. Go ahead, Houston; Spider. 02 01 36 47 CC Roger, we're showing the AGS address 407 as 10 000. Revise the checklist as 0 - 000. 02 01 37 05 LMP Roger. Thank you. 02 01 37 07 CC And you're welcome. 02 01 37 10 LMP This damn thing -- 02 01 37 11 CDR There's Baja California. We ought to be just about over Houston, when we do this. 02 01 37 16 LMP Yes. Okay - ... REMOTE CONTROL, AUTO. 02 01 37 27 CDR REMOTE CONTROL, AUTO. 02 01 37 29 LMP Okay, now we'll wait and arm the descent engine here. 02 01 37 31 CDR Yes. Okay, it's 4 minutes now. 02 01 37 35 LMP Hey, there's a village down there. Coming up, it's going to go across the Z-axis in just a second. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 33] 02 01 37 42 CDR There's snow on the mountains down there. Okay, let's do ENGINE ARM to DESCENT, here. 02 01 37 51 LMP ... ARM, DESCENT. 02 01 37 52 CDR ENGINE ARM, DESCENT; verify that, okay. 02 01 37 55 LMP You didn't get the ... warning light. 02 01 37 57 CDR No. 02 01 37 58 LMP X-TRANSLATION to 2 JETS. 02 01 37 59 CDR 2 JETS. 02 01 38 00 LMP BALANCE COUPLES, ON. 02 01 38 01 CDR BALANCE COUPLES, ON. 02 01 38 02 LMP ENGINE GIMBAL, ENABLE. 02 01 38 03 CDR ENABLE. 02 01 38 04 LMP PROP QUANTITY MONITOR - PROP TEMP/PRESS MONITOR, rather. 02 01 38 09 CDR DESCENT 1. 02 01 38 10 LMP Okay. 02 01 38 12 CDR Here I am. 02 01 38 13 LMP HELIUM MONITORS, SUPERCRIT PRESS. 02 01 38 18 CDR SUPERCRIT PRESS. CAMERA SEQUENCE, CLOSE. 02 01 38 21 LMP Okay, I've got the CAM -the SEQUENCE CAMERA breaker closed. 02 01 38 24 CDR Okay, MASTER ARM's CLOS -- 02 01 38 25 CC Spider, Houston. 02 01 38 27 CDR Go. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 34] 02 01 38 28 CC Okay, Rusty, that 407 slipped to 10 000 again; we're recommending that you set 08. 02 01 38 42 LMP I'll Just hit it to zero ... I didn't hear what he said, but -- 02 01 38 45 CDR Yes, Houston, you cut off there; say again. 02 01 38 49 CC Roger, your ... has not dropped back to 10 000; we're recommending you set up 0000 and end right around ignition time. 02 01 39 01 CDR Roger. Okay, now I can check my mo - my throttle. It's throttling. Okay, let's continue. 02 01 39 10 LMP Okay, is the MASTER ARM, ON? 02 01 39 11 CDR MASTER ARM's ON. 02 01 39 12 LMP Okay, stand by for 2 minutes. 02 01 39 15 CDR Let's see, turn THROTTLE CONTROL to AUTO. We don't have that yet. 02 01 39 19 LMP Yes, THROTTLE CONTROL, AUTO. Good. Thank you. 02 01 39 22 CDR Okay. 02 01 39 23 LMP God, is that going to be bright! 02 01 39 24 CDR It sure is. Hooee. 02 01 39 27 LMP Hmm. 02 01 39 28 CDR We're really oscillating around here in yaw. At 5 degrees. Okay. 2 minutes, verify the AGS attitude errors. ... 0. Okay? Go. 02 01 39 48 LMP ... reads 17:43. 02 01 39 51 CDR ... in 45 seconds, Gumdrop. 02 01 39 54 CMP Roger, I'm with you. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 35] 02 01 39 57 LMP Standing by for 15 seconds; SEQUENCE CAMERA, ON, will be then. Begin ullage at 10; PROCEED at 5; ignition and then you're going to -- 02 01 40 07 CDR Going to try to get -- 02 01 40 08 LMP -- turn the MASTER ARM, OFF. 02 01 40 09 CDR Yes. 02 01 40 10 LMP Or try too. Then you're going to throttle up at 5 seconds after -- 02 01 40 16 CDR Going to throttle up at 46 - 40 percent. Man, that is really bright. Alright, Houston. We're right over a white deck of clouds, and is it ever bright. 02 01 40 28 CC Roger. Copy, Spider. 02 01 40 35 CDR 1 minute. 02 01 40 38 LMP Okay, 4 -- 02 01 40 39 CC I copy 1 minute; everything looks good. 02 01 40 48 LMP Okay, I'm going to let the AGS go. 02 01 41 02 LMP Okay, AVERAGE G coming ON. 02 01 41 04 CDR Okay, make sure you are standing up straight, so you don't get knocked on your can. 02 01 41 05 LMP Yes. 02 01 41 06 CDR Okay, 28 seconds. 02 01 41 13 LMP You won't even feel it, hardly. 02 01 41 14 CDR Yes. 02 02 41 20 LMP 15 seconds -- [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 36] 02 01 41 21 CDR Camera's on. 02 01 41 22 LMP camera's on; and it's going. 02 01 41 23 CMP Roger. 02 01 41 25 LMP Okay, ULLAGE, ON. 02 01 41 27 CDR ULLAGE is ON. 02 01 41 31 LMP PROCEED. 3, 2, 1 - 02 01 41 32 CDR Have we ENABLED it? 02 01 41 35 LMP IGNITION. We got it. MASTER ARM, OFF. 02 01 41 40 CDR Okay, there's IGNITION. 02 01 41 41 LMP Throttle up. 02 01 41 42 CDR We're throttling up to 40 percent, Dave. That's 40 percent. Look at that ball; my God, we hardly have any errors. 02 01 41 50 LMP Stand by for the AUTO THROTTLE. 02 01 41 53 CDR Okay, stand by for the AUTO THROTTLE? DESCENT REG light, DOWN. 02 01 42 00 LMP How's the pressure; it's going down? 02 01 42 01 CDR Pres - pressure's going down. Here comes that throttle out. 02 01 42 03 LMP Hey, that pressure's going down, Jim. 02 01 42 05 CDR Yes. 02 01 42 07 LMP It's going hack up. 02 01 42 08 CDR Okay. Okay, pressure dropped down to about 190 there, Houston. 02 01 42 13 CC Roger. We copied ..., Spider. 02 01 42 15 CDR We're - we're full throttle, and atti - attitude errors are practically nil, Davey. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 37] 02 01 42 18 CMP Okay, looks pretty good over here, too. 02 01 42 20 CDR Yes, and just a slightest transient. 02 01 42 24 CMP Okay, your HP is 109 and moving. 02 01 42 26 CDR Roger. We've got 440 to go. 02 01 42 30 CMP I've got 443. 02 01 42 31 LMP SEQUENCE CAMERA coming OFF at 59. SEQUENCE CAMERA, OFF. 02 01 42 36 CDR I'm pulling 0.8 of a lunar g in case you're interested. We're starting to get a little excursion in my yaw. 02 01 42 43 CMP Roger, ... 02 01 42 48 CDR Oh, we just threw a big hunk down at the ground, there. There goes another hunk. 02 01 42 52 CMP Yes, I saw a few pieces go, too. 02 01 43 02 LMP Okay. 02 01 43 03 CMP I have 405. 02 01 43 06 CDR Roger, so do we. 02 01 43 07 LMP And the PGNS and the AGS are counting down right together. 02 01 43 10 CMP I have 109.3 on the HP. 02 01 43 12 CDR Roger. 02 01 43 19 CDR Man, am I hmngry. 02 01 43 21 LMP Me too. Okay, you're standby for a -- 02 01 43 25 CDR Yes, it really is, it's going along like a dream, except for all the hunk -- 02 01 43 29 CMP -- pieces back there, some of the foils coming off. 02 01 43 31 CDR/LMP Yes. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 38] 02 01 43 36 CDR ... we're going over Texas right now, I think. ... we ought to be over Houston pretty soon. 02 01 43 40 CMP 330. 02 01 43 42 CDR Okay, 330 here. Attitude errors are staying down less than 1 degree. 02 01 43 47 CMP Roger, 109.3 HP. 02 01 43 49 CDR Okay. We have 1100 feet per second to go. 02 01 43 55 CMP I'm right with you. 02 01 43 56 LMP And the AGS and the PGNS are right together. ... information on the ground and the tape - the quantity is reading 76 and 74; and we don't seem to have any spurious lockups either at this time. 02 01 44 11 CDR REG -- 02 01 44 12 CC Roger, Spider; Houston. Copy. 02 01 44 14 CDR The REG pressure's holding pretty steady at about 232. 02 01 44 19 LMP ... landing radar temperature is reading 95 at the present; it started out at 81. 02 01 44 27 CMP Okay, HP 109.3, and everything's clean over here. 02 01 44 31 CDR Okay, same here. 02 01 44 33 CDR Looks like - looks like it's done a real good job of steering. 02 01 44 37 LMP We've only got 890 feet per second left to go. 02 01 44 38 CDR Yes. 02 01 44 40 CMP ... when you call in. 02 01 44 41 LMP Okay. 02 01 44 43 CMP 229. 02 01 44 44 CDR Roger, 225 here. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 39] 02 01 44 50 CDR Okay, remember I'm going to start my throttle full throttle at 124. 02 01 44 54 CMP Roger. 02 01 44 57 LMP Okay, and the SEQUENCE CAMERA's going to come back ON at 200; you're going to throttle at 1 ... 4 -- 02 01 45 03 CDR Right. 02 01 45 04 LMP -- at 10 I'm going to shut DESCENT REG 1, OFF. At cutoff -- 02 01 45 08 CMP 2 minutes. 02 01 45 09 CDR 2 minutes here, I have 704. 02 01 45 11 LMP At -- 02 01 45 12 CMP 109.2. 02 01 45 14 CDR Roger. 02 01 45 15 LMP At cutoff you're going to hit the ENGINE STOP button. 02 01 45 19 CDR At 3 seconds, right. 02 01 45 20 LMP Right, at 3 seconds. 02 01 45 21 CMP You know, actually you are less than 0.1 degree per second. 02 01 45 23 CDR Is that right? 02 01 45 24 LMP And I'm going to go to ATTITUDE HOLD. 02 01 45 26 CDR Nice and ... solid here. 02 01 45 27 LMP ... all that? 02 01 45 26 CDR Yes. 02 01 45 29 LMP Okay. 02 01 45 30 CDR 600 feet per second to go. 02 01 45 33 CMP I'm with you. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 40] 02 01 45 34 LMP Gee, that's looking pretty, isn't it? 02 01 45 36 CDR Yes. 02 01 45 42 CDR Okay, I've got about a minute 25. 02 01 45 44 CMP Right with you. 02 01 45 47 CDR Okay, when I start throttling, we're going to add a lot of seconds on to that. 02 01 45 50 CMP Roger. 02 01 45 55 CDR 450. 02 01 46 00 CDR 420 to go. 02 01 46 08 CMP 1 minute. 02 01 46 09 CDR 1 minute now. 02 01 46 12 CMP 109.2. 02 01 46 14 CDR Roger. Hanging right in there, isn't it? 02 01 46 17 CMP Yes, really slick. 02 01 46 19 LMP Surely it's surging. 02 01 46 22 CDR Yes. See if we're getting a roll surge. We're getting a roll, or some sort of an oscillation now, on it. 02 01 46 28 LMP Yes, it's going - it's - we're getting slosh. 02 01 46 30 CDR Yes. Hey, we're getting slosh. I've got 228 to go now. 02 01 46 34 LMP Camera coming back ON. 02 01 46 35 CDR Get ready for us - the throttling profiles. 02 01 46 37 CMP Roger. 02 01 46 38 LMP The camera's ON. 02 01 46 39 CMP ... [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 41] 02 01 46 41 LMP Okay, 124. 02 01 46 43 CDR Okay, 170. 157. 145. Starting the throttle. 40 percent. Going down to 10 percent. Back up to 40 percent. ... down to 25 percent. 02 01 47 14 LMP Back up again. 02 01 47 15 CDR Okay, coming up to 40 percent. Throttle profile's complete, we'll just let it sit there. 02 01 47 21 LMP Great, 27 seconds remaining. 02 01 47 23 CDR Roger, 24 seconds to go. I'm going to shut down manually at 3 seconds to go; I've got 18, 16, 15, 14, ... -- 02 01 47 40 LMP No sweat. 02 01 47 41 CDR -- 12, ..., 10, 9, ..., get your hand out of the way. 6, 5, 4, 3, - 02 01 47 45 CDR SHUTDOWN. 02 01 47 46 LMP Correct ATTITUDE HOLD. 02 01 47 47 CDR The ATTITUDE HOLD here. 02 01 47 49 LMP I'm right with you all the way. 02 01 47 50 CDR Okay. 02 01 47 52 LMP Okay, SEQUENCE CAMERA coming OFF. 02 01 47 57 CDR Okay. 02 01 47 58 LMP Okay, request the CSM - have it; ENGINE ARM -- 02 01 48 00 CC That was a beautiful burn. Man, you were right down the tube. 02 01 48 04 CDR Yes, it looked pretty neat from here, too. 02 01 48 05 LMP ENGINE ARM to OFF. 02 01 48 07 CDR ENGINE ARM, OFF. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 42] 02 01 48 09 LMP Okay, proceed. Okay, you want to read him those, while I copy them? 02 01 48 12 CDR Alright, you want our residuals, Houston? 02 01 48 16 CC Copying them on your DSKY now, Spider. 02 01 48 18 CDR Okay, very good. 02 01 48 24 CDR Hey, you know we could really feel that stuff sloshing around in here at the end? Okay. 02 01 48 33 LMP Okay, - PRO; VERB 79, ENTER; 00, ENTER -- 02 01 48 42 CMP ... about 0.3 of a degree per second. 02 01 48 46 CDR The offset that I had on my rate scale over here - I can't tell where zero is, but - it - it didn't deviate hardly at all. 02 01 48 50 LMP TTC -- 02 01 48 52 CC No, because you were oscillating right back, too. 02 01 48 56 LMP TTCA JETS, DOWN. 02 01 49 00 CDR JETS, DOWN. 02 01 49 01 LMP Verify ENGINE ARM, OFF. 02 01 49 02 CDR ENGINE ARM OFF. 02 01 49 03 LMP ENGINE PUSHBUTTON STOP, RESET. 02 01 49 06 CC It ... beautiful all the way - Spider. 02 01 49 11 LMP Okay. THROTTLE CONTROL to AUTO. 02 01 49 13 CDR THROTTLE CONTROL to AUTO. 02 01 49 14 LMP Okay, landing radar temperature's 100? Roger. Landing radar temperature's 100 degrees right now. 02 01 49 22 CC Roger, copy. 100 degrees ... 02 01 49 24 LMP PROP QUANTITY MONITOR, OFF. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 43] 02 01 49 27 CDR PROP QUANTITY MONITOR coming OFF. 02 01 49 32 LMP Okay, INVERTER to 2. And I may get a MASTER ALARM -- 02 01 49 36 CMP Even the EMS took care of you that time: 1740.6. 02 01 49 40 CDR (Laughter) Roger. 02 01 49 43 LMP Okay, INVERTER 1, OPEN. 02 01 49 47 CMP Everybody's singing the same song. 02 01 49 50 CDR INVERTER 1, OPENED. 02 01 49 51 LMP CROSS TIE/BALANCE LOADS, going CLOSED. 02 01 49 52 CDR When you're integrated man, you got to do that. 02 01 49 56 LMP SEQUENCE CAMERA, OPEN. 02 01 50 01 LMP Okay, I want to read out 500. ... the AGS is good; the AGS 500 is reading plus 3. One's reading minus 5. And 502 is reading 0. 02 01 50 14 CDR And Davey, we're drifting now, so you have ATTITUDE CONTROL, again. 02 01 50 24 CMP Okay. 02 01 50 26 CDR Let's see. We are, aren't we? We have a 76 in here, I think. 02 01 50 31 LMP Yes, we do. 02 01 50 33 LMP VERB 8 - Hit a VERB 82, ENTER. 02 01 50 36 CDR VERB 82, ENTER. PRO. 02 01 50 45 LMP 273.0 by -- 02 01 50 48 CDR Dave, I - our orbit - is 273.0 by 109.2. 02 01 50 49 LMP -- 109.2. 02 01 50 53 CC Houston; I copy 500, 501, 502, and plus 3 minus 590. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 44] 02 01 50 59 LMP That's a Roger, and we got a 273.0 by 109.2. Cutoff at 2 minutes; the landing radar temperature is 100 degrees. 02 01 51 12 CMP The Gumdrop's got 271.7 by 109.1. 02 01 51 16 CDR 49:59 - 49:51. 02 01 51 19 CC Roger, Gumdrop; Houston, copy. 02 01 51 27 CDR It's exciting the way the fuel and oxidizer pressures dropped off there during the start. 02 01 51 35 LMP Okay, R&D TELEMETRY CAL, ON 02 01 51 40 CDR Houston, you're going to get a DFI CAL. 02 01 51 46 CC Roger. Understand you're ... DFI CAL. 02 01 52 14 CDR Houston, how long do we have to that burn 5? 02 01 52 19 CC Stand by 1 for that item. 02 01 52 22 CDR Okay, I'm going to get something to eat. All I've had so far today is a little bag of fruit salad. I'm about to starve to death, and I want to try to get something to eat right after this - we clean up this burn. 02 01 52 34 LMP We start the dry-out - Let's start the dry-out first. 02 01 52 37 CDR That CAL is complete. 02 01 52 38 LMP Okay. DFI POWER, OFF, but don't open the - the breaker. 02 01 52 42 CC Spider, Houston. 02 01 52 43 CDR DFI POWER's OFF. 02 01 52 46 LMP Okay, LANDING RADAR breaker, OPEN. 02 01 52 49 CDR LANDING RADAR's OPEN. 02 01 52 51 CC Spider, Houston. 02 01 52 52 CDR Go ahead, Houston; Spider. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 45] 02 01 52 54 CC Okay. We're going to do the SPS 5 at nominal time at 4 hours and a half from now. 02 01 53 00 CDR Okay, very good. Thank you. 02 01 53 02 LMP Okay, you want to debrief the burn anymore? 02 01 53 05 CDR Yes. 02 01 53 08 CDR Okay, ignition was slow. 02 01 53 09 LMP Hey, stand - stand by just 1 - 02 01 53 11 LMP Gumdrop, Spider. 02 01 53 12 CMP Go. 02 01 53 13 LMP Roger. We'd like to stop at an AGS CAL ATTITUDE, here somewhere. 02 01 53 20 CMP Oh! Very well. 02 01 53 24 CDR At ignition the chamber pressure went up very gradually to 10 percent. Slow, smooth, steady, no bump or anything. It just felt llke somebody was sort of turning the water faucet on. I came OFF with the MASTER ARM; we got the - we got the MASTER ALARM on when I did that at a couple of seconds. I throttle on up to 40 percent. That throttle up I didn't make abruptly; the throttle - and the - the chamber pressure seemed to stay right together. I stopped at 40 and it did. I ... throttle up manually to - to automatic. We were 100 percent ... Now the attitude excursions I got during this time were practically nil, and the same thing with the rate. They're just practically nil and when we throttled up to 100 percent, the same thing: they're very low attitude excursions, very low rates. Considering - that we didn't have any attitude control ... except at slow engine, we did very well. It ran along steadily at 100 percent or 97 - percent - The chamber pressure looked like it went up and down from about 90 to 100 percent during the burn. It went along smoothly and right at the end, we were - we were feeling some surging and it looked like it was - it was controlling a little more in yaw than I expected it would. And we got a little roll rate in, but [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 46] much less than a degree per second. Then we figured really - figures - probably the - the fuel sloshing around - the fuel oxidizer sloshing around in the tanks, and was probably the slosh. Now, you couldn't really see anything in the ball. I looked carefully at it, and I didn't see any attitude excursions, and I only saw that very slight ... bit of roll rate, but it was in a different fre- quency than the thing I felt. The - PGNS, the AGS, the G&N over the command module, and every- body all counted down together. About a minute and - about 130 - turn that off - At 130 feet per second we went to manual throttle and throttled right down to 40 percent. I got hold of the throt- tle and let it sit there for a couple of seconds, and then down to 10 percent, then up to 40, down to 25, back up to 40, and nominally we were sup- posed to get there at 30 seconds. I got there, I think, at 29 seconds to go. Then we just let it cruise on out, and no trans into here again. We shut the thing down ... to end -- 02 01 55 59 CMP ... to Spider. I'll have it over to you in about 3 minutes. 02 01 56 02 CDR Okay. We shut down at the end. Rates were very low, and we gradually pitched up; no roll and no yaw; but it pitched up very gradually, much less than a degree per second. We got the manual shutdown at about 2 or 3 seconds. We got the regulators off; and I'll let you - Russ - to tell you about that. The regulator pressure - at that time, fuel and oxidizer pressures, were 232 when we started, and they went on down to about 185, then gradually built back up again to 230, until when they ran at 232, the whole time. The SUPER- CRIT PRESSURE got up to 830 during the burn and that's where it sits right now. 02 01 56 42 LMP Looks like it might have been the quad that caused the heater light there at about 20 seconds before the cutoff. 02 01 56 48 CDR Okay, I didn't see that. 02 01 56 49 LMP Because quad 1 is now reading 185, 2 is reading 162, 3 is reading 185, and 4 is reading 152. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 47] 02 01 57 03 CDE Looks like we used a fair amount of fuel in system B, too. 02 01 57 08 LMP Couple of percent, there, huh? 02 01 57 09 CDR Yes, and we were supposed to be off scale HIGH for a long time. And, that's interesting, tape. We're reading in the RCS quad - or the RCS quantity right now. About 99, I guess, on A, and about 97 on B, and I think they're supposed to be consider- ably higher than that. Too bad I don't have a - another camera; I could really take some pretty pictures. Or do we; no, it's all stowed away. There'll come another day for the pictures, I guess. We're crossing Africa. Alrighty, the temperature is 70 our fuel, 67 our oxidizer, reading 240 and 242 fuel and oxidizer; that's on DESCENT 1. DESCENT 2 is 70, 69, 240, and 242. I think that terminates my debriefing. 02 01 58 03 LMP I don't have much to add at all. Prop - the main propulsion quantity seemed to track pretty good. The ... radar climbed very slowly during the burn from about 81 at start, to close to 100, and it's now reading about 108 and the time is 49: ... 8:30? That's about all I've got. The HEATER caution - We got the MASTER ALARM due to shutting the MASTER ARM off right at the start. 02 01 58 44 CMP Okay, Spider; Gumdrop. That ought to be pretty close. 02 01 58 51 LMP Roger; that's good, if you'll go to FREE. 02 01 58 53 CMP In FREE. 02 01 58 55 LMP Roger. 02 01 59 11 LMP And, ... popping that I know of. The HEATER caution light on panel 2 came ON -- 02 01 59 24 CC ... Houston ... 02 01 59 25 LMP -- 50 just before the end of the burn. Go ...; Houston. 02 01 59 29 LMP Houston; this is Spider. Go ahead. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 48] 02 01 59 32 CC Roger. Spider, we'd like to ask you if after you finish eating there - before you transfer back - if there's any chance of getting the regulator check - checklist systems, page 17. 02 01 59 51 CDR Oh, yes; okay. 02 01 59 56 LMP ... get it? [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 49] 02 01 59 59 CC Okay, thank you. 02 02 00 00 LMP Okay, that's about all I've got here. 02 02 00 01 CDR Okay, I'm going to eat first, though, before I just drop over up here. 02 02 00 03 LMP I'm going to turn the tape off. 02 02 00 04 CC Roger, I just wanted to pass that on before you dismantled something. We'd really like to see you go ahead and eat, and we'll see you over Tananarive about 13. 02 02 00 18 LMP Roger. Okay, let me give you a hack, Dave. 02 02 00 21 CC Spider, we'd like to have LOW bit rate. 02 02 00 28 LMP Roger, LOW. 02 02 00 30 CDR What did you want, Rusty? 02 02 00 32 LMP Nothing. Okay, tape, it's - Now, my mark is going to be 50:00:45. 4, 3, 2, 1 - 02 02 00 45 LMP MARK. 02 02 00 46 LMP 50:00:45, and I'm going to turn you off. 02 02 35 30 LMP Okay, Houston, how do you read now? 02 02 35 34 CC I'm reading you out clear, Spider. 02 02 35 36 LMP Okay, that's step 1. I'm ready to go to step 2. 02 02 35 41 CC Alright. Let's go to step 2. 02 02 35 59 LMP Okay, Houston, how do you read now? 02 02 36 04 CC ... 02 02 36 07 LMP Houston, how do you read Spider? 02 02 36 10 CC ... loud and clear, Spider. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 50] 02 02 36 14 LMP Roger; same here. 02 02 36 16 CC Okay, ... 02 02 36 19 LMP Going to step 3. 02 02 36 41 LMP Okay, Houston, how do you read Spider now? 02 02 37 00 LMP He doesn't come in worth a damn on PRIMARY. 02 02 37 04 LMP Alright. Houston, Spider. Try that once again. 02 02 37 12 CC ... 02 02 37 16 LMP Roger. I just got the last two words of that. Say again. 02 02 37 21 CC ... the S-band backup voice check has been ... 02 02 37 30 LMP Roger. 02 02 37 50 LMP Okay, Houston, how do you read on backup voice? 02 02 38 03 LMP Houston, this is Apollo 9 - or Spider. How do you read on backup voice? 02 02 38 20 LMP Houston, this is Spider. How do you read on backup voice? 02 02 38 23 CC Spider, this is Houston. Loud and clear. How me? 02 02 38 27 LMP Roger. You're 5 square. How do you read me now? 02 02 38 37 LMP You're 5 square, Houston. How do you read me? 02 02 39 02 LMP Houston, how do you read Spider now? 02 02 39 09 LMP Okay, you're 5 square. I'm supposed to be able to talk to you without pushing the PTT. I'm not sure I'm getting backup voice down to you. Tell me if you read up through 5 and back down. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 02 02 39 25 CC Okay, Spider; Houston. You blacked out 3 on the way up and came in with 3 on the way down. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 51] 02 02 39 34 LMP Okay, I was using PTT up to 3 and then from 3 on down; and I understood the backup voice you were supposed to get right off the intercom. 02 02 39 49 CC Spider, check the biomed ... 02 02 40 01 LMP Roger, the biomed is off. 02 02 40 49 LMP Houston, how do you read Spider? 02 02 40 59 CC Spider, this is Houston through Honeysuckle. How do you read me? 02 02 41 03 LMP Roger. Reading you 5 square. How me? 02 02 41 08 CC Okay Spider, I can hear you transmitting now; you were way down and breaking up, but if you'll give me a count, ... 02 02 41 19 LMP Roger. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Spider out. 02 02 41 25 CC Okay, Spider. You're a - you're relatively clear, but way, way down. 02 02 41 31 LMP ... what did you want with the biomed? It is off. 02 02 41 50 LMP Houston, did you want the - something done with the biomed? 02 02 42 02 LMP Houston, Spider. Over. 02 02 42 06 LMP Aw - Houston, Spider. 02 02 42 20 LMP Houston, Spider. Over. 02 02 42 23 CC Roger, this is Houston. We'd like to have you return to COMM BASIC. 02 02 42 27 LMP Roger. Going back to COMM BASIC. And I'm going back to VHF A. 02 02 42 55 LMP Is that tunnel open? 02 02 42 58 CC ... Houston. I'd like to have you return to COMM BASIC ... 02 02 43 04 LMP Roger, Houston. We are in COMM BASIC. How now? [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 52] 02 02 43 07 CC Yes, you're coming through clear now - Rusty. We did get the backup voice check in; it was way down low. 02 02 43 17 LMP Roger. 02 02 43 20 CC And we'd like to have the biomed switched on the LMP before the regular time, Spider. 02 02 43 33 CMP Spider, Gumdrop. 02 02 43 35 CDR Yes, Gumdrop; Spider. 02 02 43 36 CMP The tunnel is clear. 02 02 43 38 CDR Okay, very good. ... 02 02 43 40 LMP Roger; it is on the LMP, Houston. 02 02 43 43 CC Roger, understand; thank you, Spider. 02 02 43 47 LMP Roger, and be advised we are presently 28 minutes into the sublimator dry-out. 02 02 44 00 CC Roger, Spider, I copy that: 28 minutes into the dry-out. 02 02 44 04 LMP Roger, and be advised that we have a great deal more equipment powered up than we were supposed to during this dry-out. We're running a little behind in getting the tunnel clear. 02 02 44 21 LMP I'll finish up the checklist, Jim. 02 02 44 51 LMP Did you get an EVA checklist, Jim, over there? 02 02 44 53 CDR No, I didn't. Let me get this - let me get this stuff out of the way so we can get the hatch open. ... 02 02 45 02 LMP Okay. 02 02 45 03 CDR ... 02 02 45 06 LMP Soon as you get that hatch open, we want to go to EGRESS. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 53] 02 02 45 09 CDR What? 02 02 45 11 LMP I say we want to go to EGRESS mode. 02 02 45 15 CDR Yes. Okay, let's do that. 02 02 45 17 LMP Okay. Go. 02 02 45 23 CDR PULL the EGRESS. ... 02 02 45 29 LMP The REG's to EGRESS, right. 02 02 45 31 CDR ... A, ... B. 02 02 47 52 CMP Spider, Gumdrop. 02 02 47 56 LMP ... 02 02 47 57 CMP My, it sure takes you guys a long time to open that little hatch here. 02 02 48 01 LMP ... ready for us? 02 02 48 02 CMP Sure. Been ready for 10 minutes. 02 02 48 03 LMP Okay, we'll be opening in a second here. ... ready, Jim. 02 02 48 08 CDR Okay, I have the hatch open now. 02 02 48 34 LMP ... 02 02 49 09 LMP Okay, ready? 02 02 49 12 LMP ... get that umbilical down here, and I got to get off this suit loop. 02 02 49 15 CDR I know it. 02 02 49 23 CMP Tell him to send the umbilical through. 02 02 49 27 LMP That's going to be hard for you to get through, Jim. 02 02 49 28 CDR What? 02 02 49 29 LMP That's going to be too hard for you to get through. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 54] 02 02 49 42 CDR Are you - Do you want me to sit here and clear this stuff out, Rusty, or - 02 02 50 45 LMP Okay, Jim. 02 02 50 46 CDR You sure? 02 02 50 48 LMP Yes, thanks. 02 02 50 51 CDR Hey, Dave? Hey, Dave? Hey, Dave? 02 02 51 22 CDR What do we need to take back with us to the ... ? The EVA checklist - 02 02 51 24 LMP EVA checklist, and the flight plan card. The sequence camera and the lenses. 02 02 51 40 CDR That's right. I checked - I checked the ... 02 02 52 06 LMP ... the camera. 02 02 52 24 CDR Okay. Hey, Russ, let me ... here. 02 02 52 26 LMP Okay. 02 02 52 27 CDR We'll make a transfer and see if ... 02 02 52 29 LMP Okay. 02 02 52 55 CDR ... 02 02 52 59 LMP Yes. 02 02 53 16 CDR ... I'll be back in just a second. 02 02 53 50 CDR Rusty, do you ... ? 02 02 53 53 LMP I ... think so. 02 02 53 55 CDR ... Well, come over here ... gloves on. 02 02 54 22 CDR Dave, ... Dave. Dave, ... 02 02 54 58 CDR Make that ... 02 02 55 01 LMP ... [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 55] 02 02 55 26 CDR ... 02 02 55 29 LMP I don't think so. Hey, let me plot one more point on it here. 02 02 55 35 CDR ... 02 02 55 37 LMP No. 02 02 56 04 CDR Okay, I'll take ... over there. 02 02 56 06 LMP Slow down. And pass that umbilical back. 02 02 56 15 CDR Got it, Dave? 02 02 58 03 LMP Alright, Gumdrop; Spider. 02 02 58 06 CMP Did you ever mount your ...? 02 02 58 08 LMP Roger, stand by; not yet. 02 02 58 11 CMP What do you need? 02 02 58 15 LMP Just checking the COMM. 02 02 58 41 CC Okay, Gumdrop, this is Houston. We ... 02 02 58 45 CMP Gumdrop; Roger. 02 02 58 59 CDR Anything else you wanted, Rusty? 02 02 59 02 LMP Yes, you got to get that checklist going fast. Shoot, I can't get my hose plugged in. God damn it. 02 02 59 20 CC Gumdrop, Houston. We'd like to turn the heaters and H[2] tank's 1 and 2 off. 02 02 59 27 CMP Okay, you have to stand by a few moments. 02 02 59 30 CC Roger; understand, Gumdrop. 02 02 59 37 LMP I'd like to get flow, Dave, 02 02 59 54 LMP ... Can you give me flow? [Tape 09-03601] [Day 3] [Page 56] 02 03 00 07 CMP You got full flow, haven't you? 02 03 00 09 LMP ... know. I can't tell. 02 03 00 12 CMP ... give it to you in that first column. 02 03 00 41 LMP Okay, I'm going to switch COMMS, so give me a few seconds, and then turn my suit power on. 02 03 00 46 CMP Okay. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 57] DAY 4 03 00 40 07 CDR Hello there, tape recorder. It's working fine. The time right now is 72:40:10. The cabin down to what, 3.5? 03 00 40 16 CDR I can see it. 03 00 40 __ CDR PGNS to AUTO. 03 00 40 __ LMP Okay. 03 00 40 __ CDR ... all the way to zero? 03 00 __ __ CDR You got that? 03 00 __ __ CDR PRESS in the cabin at this time. 03 00 __ __ CDR ... Rusty? Hey, on the tape, remember we have to be on the air for ... 03 00 __ __ CDR But we still have about 1 psi. 03 00 __ __ CDR Oddly enough, it's not going down. 03 00 43 __ CDR ... 243, and we're down to about - holding at about 0.7 of a psi. I'll never get the door open against that ... 03 00 __ __ CDR Well, we ... opened ... 03 00 __ __ LMP LATCH HANDLE to UNLOCK. 03 00 __ __ CDR ... to where? ... not at all ... over any farther, huh? 03 00 44 29 LMP Unlock it? 03 00 44 30 CDR Right there. No, I can't pull it open. None. 03 00 __ __ CDR ... and the pressure seal's broken, too. 03 00 45 __ CDR ... air bubbles in it ... [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 58] 03 00 45 __ CDR ... yes ... Slowly. 03 00 45 52 LMP ... pulling the cabin off. 03 00 45 56 CDR ... we're at ... 03 00 __ __ CDR ... I haven't got it ... no ... 03 00 46 37 LMP Hey, Dave, it's all open up over here. 03 00 __ __ CDR ... making out ... 03 00 __ __ CDR Got the other LCG on. 03 00 __ __ LMP Got that? 03 00 __ __ CDR Yes ... feeling ... 03 00 48 06 CDR ... I'll pass you up your Hasselblad. Then I'll pass you the camera - a movie camera right after that. Thereafter ... 03 00 48 53 CDR ... a couple of pictures and pass you the Hassel- blad. You take a couple and pass it back ... the movie camera, and I'll take some more pictures of ... 03 00 49 __ LMP ... back to ... where it belongs. 03 00 49 __ CDR It's now 47. Further on at 47; it's now 49:35. Do you read ... 03 00 49 __ LMP .., cooling yet? 03 00 49 __ CDR It ... up. 03 00 49 __ CDR ... up, lock, flying your tether? 03 00 49 __ LMP Yes. 03 00 50 __ CDR ... it's now - 72:50, and we've turned the on ..., cool, and Rusty said he feels the cooling some ... 03 00 51 __ CDR We're all set over here, Dave. You're - you're clear to DEPRESS. Very good. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 59] 03 00 __ __ CDR ... buckle down. ... 10 is ail bent out of shape, but it'll ... pull it's ... Oh, it's alright now ... 03 00 52 09 CDR Got to be careful now; that's sharp on the door handle ... 03 00 52 __ LMP The ... will wipe that out. 03 00 52 __ CDR ... the back handle. 03 00 52 20 LMP I have it Velcroed closed again. 03 00 __ __ CDR Okay. We're doing fine .... tangle on any of the knobs, either, on the way out. ... 10 minutes to sunrise ... 03 00 53 31 CDR Houston, you read Spider? When's our next station pass over there, Rusty? 03 00 56 22 LMP Hello, Carnarvon. Do you read Spider? ... 03 00 56 __ CDR That's alright. 03 00 57 __ CDR This is Spider, transmitting, in the dark. If you can read - fine - if you don't - too bad. It's 72:57; we've had this cabin depressurized now for about 12 minutes. Looks like it's going along fine. Had a little trouble getting the door open, but it's open now. ... seems to be working alright, and - Dave is in the process of depres- surizing the command module ... Gummy, this is Spider. ... anything when you open the door. ... Okay, ... the goaltender - keep everything in ... Hey, we're about - somewhere between - 7 minutes of being a sunrise, Dave. You might go ahead and start the door ... quieter now ... I wasn't hearing any data for a long time; I wasn't hearing any noise for a long time, then about ... it sort of dribbled on down. I thought that's what that ... was ... Crank that up - It was just as clear as a bell. Now it's not making as much as it was before you entered ... cooling. Cooling ... Hey, let's hope it swings back again now ... 03 00 __ __ CMP Are you in the - relay - [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 60] 03 00 __ __ CDR I think it's going to get to be sunlight pretty soon. ... see Hawaii on the horizon ... 03 00 __ __ LMP Shoot that other - go ahead, I - There's nothing I can do about that ... 03 00 __ __ CDR ... the door ... the door on your hoses ... Well, alright ... 03 00 __ __ CMP Looks pretty good. 03 00 __ __ CDR Hey, that's far enough, why don't you Just hang right there unti] ... Why don't you just stay there until the sun gets up ... You holler, Dave, when you - Looks ]ight enough to take a picture. ... view pretty neat, huh? I p]an to as soon as Rusty gets out of the way. I especially rolled back the shade, just so I could see you, Dave. 03 00 __ __ CMP Very good. 03 00 __ __ CDR Okay, I'm going to reset the DET here and get her going up ... over there, Dave. Now we'll fly DEADBAND LIMIT CYCLE? ... that ought to about do it, hadn't it? ... Mr. Schweickart, proceed out the door ... I see a little bag full of ... floating away. Red dot on it. Try mine. Davey, hey - Rusty, the ... is going to be useless from in here except to take a picture of Dave, which I am going to do here in just a minute. Why don't you just stand out there and just sort of ... easy for a while. Get that door all the way closed there for fear we'll never get it open again. ... down there, Davey. 03 01 09 07 CMP Hey, Rusty, why don't you throw the - Let me see if I can - What he's - Everybody's tethered do%m except me. Very interesting. 03 01 __ __ CDR Hey, Rusty, why don't you ... gloves working out, Dave? ... Rusty, the sun's hot on those gloves. ... the camera? 03 01 12 __ CDR Houston, this is Spider. Anybody reading us? ... Davey ... just a second, and I'll send in the movie camera. Send the movie cmmera for that ... minutes [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 61] into a 15-minute pass. ... left hand up a minute, Dave. 03 01 14 __ CMP Okay. 03 01 14 __ CDR Just checking it. What was that, a bolt? (Laughter) It's a little mole in a hole over there, you pop up every once in a while ... See you're still getting rid of a lot of that junk ... Well, it's just dirt though. (Laughter) ... you're feeling, Dave. Keep hopping back down like that; that's a good idea. I said keep hopping up and down like that; it looks like a good idea. ... Not far enough, huh? Good, how you feeling? 03 01 16 __ LMP Fine. 03 01 16 __ CDR ... stay up another 30 minutes. 03 01 16 __ LMP ... 03 01 16 __ CDR I'll ... the sequence camera if you're through with that other one. Sure isn't. ... out there; shoot, I could have taken it ... 03 01 17 56 CDR Yes, send the camera back in here; I'll take a picture - a couple of pictures like that. 03 01 __ __ LMP ... 03 01 __ __ CDR How about getting over by the other window? That one's in the shade. 03 01 __ __ LMP Okay. 03 01 18 43 CDR ... See you out this one. Let me see if every- thing is still set. You have a reflection of you - Oh, I'vc got to havc that camera and get you - I can see you - Yes - and in your visor, our spacecraft Gumdrop completely all the way down to the bottom of the service module and the whole earth behind you. 03 01 19 04 LMP Where? 03 01 19 05 CDR ... your visor; it's really fantastic ... even with you as soon as we get back together. Hey - [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 62] Rusty, let me ... camera back in or I'll send you the sequence camera. ... ahead, Houston. Everything's going along fine up here. Do you have anything special that you want done in this pass? .. sure we can get that configured out quickly. ... I want to get it through there without putting a hole in that door. ... the time limit. How you feeling, Rusty? Hey, you want to go ahead and try to run the thing for the ... passes and the one night pass? ... think we might be able to do that for you. The thing that bothers me is that - if it does - we may have to reconsider how we are going to do that ... tomorrow. We're going to have to get some sleep here sometime. ... it over and see what you decide. Hey, Rusty, why don't you start hauling it out again? 03 01 __ __ LMP Okay ... Let me ... 03 01 __ __ CDR Hey, I sort of felt that way, too. I don't think we ought to try that transfer for sure ... we'll terminate here. ... come on out, wherever you are. ... Rusty, why don't you lean over here again. I'd sure like to get a picture of that whole scene. ... fantastic ... those window marks are all over there ... Okay ... Dave, let me get around here where I can get a picture, too ... These marks all over the window. Shoot, oh dear ... You're ahead when you're out there, you know. This isn't a contest between you and that sample ... Hey ... Someplace that's not too hard to recognize ... f:ll your stop, set on infinity ... I wanted one out there. No, the other ones were taken at - It depends on - One of them got knocked over ... Got knocked over when you were - when it was going out ... better leave it there. ... know there's a washer between the two panes of our overhead window? It's 24 minutes through the run. We've got about another 15 minutes, and then we should start thinking about getting back in. ... the water's all dirty. Things are sti]l falling out up there. What are you doing, throw- ing everything overboard? ... it sticks out, but the city doesn't. (Laughter) The winds look pretty strong ... Clouds ... Hey ... blue from [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 63] up here ... No, I haven't heard him say anything either ... This is Spider; do you read? ... Yes, I heard him then ... This ... Spider, do you read? 03 01 34 14 CDR Hey Rusty, why don't you pass the camera back in here, and work on the handle holds up to - hand- rails up there for just a minute. Come here and let me get this other one zipped in. 03 01 __ __ LMP Yes. 03 01 __ __ CDR Easy out there, I don't want you - getting ... Sun's really bright ... that tether - You're getting things in and out, but they are sort of out of control. Just getting them through that - that last part of the door there - They ricochet off everything on the door ... Want the camera back again? 03 01 35 35 LMP No, that's alright. 03 01 35 __ CDR You've got about 10 more minutes out there and then you ought to start coming back in. Be in when it's still light outside ... Shoot some- thing out there, we'll make a satellite. Coming right between your legs. 03 01 36 14 LMP Is it really? 03 01 36 15 CDR No, it bounced off on your knees ... Figured it would be. Dave, if - if you - if you don't think you can hack it - ... Heck, Rusty, why don't you get out there and move around a little bit and - if Dave - Hey, there goes your camera, Dave. Why don't you exercise the handrail a little bit just to sec how they work and ... very far up, and if Dave gets a picture fine; if he doesn't, well, that's just too bad. He's got to go 90 degrees to that way, Dave. 03 01 __ __ CMP Yes. 03 01 37 __ CDR Hey, you ... looks very great either. (Laughter) ... see one of those things before, Dave? 03 01 37 __ CMP ... [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 64] 03 01 __ __ CDR Why don't you come over and get the thermal sample and get it in, so we don't have to mess around. 03 01 __ __ LMP That's a good idea. 03 01 38 00 LMP ... movie camera. If it runs again, it'll be a miracle .... just gotten bashed around that ... doesn't hook on to it right and it slides up and down the wire, and it's got that stretch cable in it, so every time the tension comes out the stretch cable slams it into something. Hold it. 03 01 __ __ CMP Okay - I've got it. 03 01 __ __ CDR Kind of smashed around a little bit, too. I heard those cameras are good for one film pack, and that's about it when you're doing - work like this with them. ... the nut. (Laughter) ... If you'll just - hang on just a second. Oh, goodness! Get down in there food. Ah - ... 03 01 39 __ LMP Yes. 03 01 39 47 CDR Rusty, I want you to evaluate those handles and - when you get through with them, I want a conclu- sion from you on whether or not - A practical way of doing it, like we've already said it is. 03 01 39 __ LMP Okay. 03 01 __ __ CDR Use the radar antenna. 03 01 41 __ CDR Hey, let me - any left of that one. Go on back down it again, and, Dave, did you get your movie camera running yet? Got 4 minutes. (Laughter) When the 4 minutes are over, we're going to have to come back in without thc movies. If we get them, fine. ... in the window here, can you? 03 01 41 __ CMP Okay. 03 01 41 __ CDR ... getting good pictures is to take a ]ot of them. These aren't going to be very good; you Just can't - You're just not over far enough. 03 01 42 __ CMP They pretty good? ... [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 65] 03 01 __ __ CDR Good idea. Don't touch the quads. 03 01 43 __ CDR The trouble is, I've got this glass here with all the marks on it. I'm trying to take pictures around there; I'm not sure I'm succeeding ... Dave, you've got about 2 minutes to take some pictures. Why don't you turn it on - and, Rusty, why don't you go up - go up and down the - down to the shoes and up there again and call it quits? Hey, Dave, you have it running yet? ... set it on 24 frames a second. ... because - to come in. Hey, Rusty, why don't you start coming back in? ... Oh, shoot. Sure like to. The door finally got itself closed and stuck now, again. 03 01 46 __ CDR ... golly. I'll do my best to stay out of your way. The only trouble is my hoses are kind of out where you're liable to hit them. I think they are out of your way. ... Hey, this way. Can you get over towards me. ... stand right up, you'll be all set ... 03 01 46 43 CDR Don't let the hatch go closed, whatever you do ... Okay, now see if you - pull up all the straps; pull up all the tethers. 03 01 46 __ LMP Okay ... 03 01 46 __ CDR ... right there on my hand ... Some more now. One long strap hanging down. Look out now ... 03 01 47 __ CDR Go to that - We go to that 2 plus 15 checklist right there ... Come on egress forward hatch, closed and locked. ... That's right, that's right here. Give me a while to go down and get that thing closed. I just wanted to make sure you got back inside ... Some trouble with the hatch, everytime it's - once closed; it hung up up there on the top ... Sure we're clear that thing vhile it's still daylight. Here, we've got to close that thing so I can see the hatch before I try to lock it ... I think it's okay ... No, like the way it is. The best thing you could do is if - if you can - is to gather this tube up here ... keep it up off the floor ... 0kay, Davey, you ought to start getting your hatch closed ... Start getting your hatch closed [Day 4] [Page 66] [Tape 09-03601] if you're not already doing it. Not quite. It's closed, just not locked ... What did you do with that - I've got to get my head in front of your legs instead of behind it. That's good. It's closed. ... foot caught ... Let's go back to the 215 thing there. Opps, just stay right there. Okay. Can I - Let me get the cloth over it. Hey, don't - I got it. VALVE, AUTO. And this one should be in AUTO. PRESS going to AUTO. Yes, let's see - What's - What are the steps after that? ... DELTA-T CABIN REPRESS to AUTO CABIN and it's 4.4 psi ... I'll do it at 46:10. ... Huh? ... Start REPRESSING it ... What's that? Right FLOW CONTROL, CLOSED. ... GO. ... ears. 03 01 52 07 CDR How are your ears, Rusty? 03 01 52 09 LMP Alright ... 03 01 52 10 CDR Okay. 03 01 52 38 CDR Okay, we're at 2 psi. 03 01 52 48 CDR 2.3. 03 01 52 59 CDR Okay, 3. I don't even see the cabin pressure ... 3.5. 4.4. You're coming up with it, or you're slipping down? ... CB(16) SUIT FLOW, CLOSED. A and B MASTER ALARM and CABIN WARN LIGHT, ON. Okay. Pressure increasing, give CMP GO for REPRESS. Hey, Gumdrop, this is Spider here. REPRESS here about 68. Yes. They're giving you a plugged nickel for that. I wasn't sure we were even going to be up here today. (Laughter) Here you go. Hey, they got PLSS O[2], OFF? Hey, LMP operates the OPS PURGE valve to depress the suit. You found that? DEPRESS valve closes at 4.4. If LM DESCENT O[2] - Yes - ... valve, OPEN; OVERHEAD DUMP valve, AUTO ... EVA systems. Oh, CABIN REPRESS - For him, yes. EVA systems configura- tion. FAN 1, CLOSE. CABIN FAN 2, anyway - FAN 2. GAS RETURN to AUTO. RELIEF is AUTO. CABIN. And that's just - Oh, we're not going to pressurize him. ... Take your helmet off? Put this stuff back on if we're going to pressurize him. Don't [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 67] want to open up a big hole in the roof with - if he's in a vacuum. Just like opening up the front valve. How you doing over there? ... the other hoses. Stand by just a minute, Dave. Just want to put Rusty, on the suit hoses - the spacecraft, and I'll be rizht with you. The blue in the red hole ... Yes, but mine do. I want to force it in. Push it in again if you want to push on it ... start all you do is push it ... Hey, Dave, are you ready? PRESS. Hey, come and repress you with our oxygen ... like to have me pressurize you with the LM oxygen. Okay. Here, I'm cut off. ... I can hear something ... goes along and stops ... Great. Cabin pressure now. Very good. He can cut off again; he goes along; drops right off like that. There's a - there's a long string of static that - just cuts off. I thought I just saw a whole bunch of those. There's another - a copper with a screw to it. ... man, here comes your old gas. I'll give you ... pressure_ Rusty, would you read that to me? 03 02 00 32 LMP Good ... 0.8. 03 02 00 __ CDR ... coming up, Rus -or Dave? The O[2] quantity? ... I - I'm cutting it off myself, too, because there's -so much crap floating around back there, and I want to get in the dump valve. No, it's not. ... yes, now, Dave. ... point 2, 4.2 ... you're just a little more ... stop right there. ... for you. Go ahead and start reconfiguring here now, I've given you all you're going to get. ... CABIN FAN 1, CLOSE; SUIT/CABIN FAN ... doff helmet and gloves. 03 02 __ __ CMP Go to it. 03 02 __ __ CDR ... all the ... does not have those liners on_ Look at that. ... that's it. 03 02 03 47 CDR Okay, we'll see you later. How we want to con- figure ... can't hear me, I don't believe. Can you? I can't ... out of here. ... hear you. ... 03 02 07 __ CDR Houston, this is Spider here. ... repressurize at this time. Everything's hunky-dory on board, [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 68] and we're just reconfiguring. We're trying - we're trying to make that TV pass for you. ... hold onto this, and I'll put the cover back on this thing you've ... close up with these on. ... Hello! 03 02 07 35 LMP Hello. 03 02 07 37 CDR Okay, ]et me turn off your VOX. Okay. 03 02 12 27 LMP Okay, you're back in basic over here. 03 02 12 28 CDR Alright. Okay. Let's - Why don't you hold these, and I'll go put your helmet in the back so it won't float away, and then we'll take that crap off. 03 02 12 45 LMP Well, okay. Then we got to re - we got to re- charge it before we take it off. 03 02 12 52 CDR Uh oh. What I did with that thing ... 03 02 12 59 LMP I tell you, one thing I kept wanting to get out of here was that helmet bag of mine. Holy Christmas! 03 02 14 11 LMP Thank you, by the way. 03 02 14 12 CDR Okay, appreciate it. That's what we came up here for. I just don't want you getting yourself ki]]ed, 03 02 14 19 LMP No. We]l, I agree with you on that one. Let's see if we can avoid it the rest of the trip. 03 02 14 34 CDR Oh, shoot! Let's - let's get this ... up before we - It's a real rat's nest. 03 02 14 40 LMP Yes. You want to try to keep it in there? 03 02 14 48 CDR Wel], I don't know what the hell else to do with it, do you? 03 02 14 51 LMP Okay, well, why don't I fold it while you do something useful. 03 02 14 53 CDR Yes. Okay. Hey - [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 69] 03 02 14 59 LMP Oh, by the way, we want to change out the - the LiOH, and do a lot of things, you know, while it's still on. 03 02 15 05 CDR Yes, right. 03 02 16 35 CDR Get that later. Okay, we don't need the - this anymore, do we? 03 02 16 42 LMP Hey, - could you turn down my intercom volume a little bit? You're killing me. 03 02 16 48 CDR How's that? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 03 02 16 50 LMP No, still too loud. Lower. Okay, good, great, whoa! 03 02 16 55 CDR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. How's that? 03 02 16 56 LMP That's good. 03 02 16 58 CDR You need this anymore? 03 02 17 00 LMP A - Yes. 03 02 17 02 CDR Save that for the recharge. 03 02 17 03 LMP Yes, re - the recharge. Okay, why don't you start reading the checklist here, whi]e I finish this up. 03 02 17 26 CDR Forgot to put the purge valve in your thing. 03 02 17 30 LMP In my what? 03 02 17 32 CDR Your helmet bag. 03 02 17 33 LMP Oh yes. 03 02 17 45 CDR Shoot. 03 02 18 00 LMP Shoot, man, the control out there is easy as pie. My God, I wasn't even moving. 03 02 18 29 LMP Gee, too bad we couldn't quite see Houston. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 70] 03 02 18 31 CDR Yes, that was a shame, wasn't it? 03 02 18 33 LMP Yes. I wonder why they left the radio? 03 02 18 39 CDR I don't know. I wonder what happened to our cameras. We better check these mothers and see if they still work. 03 02 18 49 LMP Alright, that one does. It was working great outside. 03 02 18 58 CDR Yes, it seems like it does. After we got that handle on it, we'll never get it off. 03 02 19 04 LMP Yes. Okay, now I got to - I'm ready to put the -- 03 02 19 12 CDR ... that. 03 02 19 15 LMP No, that's just that decal. I'm ready to put the flap around this thing. 03 02 19 21 CDR Whoop. You better look that one over. It really got bashed around coming in. 03 02 19 24 LMP Yes. Hey, wait a minute. Don't - don't - 03 02 20 17 CDR PLSS PUMP, OFF; PLSS FAN, OFF; PLSS MODE, POSITION 3; connect the LM COMM audio. COMMANDER SUIT ISOLATION to SUIT DISCONNECT, COMMANDER SUIT ISOLATION, SUIT FLOW. Emergency cabin repress. Okay, we finished all that. Okay, that helped. 03 02 20 42 LMP Okay. Here's the tether. 03 02 20 54 CDR Okay, here's the checklist. I'll trade you. 03 02 20 56 LMP Okay, ]et me see whether I can move here. Okay. 03 02 21 06 CMP Spider, Gumdrop. 03 02 21 09 LMP Alright, go ahead, Gumdrop. 03 02 21 10 CMP How you doing over there? 03 02 21 12 LMP Fi - Okay, we're trying to get through the - the mess in here, and get it back stowed again. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 71] 03 02 21 18 CMP Okay, now. Everything's cleared away over here. We're back up to 521, the O[2] flow high's down, and everything looks good. 03 02 21 26 LMP Okay. 03 02 21 30 CDR Good job, David Scott. 03 02 21 34 CMP Good job to you guys. That was really a neat demonstration. That made it look pretty easy. 03 02 21 46 LMP Yes, it really was, as a matter of fact. Okay. 03 02 22 09 LMP Okay, we can go red to red - red to blue, and blue tn red, if you want. I don't want to. Okay. Here we go. Next -- 03 02 22 15 CDR ... you give me that other EVA card over there. 03 02 22 20 LMP Okay. I didn't figure out the rendezvous - Well, we'll do that later. Okay, log the DELTA-T -- 03 02 22 28 CC ... 03 02 22 32 LMP Houston, this is the Spider. 03 02 22 34 CDR Let Dave talk to them. We got to get this mess cleaned up. 03 02 22 39 CMP And Houston, this is Gumdrop. Back up to 5.1 and evcrything is very nominal. 03 02 22 44 CDR Let me see this just a minute. 03 02 22 45 LMP Okay, that's right where we want to he. 03 02 22 46 CDR Well, let's see -- 03 02 22 47 CC We copy, Gmmdrop. 03 02 22 48 LMP EVA-23. Houston, this is Spider. 03 02 22 54 CC Copy. 03 02 22 57 LMP Spider, wha - here, Houston. What time was that TV pass? [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 72] 03 02 23 09 CMP Spider ... 03 02 23 17 LMP Hey, Gumdrop, ] can't read them. See if you can get it. (Coughing) 03 02 23 20 CMP Roger. Understand. Houston, 74 plus 57 to 75 plus 13. Is that correct? 03 02 23 28 LMP Yes. 03 02 23 30 CMP Okay, you copy? 03 02 23 31 LMP 74 plus 57. 03 02 23 33 CDR Yes, we got it. 03 02 23 35 CMP He copied, 03 02 23 37 LMP Okay, - Look, that's strictly a COMM thing. Why don't we set that up now -- 03 02 23 40 CDR Yes. Just set it up? 03 02 23 42 LMP -- and then press on with the rest. 03 02 23 43 CDR That's what I think we probably ought to do. 03 02 23 44 LMP Okay? 03 02 23 45 CDR Yes. 03 02 23 46 LMP Let me get this TV out. 03 02 23 47 CDR Maybe we can get that PLSS off your back, and - and move it back here a little ways. 03 02 23 49 LMP Well, I'l] tell you what, let's get - 03 02 23 50 CDR Why don't we hurry up and do that, and then we can -- 03 02 23 51 LMP Let's see a - okay ... 03 02 23 53 CDR Read the checklist. 03 02 23 54 LMP Okay, read the checklist. Log DELTA-T of the LiOH and O[2] recharge. Okay, I'll rese[?] it here. [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 73] 03 02 24 02 CDR We still have the tape on. I guess I should turn it off, huh? 03 02 24 06 LMP Yes, it's all ... 03 16 56 22 LMP ... COMM checks incomplete, and I guess the only thing we found is that my PTT doesn't seem to work at all. Let me try it one more time here. 03 16 56 34 LMP Okay, how do you read now? Gumdrop, how do you read, Spider? Gumdrop, how do you read Spider? 03 16 57 05 LMP ... it doesn't work on PTT. Now interestingly enough, Jim - ... over to a ... Spider ... I went to - I'm on VOX now ... is that the intercom bus should not be triggered ... The tape recorder does not go off. It looks like there's something, funny there, too. ... I'm sorry. ... on VOX, and on VOX the intercom bus should not be triggered except when I'm talking. ... The tape is going off now. 03 17 34 38 LMP Hey, tape, in ease you're working, I'd like you to know that the window shades in the LM are no damn good. They - they let in too much light for one thing; and, for another thing, they're extremely difficult to reinstall after you've taken them down one time. 03 17 34 52 CDR And when you take them down, then they don't roll up. 03 17 34 54 LMP Okay, and I guess we ought to also say a few other things here. When we put in the LDC DSKY circuit breaker, it turned out that even though we'd gone to STANDBY on the - system stage, we were not in STANDBY when we pushed in the LDC DSKY circuit breaker. It came up with a flashing 37 in P06, and what else have we got? The commander's OPS heater circuit breaker - or, heater test flight seemed to be either inoperative or intermittent, depending on which time you do them. I couldn't get them to work at all today. They didn't work for me the other day, but Jim did it one time and it worked. Also, the - yes, excuse me - LMP PTT, either umbil- ical or on the ACA, is inoperative today, and the only way I can transmit is with the VOX, which works fine. Okay, tape, and you're going OFF at 89:36. 2, 1 - [Tape 09-03601] [Day 4] [Page 74] Document truncated.