Renal Stone Risk Narrative DAG CM Final - Errata 20220131 dag { bb="-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5" "Altered Gravity" [exposure,pos="-0.451,-0.281"] "Astronaut Selection" [pos="-0.031,-0.457"] "Bone Fracture (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.395,-0.367"] "Bone Remodeling" [pos="-0.296,-0.302"] "CO2 (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.384,-0.182"] "Crew Capability" [pos="0.214,-0.369"] "Crew Health and Performance System" [pos="-0.174,0.363"] "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" [pos="0.402,0.131"] "Detect MRM/Stone" [pos="-0.048,0.017"] "Distance from Earth" [exposure,pos="-0.434,0.381"] "Flight Recertification" [outcome,pos="0.384,0.387"] "Food and Nutrition (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.405,-0.447"] "HSIA (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.308,0.403"] "Hostile Closed Environment" [exposure,pos="-0.411,-0.040"] "Individual Factors" [pos="-0.031,-0.282"] "Individual Readiness" [pos="0.232,-0.256"] "K+ Citrate" [pos="-0.122,0.124"] "Long Term Health Outcomes" [outcome,pos="0.407,-0.012"] "Loss of Crew Life" [outcome,pos="0.416,-0.162"] "Loss of Mission Objectives" [outcome,pos="0.381,-0.442"] "Loss of Mission" [outcome,pos="0.452,-0.470"] "Medical Illness" [pos="0.207,-0.138"] "Medical Monitoring Capability" [pos="0.027,0.360"] "Medical Prevention Capability" [pos="-0.146,0.271"] "Medical Treatment Capability" [pos="0.251,0.305"] "Microhost (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.175,-0.453"] "Mineralized Renal Material" [pos="-0.179,-0.106"] "Percutaneous Nephrostomy" [pos="0.125,0.169"] "Pharm (Risk)" [latent,pos="0.187,0.401"] "Resistive Exercise" [pos="-0.222,-0.352"] "Task Performance" [outcome,pos="0.292,-0.416"] "Ultrasound Manipulation" [pos="0.086,-0.019"] "Urinary Retention (Risk)" [latent,pos="0.109,-0.307"] "Urine Chemistry" [pos="-0.298,-0.142"] "Urine Concentration" [pos="-0.283,-0.008"] "Urine Flow" [pos="0.110,-0.142"] "Vehicle Design" [pos="-0.316,0.294"] "Water Intake" [pos="-0.274,0.173"] Bisphosphonates [pos="-0.138,-0.267"] Evacuation [outcome,pos="0.346,-0.310"] Humidity [pos="-0.405,0.212"] Hydration [pos="-0.347,0.090"] Medications [pos="0.268,0.005"] Microbiome [pos="-0.119,-0.365"] Nephrolithiasis [pos="-0.085,-0.137"] Nutrients [pos="-0.298,-0.435"] Surveillance [pos="0.337,0.237"] Tamsulosin [pos="0.200,0.086"] Thiazides [pos="-0.067,0.133"] Ultrasound [pos="0.031,0.121"] Ureterolithiasis [pos="0.020,-0.138"] "Altered Gravity" -> "Bone Remodeling" "Astronaut Selection" -> "Individual Factors" "Bone Fracture (Risk)" -> "Bone Remodeling" "Bone Remodeling" -> "Urine Chemistry" "CO2 (Risk)" -> "Urine Chemistry" "Crew Capability" -> "Task Performance" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Monitoring Capability" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Prevention Capability" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Treatment Capability" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Resistive Exercise" "Detect MRM/Stone" -> "Ultrasound Manipulation" "Distance from Earth" -> "Vehicle Design" "Food and Nutrition (Risk)" -> Nutrients "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Crew Health and Performance System" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Vehicle Design" "Hostile Closed Environment" -> Hydration "Individual Factors" -> Nephrolithiasis "Individual Readiness" -> "Crew Capability" "K+ Citrate" -> "Urine Chemistry" "Long Term Health Outcomes" -> "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" "Loss of Mission Objectives" -> "Loss of Mission" "Medical Illness" -> "Individual Readiness" "Medical Illness" -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" "Medical Illness" -> "Loss of Crew Life" "Medical Illness" -> Evacuation "Medical Monitoring Capability" -> Ultrasound "Medical Prevention Capability" -> "Bone Remodeling" "Medical Prevention Capability" -> "K+ Citrate" "Medical Prevention Capability" -> "Urine Chemistry" "Medical Prevention Capability" -> "Water Intake" "Medical Prevention Capability" -> Bisphosphonates "Medical Prevention Capability" -> Thiazides "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Percutaneous Nephrostomy" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Ultrasound Manipulation" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Water Intake" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> Medications "Medical Treatment Capability" -> Tamsulosin "Microhost (Risk)" -> Microbiome "Mineralized Renal Material" -> "Detect MRM/Stone" "Mineralized Renal Material" -> Nephrolithiasis "Percutaneous Nephrostomy" -> "Medical Illness" "Pharm (Risk)" -> "Medical Prevention Capability" "Pharm (Risk)" -> "Medical Treatment Capability" "Resistive Exercise" -> "Bone Remodeling" "Task Performance" -> "Loss of Mission Objectives" "Ultrasound Manipulation" -> Ureterolithiasis "Urinary Retention (Risk)" -> "Urine Flow" "Urine Chemistry" -> "Mineralized Renal Material" "Urine Concentration" -> "Urine Chemistry" "Urine Flow" -> "Medical Illness" "Vehicle Design" -> "Crew Health and Performance System" "Vehicle Design" -> Humidity "Water Intake" -> "Urine Flow" "Water Intake" -> Hydration Bisphosphonates -> "Bone Remodeling" Evacuation -> "Loss of Crew Life" Evacuation -> "Loss of Mission Objectives" Humidity -> Hydration Hydration -> "Urine Concentration" Medications -> "Individual Readiness" Medications -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" Medications -> "Loss of Crew Life" Medications -> "Medical Illness" Medications -> Evacuation Microbiome -> "Urine Chemistry" Nephrolithiasis -> "Detect MRM/Stone" Nephrolithiasis -> "Flight Recertification" Nephrolithiasis -> Ureterolithiasis Nutrients -> "Bone Remodeling" Surveillance -> "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" Tamsulosin -> "Urine Flow" Thiazides -> "Urine Chemistry" Ultrasound -> "Detect MRM/Stone" Ultrasound -> "Percutaneous Nephrostomy" Ureterolithiasis -> "Urine Flow" }