NIR Risk Narrative DAG CM Final 20211101 dag { bb="-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5" "Crew Capability" [pos="0.110,-0.365"] "Crew Health and Performance System" [pos="-0.061,0.335"] "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" [pos="0.356,0.406"] "Distance from Earth" [exposure,pos="-0.436,0.285"] "Eye Injury" [pos="-0.147,-0.340"] "Flight Recertification" [outcome,pos="0.410,0.130"] "HSIA (Risk)" [latent,pos="-0.256,0.398"] "Helmet/Protective Visors" [pos="-0.227,0.080"] "Individual Readiness" [pos="0.012,-0.332"] "Long Term Health Outcomes" [outcome,pos="0.411,0.274"] "Loss of Mission Objectives" [outcome,pos="0.330,-0.427"] "Loss of Mission" [outcome,pos="0.449,-0.465"] "Medical Prevention Capability" [pos="0.008,0.195"] "Medical Treatment Capability" [pos="0.193,0.252"] "Protective Glasses" [pos="-0.026,-0.002"] "Protective Windows and Filters" [pos="-0.350,-0.026"] "Skin Injury" [pos="-0.146,-0.175"] "Suit Design" [pos="-0.226,0.226"] "Task Performance" [outcome,pos="0.202,-0.389"] "Vehicle Design" [pos="-0.310,0.285"] Laser [pos="-0.353,-0.340"] Radiation [exposure,pos="-0.438,-0.270"] Sunlight [pos="-0.353,-0.174"] Surveillance [pos="0.212,0.411"] "Crew Capability" -> "Task Performance" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Prevention Capability" "Crew Health and Performance System" -> "Medical Treatment Capability" "Distance from Earth" -> "Vehicle Design" "Eye Injury" -> "Flight Recertification" "Eye Injury" -> "Individual Readiness" "Eye Injury" -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Crew Health and Performance System" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Suit Design" "HSIA (Risk)" -> "Vehicle Design" "Helmet/Protective Visors" -> "Eye Injury" "Helmet/Protective Visors" -> "Skin Injury" "Individual Readiness" -> "Crew Capability" "Long Term Health Outcomes" -> "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" "Loss of Mission Objectives" -> "Loss of Mission" "Medical Prevention Capability" -> "Protective Glasses" "Medical Treatment Capability" -> "Individual Readiness" "Protective Glasses" -> "Eye Injury" "Protective Windows and Filters" -> "Eye Injury" "Protective Windows and Filters" -> "Skin Injury" "Skin Injury" -> "Individual Readiness" "Skin Injury" -> "Long Term Health Outcomes" "Suit Design" -> "Helmet/Protective Visors" "Task Performance" -> "Loss of Mission Objectives" "Vehicle Design" -> "Crew Health and Performance System" "Vehicle Design" -> "Protective Windows and Filters" Laser -> "Eye Injury" Laser -> "Skin Injury" Radiation -> Laser Radiation -> Sunlight Sunlight -> "Eye Injury" Sunlight -> "Skin Injury" Surveillance -> "Detect Long Term Health Outcomes" }