TechPort – Find it, Build it, Share it.
What is TechPort? TechPort is a web-based database that showcases NASA technologies, providing key insights on past, current, and planned developments. TechPort transforms this technology development data into information that unlocks new discoveries, analysis, collaboration, partnership and communication.
TechPort Benefits
Sharing NASA technology expands the frontiers of knowledge and capabilities in aeronautics, science, and space exploration, and creates opportunities for U.S. industry and academia. By making technology development information available to the public—in an easy-to-find and practical way—NASA fuels entrepreneurship, innovation and scientific discovery. Through this system, our corporate and university partners can access information about novel technologies across all NASA centers and use it to identify possible opportunities for collaboration and technology advancement.
For NASA users, TechPort enables comprehensive technology portfolio strategy development, investment prioritization, and decision-making. Technologists can compare existing NASA investments with future technology needs in order to effectively prioritize new projects.
TechPort contains a wealth of information about each technology development effort including a detailed description, the anticipated benefits, the locations and organizations performing the work and points of contact. Many technology project entries also provide additional detail in the form of images, published papers, journal articles, infusion stories and news articles.
How can I partner with NASA to develop technology?
NASA has various partnership agreements in a broad spectrum of areas to advance mission and program objectives. Examples of partnership agreements include Space Act Agreements, Commercial Space Launch Act Agreements, and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, among others.
If you are interested in pursuing potential partnership opportunities in a specific technical area identified in the TechPort system, please contact the NASA point of contact identified on the respective project page. If you are interested in pursuing a partnership with a particular NASA Center or component facility, please use the respective Center contact information provided on the “Partnership” tip sheet found in the “Using TechPort” section of the TechPort home page.
Where can I find more information?
To access TechPort, go to https://techport.nasa.gov. On the TechPort home page there are several Tip Sheets available that describe the features and benefits of TechPort. If you have a specific question, you can contact the TechPort team at hq-techport@mail.nasa.gov.