Flight Opportunities
Lessons Learned Library
Get Involved with the Flight Opportunities Program
Researchers interested in testing their payload in a relevant environment are encouraged to follow these best practices to engage with the program and make the most of their experience. In some cases, a link is provided where you can hear more about the suggestion from the relevant Community of Practice webinar.
Explore the Community of Practice webinars about Get Involved with the Flight Opportunities Program
Learn About the Program
Stay in the know
Subscribe to the Flight Opportunities newsletter and monitor the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NPSIRES) to stay on top of the latest news about calls and solicitations.
Understand the avenues for funding
Visit the Access Flight Tests page to see the funding mechanisms available to researchers.
Leverage resources from Flight Opportunities
Review previous flight summaries, the technology portfolio, and the flight provider information to understand the types of technologies the program supports and the types of vehicles and flight profiles that program-supported teams have leveraged for flight testing.
Engage with Us
Reach out to Flight Opportunities personnel
Talk to Flight Opportunities personnel early on for valuable insights, such as how to better scope your testing before flight. Subscribe to the Flight Opportunities newsletter to know which conferences program personnel will be attending.
Ask questions
Reach out to the Flight Opportunities program to discuss your technology and any questions you have prior to the opening of a solicitation.
Align with Our Goals
Research the state of the art and current gaps
Research what technologies already exist and the relevant technology gaps. As needed, find appropriate subject matter experts to help you understand the state of the art and how your technology might address any gaps. The Flight Opportunities technology team can assist you with finding appropriate partners to work with.
Understand NASA’s needs
Consult NASA’s Strategic Framework, which has documents as well as videos from principal technologists within NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.