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From Suborbital Flight to the International Space Station


  • Dmitry Starodubov, Ph.D., FOMS Inc. 
  • Steve Huning, Research Portfolio Manager, NASA’s Johnson Space Center 
  • Kevin Engelbert, Commercial Portfolio Manager for In Space Production Applications (InSPA), NASA’s Johnson Space Center 

April 6, 2022 


Brief periods of microgravity in suborbital flights facilitated by Flight Opportunities can validate a technology’s functionality in a cost-efficient and timely manner, reducing risk for longer, more expensive missions. FOMS’s Dr. Dmitry Starodubov, principal investigator (PI) for the Space Fibers 3 project, will share how his team leveraged parabolic flights to validate technology performance and improve crew instructions before the project’s transition to the International Space Station later this year. He will be joined by NASA’s Steve Huning and Kevin Engelbert, who will help illustrate how PIs can make the most of NASA-supported flight tests and why suborbital demonstrations have become a best practice for technologies looking to advance to orbital missions.

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