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Young students look at a model of a robotic arm

Space To Learn

We’re launching learning to new heights with STEM resources that connect educators, students, parents and caregivers to the inspiring work at NASA.

find your place in space

Nebula character in space craft outside the clubhouse

Play games and learn about NASA!

Artemis logo on a starfield

Make, launch, teach, compete and learn. Find your favorite way to be part of the Artemis Mission.

A group of students standing in front of a NASA (a/k/a NASA Worm) backdrop.

We offer internship opportunities across the United States – check us out online and find your place in space!

An adult sitting at a table with students doing an activity

Connecting Our NASA Network of Educators for Collaborating Together in STEM.

Group photo of students standing on a staircase holding small rovers

Challenge and build student knowledge and skills by focusing on NASA’s mission goals, collaboration, and career pathways.

We Engage Students In NASA’s Mission

K-12 students can dig deeper into STEM topics and experience the thrill of exploration and discovery.

NASA makes vital investments in a diverse portfolio of learning opportunities and activities designed to reach as many U.S. students as possible – from kindergarten through graduate school. NASA seeks to build the next generation STEM workforce and broaden student participation to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM fields.

For Kids and Students
A group of students working on an activity together

7 Ways to Celebrate National Intern Day with NASA

National Intern Day is celebrated annually to recognize and highlight the contributions of interns throughout different industries and fields of work. At every NASA center nationwide, interns play a critical role in our mission success.

Join in the Celebration about 7 Ways to Celebrate National Intern Day with NASA
An intern taking a selfie with someone in an astronaut suit