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Ray Shielding Activity

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An "umbrella-like" shell held up on a curved stand in a dark testing chamber, heated to the point of looking red with blue wisps blowing past it.



Grade Levels

Grades K-4, Grades 5-8


Engineering Design, Life Science, Spanish, Technology, Living and Working in Space


Lesson Plans / Activities

This lesson will help your students answer the question:
Which of the materials provided will block the most simulated space radiation, and be the best material to build a spacecraft?
In this lesson, students will
– Gather data on space radiation shielding by observing a flashlight beam as it shines through different material.
– Gather data by measuring, predicting, counting and weighing the materials that will shield simulated space radiation.
– Analyze the data and select the most protective and lightweight material for a space exploration spacecraft.
– Develop a conclusion based upon the results of this activity.

Ray Shielding Activity
For educators [524KB PDF file] en español
For students [456KB PDF file] en español

The Ray Shielding Activity is the lesson that accompanies What Would You Hear in a Weather Report From Mars?, one of the topics in the 21st Century Explorer series.

Also in this series:
Those Who Have Come Before Me Activity
Food For Spaceflight Activity
Get a Leg Up Activity
Speed It Up Activity
Designing a Crew Exploration Vehicle Activity
What’s Hidden Inside Activity
Moon Mining Activity
Let’s Investigate Mars Activity
Cleaning Water Activity
Making Regolith Activity
Cool Suits Activity