Grade Levels
Grades 5-8
Educator Guides, Lesson Plans / Activities
This collection of 13 mathematical activities introduces students to some unusual places in our galaxy that are outside our solar system. Students apply mathematical skills and principles such as multiplying decimals, working with proportions, and estimating to explore how astronomers measure the brightness, or magnitude, of stars and how they classify stars according to temperature. Students also use mathematics to estimate the number of stars in the galaxy. The lessons are correlated to common core standards in mathematics.
Exploring Stars in the Milky Way [5MB PDF file]
More booklets in this series:
Space Math I
Space Math II
Space Math III
Space Math IV
Space Math V
Space Math VI
Space Math VII
Space Math VIII
Space Math IX
Space Math X
Adventures in Space Science Mathematics
Algebra 2 With Space Science Applications
Astrobiology Math
Black Hole Math
Earth Math
Electromagnetic Math
Exploring Planetary Moons
Exploring Stars in the Milky Way
Exploring the Lunar Surface
Exploring the Milky Way
Image Scale Math
Lunar Math
Magnetic Math
Mars Math
Radiation Math
Remote Sensing Math
Solar Math
Space Weather Math
Transit Math
Year of the Solar System — Real-World Math