Grade Levels
Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12
Engineering Design, Physical Science, Spanish, Flight and Aeronautics, Physics
Lesson Plans / Activities
Students will learn that engineers at NASA must consider various factors when designing the next generation of sustainable aircraft. Student teams will explore the impact of aircraft design on flight distance by testing designs of paper airplanes. Students will continue their investigation by testing the effect of adding weight, as well as the distribution of that weight, on the flight distance of their paper airplanes.
Next Generation Science Standards:
• MS-PS2-5 and MS-PS2-4
• MS-ETS1-3
• NGSS Science and Engineering, Practice 3
Paper Airplane Activity: Wingin’ It | Desde cero
Instructional Videos
For Teachers
Message for Students
How-to Fold Paper Airplanes
Basic Plane
Dart Plane
X Plane
Glider Plane