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Parts of an Airplane

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Grade Levels

Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12


Mathematics, Physical Science, Algebra, Geometry, Flight and Aeronautics, Forces and Motion


Lesson Plans / Activities

Parts of an Airplane

Parts of an Airplane will be used to teach students, through hands-on activities, the different parts of an airplane and the major function of each of those parts. Activities will include putting together a model, puzzles and coloring sheets, the different parts of an airplane and the major function of each of those parts. Students will also see how these parts have advanced over the years since the first airplane and how these parts change based on the airplane’s intended function. Activities will include completing worksheets, comparing photographs and/or models and building several 3-D puzzles.

Parts of an Airplane K-4

Parts of an Airplane 5-8

Parts of an Airplane 9-12

Grade Level: PK-12

Time Required: 45 minutes

National Science Standards Addressed (PK-4)


  • Models and explanation
  • Form and function
  • Properties of objects and materials
  • Position and motion of objects
  • Objects in the sky

National Science Standards Addressed (5-8)


  • Understanding about science and technology
  • Motion and Forces

National Science Standards Addressed (9-12)


  • Understanding about science and technology
  • Motion and forces


  • Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another
  • Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates
  • Understand patterns, relations and functions
  • Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols
  • Analyze characteristics and properties of two and three dimensional geometric shapes
  • Apply appropriate techniques, tools and formulas to determine measurements

Topic: Parts of an Airplane, Form and Function

This activity is part of the Museum in a Box Lessons