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Careers, Engineering Design, Technology
Lesson Plans / Activities, Videos
NASA Role Model: Dr. Tiffaney Miller Alexander
NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
Topic: Safety and Mission Assurance Exploration Research and Technology Office Chief
Original Air Date: Oct. 13, 2021
From the time she was 11 years old, Tiffaney Miller Alexander, Ph.D., knew she wanted to be an electrical engineer and work for NASA. Now, after having chased that dream, she turned it into a reality! Watch and learn about Dr. Alexander’s journey to the agency and how she became NASA’s Safety and Mission Assurance Exploration Research and Technology Office chief at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
STEM Short Activity: Design a Crew Module
Objective: Work as a team to design and build a crew module model that will safely secure two 2-cm-sized astronaut figures during a drop test.
Duration: 60 minutes
Materials Needed: Internet-enabled computer, supplies vary based on the chosen activity
Difficulty: Moderate
Next Generation Science Standards: MS-ETS1-1, MS-ETS1-3 and MS-ETS1-4
“NASA STEM Stars” is a webchat series. Each chat introduces a science, technology, engineering or math career, addresses a STEM topic and highlights a NASA mission. The chat includes a STEM activity that students can do at home. After the interviews, experts answer students’ questions.