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‘NASA STEM Stars’: Acoustics Research

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A pair of T-38s flying in formation at supersonic speeds.


Educators, Students

Grade Levels

Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12, Informal Education


Hands-on Activities, Videos

NASA Role Models: Joel Lonzaga and William Doebler
NASA Center: Langley Research Center
Topic: Low Boom Flight Demonstration
Original Air Date: April 20, 2020

Watch two acoustic engineers, Joel Lonzaga and Will Doebler, discuss their work to make aircraft quieter on the Low-boom Flight Demonstration mission. The X-59 Quiet Supersonic Technology (QueSST) will fly faster than the speed of sound without the noise of a sonic boom.

STEM Short Activity: Citizen Science: NASA’s Lower the Boom
Objective: Measure ambient noise in a variety of locations/times/conditions.
Duration: 50 minutes
Materials Needed: Noise collection device, anecdata app
Difficulty: Moderate

Next Generation Science Standards: MS-PS4-1. MS-PS4-2. MS-ESS3-3

“NASA STEM Stars” is a webchat series. Each chat introduces a science, technology, engineering or math career, addresses a STEM topic and highlights a NASA mission. The chat includes a STEM activity that students can do at home. After the interviews, experts answer students’ questions.