Educators, Students
Grade Levels
Grades K-4, Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12, Informal Education
Life Science, Living and Working in Space
Other Multimedia, Videos
A student from the Texas School for the Deaf, or TSD asks about the International Space Station’s 90-minute orbit of Earth. Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson responds and shows what Earth and the space station look like from inside the seven-window Cupola module.
While aboard the International Space Station in 2010, astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson used American Sign Language, or ASL, to answer a variety of video inquiries submitted by students from the Texas School for the Deaf, or TSD. She recorded almost an hour of video footage showing an inside view of the station in response to the students’ questions about life in space. NASA sent the video footage to TSD, and students in Bobbie Guerra’s video technology class (Zealous Studio) used this footage to create a series of video clips.
Caldwell Dyson suggested this project as a way to inspire deaf and hard-of-hearing students to learn more about space science and to encourage them to pursue space-related careers.
Other video learning clips in this series:
Texas School for the Deaf Students Introduce Themselves
How Long Does It Take to Get to the ISS?
What Do You Do About Space Junk?
You Did a Spacewalk for Over 8 Hours. How Did You Do That?
How Do You Stay in Contact With Your Family?
Expedition 24 Crew Sends a Message to the Texas School for the Deaf
How Deaf and Hearing Impaired People Helped the Space Program