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Gas Giants, Atmospheres and Weather

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An illustration of Kepler-186f, the first Earth-size planet discovered within a star’s habitable zone. The planet appears large on the right, illuminated by the distant Sun-like star in the lower left of the image. Much of the planet is in shadow, but in the light of its sun, Earthlike continents, oceans and clouds glow gold. Other planets are visible as small, bright spots orbiting the star.



Grade Levels

Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12


Mathematics, Space Science, Fractions and Decimals, Problem Solving, Trigonometry, Solar System and Planets


Lesson Plans / Activities

The nine sets of problems in this section of the Year of the Solar System guide challenge students to use different types of mathematics to learn about the atmospheres of planets and moons. Students graph and analyze data, calculate percentages, and use trigonometry to learn about planetary atmospheres and weather.
Gas Giants, Atmospheres and Weather  [773KB PDF file]
This document is part of the Year of the Solar System — Real-World Math guide.