Grade Levels
Grades K-4, Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12
Physical Science, Flight and Aeronautics, Forces and Motion
Lesson Plans / Activities
Foam Wing
The Foam Wing activity is intended to be presented to a general audience at science centers and museums. Participants will be perform some activities illustrating Bernoulli’s Effect. They will also be able to wear giant foam wings and utilize a simulated wind tunnel to feel the potential of lift. The instructor will deliver information on airfoil design, lift, and Bernoulli’s Effect, initiated by a prompting question(s) expressed to the participant. Participants at and above the 5th grade level can engage in a brief description of the area rule and laminar flow.
Grade Level: K-12
Time Required: 15 minutes
National Science Standards Addressed:
Science K-4:
- Properties of objects and materials
- Objects in the sky
- Understanding about science and technology
- Science and technology in society
Science 5-8:
- Motion and forces
- Understanding about science and technology
Science 9-12:
- Motion and forces
- Understanding about science and technology
Topic: Bernoulli’s Principle, Forces, Fluids, Pressure, Air, Motion, Area