Grade Levels
Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12, Higher Education, Informal Education
Careers, Life Science, Humans, Living and Working in Space
This section takes everything you’ve learned and puts it into action. To launch your expedition into orbit, everyone on the team needs to do their part. Of course, that begins with knowing what each person’s part is, making sure team members are ready to perform their part and that they get it done, and dealing with any unexpected challenges that develop along the way. Launching an expedition, like teamwork, takes practice and patience.
Elementary School Activities:
Rocket Power Challenge I
Rocket Power Challenge II
Rocket Power Challenge III
Middle School Activities:
Rocket Power Challenge I
Rocket Power Challenge II
Rocket Power Challenge III
High School Activities:
Rocket Power Challenge I
Rocket Power Challenge II
Rocket Power Challenge III
More Expeditionary Skills:
Expeditionary Skills for Life
Self Care/Team Care
Embarking on Pilgrimages
The Challenge of the Quest