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Space Shuttle Recordation Activity

When Space Shuttle Atlantis landed at Kennedy Space Center on July 21, 2011, it marked the conclusion of the final Shuttle mission and the end to a 30-year era of Shuttle flights. The Space Shuttle Program is now entering a retirement and closeout phase, and NASA is undertaking recordation activities to compile historical and educational information of the Space Transportation System (more commonly referred to as the Space Shuttle) and its Stack elements (Orbiters, External Tank, Space Shuttle Main Engines, and Solid Rocket Boosters). Johnson Space Center (JSC in Houston, TX) and NASA Headquarters (located in Washington, DC) is leading the effort in partnership with external stakeholders: The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the State Historic Preservation Offices of AL, CA, FL, and TX.

This website serves as a public outreach tool that will house the Space Shuttle Recordation Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) amongst the aforementioned stakeholders, the status of the Recordation effort, and upon completion, and the final Space Shuttle Recordation Package. 

Figure: Space Shuttle Stack Depicted on Crawler

The Memorandum of Agreement, which includes NASA’s mitigation strategy, can be accessed in its entirety through the following links:

Historical Timeline

Captures some of the remarkable milestones of Space Shuttle’s 30-year history.

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