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Open Innovation Success Stories

Read how prize competitions, challenges, crowdsourcing, and citizen science opportunities advance technology supporting NASA and benefit the solvers who participate.

Colorado School of Mines team members pouring regolith slag into tile sandcasting molds to review applicability for use as building products in the 2023 BIG Idea Challenge.

What is open innovation?

Open innovation describes initiatives that collaborate directly with the public / “the crowd” through opportunities such as prize competitions, challenges, crowdsourcing, and citizen science, with the idea that NASA can learn from the ingenuity and creativity of the public while also stimulating interest in our missions.

Newest Story

NASA’s Spot the Station App Developed by and for the People

NASA developed the Spot the Station app, which allows users to track and view the International Space Station, in collaboration with the public. Through three separate crowdsourcing competitions, global communities were invited to design key components of the new app.

Learn More about NASA’s Spot the Station App Developed by and for the People
A collage of three smart phones depicting various capabilities of the Spot the Station app.
The Spot the Station app was developed in collaboration with the public through a series of crowdsourcing competitions.

Past Publications

Open Innovation at NASA

Boosting NASA Higher, Faster, and Farther

Organizations across the globe harness the perspectives, expertise, and enthusiasm of “the crowd” outside their walls to reduce costs, accelerate projects, enhance creativity, and better engage stakeholders. NASA is doing the same, collaborating with diverse entities nationally and internationally. Read how open innovation projects from October 2020 to September 2022 advanced NASA’s mission and benefited participants.

Read More about Open Innovation at NASA
Student-powered rover tackles the Human Exploration Rover Challenge (HERC) course

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Astronaut Jessica Watkins works on the Surface Avatar laptop computer
Astronaut Jessica Watkins works on the Surface Avatar laptop computer to study ways to command and control surface-bound robots from space.