NASA SmallSat LEARN Forum
Interested in attending the LEARN Forum? Participation in the SmallSat LEARN Forum is by invitation only. If you are affiliated with a NASA-funded SmallSat mission and are interested in participating, please connect with us via the link below. We look forward to your participation!
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NASA Small Satellite – Learning from Experiences, Achievements, and Resolution Navigation (NASA SmallSat LEARN Forum)
NASA has extensive experience building and flying CubeSats and SmallSats but knowledge resides in individual pockets within the agency and its partners. To facilitate networking, information exchange, and collaborative learning within the NASA SmallSat Community, NASA implemented the SmallSat LEARN Forum.
NASA’s SmallSat LEARN Forum is a pilot program aimed at providing the NASA SmallSat Community with collaboration resources. LEARN aptly stands for Learning from Experiences, Achievements, and Resolution Navigation and through the forum we will share and learn together as a community to become smarter implementers of these missions.
The goals for this forum include:
- Expand personal networks
- Break down barriers and silos
- Increase community awareness
- Reduce redundancies across the agency
- Increase opportunities to leverage cross-cutting capabilities and technologies across the agency’s SmallSat portfolio
NASA’s SmallSat LEARN Forum launched in March 2022 as a bi-monthly interactive webinar series focused on bringing in community speakers and content that will allow for thoughtful discussion, promote cross-sharing of information and lessons learned, and will ultimately make us a more succinct, cross-cutting, and collaborative community. Each forum session will last 1.5 hours and will consist primarily of mission presentations and a community discussion.
The intended LEARN Forum audience consists of individuals who have directly worked on or submitted proposals to work on NASA SmallSat projects and missions. This includes, but is not limited to, principal investigators, project managers, and lead systems engineers.
Forum participants may also participate at the annual in-person collaborative workshop to continue to foster the networking and information exchange established over the course of the forum’s virtual sessions. In addition, the LEARN forum steering committee is evaluating online tools for the community to stay connected throughout the year to improve networking, collaboration, and information exchange.
Please frequent this LEARN Forum website to keep up to date on all upcoming sessions and to access archived sessions.
The SmallSat LEARN forum is organized and implemented by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center’s (GSFC) SmallSat Office in partnership with GSFC’s Strategic Partnerships Office (SPO) and NASA’s Small Spacecraft Systems Virtual Institute (S3VI).
We look forward to your participation!