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Procurement Divisions and Offices

Updated Jan 10, 2025

Procurement Headquarters Divisions

Procurement Strategic Operations Division (PSOD)

Division Director: Kameke P. Mitchell

The NASA Headquarters, Office of Procurement, Procurement Strategic Operations Division (PSOD) (LP012), has agency-wide responsibility for providing guidance and support to NASA Centers, geographically dispersed across the United States, Headquarters Mission Directorates and Mission Support Offices in planning, conducting and processing major complex procurement actions, and analyzing and recommending approval of key acquisition documents that require approval of senior Headquarters officials. The division is comprised of two strategic areas: Space Flight and Research and Science. The analysts in PSOD perform Procurement Portfolio Management by providing support early-on in acquisition planning to develop long-term and short-term enterprise procurement strategies. Other areas of responsibility include managing protests and reporting annual procurement awards.

Procurement and Grants Policy Division (PGPD)

Divison Director: Julia B. Wise

The Procurement and Grants Policy Division is responsible for:  

  • Policy development and leadership on various councils in support of NASA’s role on the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council, NASA’s membership on the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council, and NASA’s role on the FAR Teams that support the FAR policy development and rulemaking process. The division also develops and maintains Agency procurement policy and regulations as promulgated in the NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (NFS) and conducts related quality reviews to ensure the NFS remains current, accurate, and complete with changing regulations and policies. Additional duties include managing the Procurement Management Review (PMR) program through the development and oversight of the comprehensive PMRs policy guidance and process. The division also provides policy experts to support significant and strategic Federal and Government-wide initiatives that impact NASA acquisition and program missions.  
  • Training requirements and certification programs for NASA’s acquisition workforce including Contracting Officers, Contract Specialists, Contracting Officer Representatives, Program Managers and Project Managers ensuring that the workforce is appropriately trained and certified to support NASA’s procurements and programs. The division also engages NASA’s training representatives and works with external Federal agency training coordinators, training councils, industry, and stakeholders to ensure NASA’s training program aligns with Federal and Government-wide standards.
  • Pricing policies and the workforce formulating and managing Agency-wide contract pricing policy guidance, and strategies supporting the procurement of major system, institutional, and service acquisitions. 

Enterprise Service and Analysis Division (ESAD)

Division Director: Geoffrey S. Sage

The Enterprise Service and Analysis Division is responsible for:  

The E-Business Systems Office, Enterprise Pricing Office, NASA Acquisition Innovation Launchpad (NAIL), and special acquisition initiatives supporting the Chief Acquisition Officer, Deputy Chief Acquisition Officer, and Chief Program Management Officer.

Procurement Offices

Ames Research Center (ARC)

Chief of Contracting Office: Lauren Johnson

Ames Research Center (ARC) in Silicon Valley enables exploration through selected development, innovative technologies, and interdisciplinary scientific discovery.

  • Advanced Computing and IT Systems
  • Aerosciences
  • Air Traffic Management
  • Astrobiology and Life Science
  • Cost-Effective Space Missions
  • Entry Systems
  • Intelligent/Adaptive Systems
  • Space and Earth Science

Additionally, Ames provides leadership in technologies for exploration, the search for habitable planets, quantum computing, synthetic biology, and airborne astronomy. Ames also develops tools for a safer, more efficient national airspace and unique partnerships benefiting NASA’s mission.

Ames Procurement site

Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC)

Chief of Contracting Office: Jennifer Stock

NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) is the agency’s lead center for atmospheric flight research, operations, and testing and continues to accelerate advances in science, technology and exploration to enhance knowledge, education, innovation, economic vitality and stewardship of Earth.

Find out more about our program and projects that we support.
We also execute procurements in support of many aircraft.

AFRC Procurement site

Glenn Research Center (GRC)

Chief of Contracting Office: Leahmarie Koury

NASA’s Glenn Research Center (GRC) designs and develops innovative technologies to advance NASA’s missions in aeronautics and space exploration. Its expertise and unique facilities enable NASA, other government agencies, and academic and industry partners to perform specialized research and testing. The Center’s premier research facilities have contributed to decades of technology advances by accurately simulating aircraft flight conditions on Earth and the harshest conditions found in the far reaches of the solar system. GRC’s remote test facility, Plum Brook Station, is home to the Space Power Facility (SPF) and In-Space Propulsion Facility ISP), the largest, most powerful and unparalleled space simulation and spacecraft test facilities in the world.

The GRC Procurement Division acquires a wide variety of goods and services in support of all of the Center’s activities: space flight and space systems projects, the NASA Safety Center, aeronautics research, nuclear technology, space science projects, and institutional/facilities operation and maintenance.

Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)

Procurement Officer: Nipa Shah

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Maryland, is home to the nation’s largest organization of scientists, engineers and technologists who build spacecraft, instruments and new technology to study Earth, the sun, our solar system and the universe.

Just outside Washington, Goddard is home to Hubble operations and the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope. Goddard manages communications between mission control and orbiting astronauts aboard the International Space Station. Goddard scientists stare into the sun, grind up meteorites for signs of life’s building blocks, look into the farthest reaches of space, and untangle the mysteries of our own changing world. Goddard engineers construct sensitive instruments, build telescopes that peer into the cosmos, and operate the test chambers that ensure those satellites’ survival.

Named for American rocketry pioneer Dr. Robert H. Goddard, the center was established May 1, 1959, as NASA’s first space flight complex. Goddard and its several installations are critical in carrying out NASA’s missions of space exploration and scientific discovery.

GSFC Procurement site

Information Technology Procurement Office (ITPO)

Procurement Officer: Sarah Pollock

The NASA Headquarters Information Technology (IT) Procurement Office (LP013), has Agency-wide responsibility for providing guidance and support to NASA Centers, geographically dispersed across the United States, Headquarters Mission Directorates, and Mission Support Offices in planning, conducting and processing IT procurement actions above the Simplified Acquisition Threshold. The portfolio is comprised of three primary areas: Enterprise IT Contracts, Center IT Contracts, and the Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) Program.  The Enterprise IT Contracts cover End-User IT services, Cybersecurity, Communications, and Application services.  The Center IT contracts cover a wide breadth of Center-unique IT services.  SEWP is a Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) consisting of over 140 pre-competed Prime Contract Holders that provide a variety of IT products and services to all federal agencies.  The NASA IT Procurement Office works in close partnership with NASA’s Office of Chief Information Officer in developing strategic approaches to acquiring and delivering NASA’s IT needs.

Johnson Space Center (JSC)

Procurement Officer: Bradley Niese

NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) has served as a hub of human spaceflight activity for more than half a century. It is home to the nation’s astronaut corps, the International Space Station Program, the Orion Program, and a host of future space developments. In addition, the center also provides mission and flight crew operations support services, engineering and human health and performance services, and support to the White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico.

Because of the multitude of customers, the NASA JSC Office of Procurement executes numerous types of contract vehicles; from supply contracts that support the center’s infrastructure to complex research and development service contracts that support future human spaceflight.

JSC Procurement site

Kennedy Space Center (KSC)

Procurement Officer: Gerald Norris

Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is the world’s preeminent launch complex for Government and commercial space access, enabling the world to explore and work in space. KSC Procurement Office’s mission is to acquire goods and services in accordance with all statutes, rules, regulations, and policies applicable to KSC; to effectively support KSC directorates in the acquisition process while promoting efficient job performance and integrity; and to deliver optimal business solutions meeting NASA’s mission.

As part of our mission at KSC, we procure for the Exploration Research & Technology Programs, the support for the International Space Station (ISS) operations, and the research and technology development to enable a mission to Mars. For the Commercial Crew Program (CCP), we facilitate development of a U.S. commercial crew transportation capability to, and from, the ISS.

For the Launch Services Program, we launch and procure missions, certify launch vehicles, and support Commercial Resupply Services and CCP. For the Exploration Ground System we obtain all products and services for modernizing our infrastructure to support government and commercial ground activities and missions, and to process and launch Space Launch System/Orion.

KSC Procurement site

Langley Research Center (LaRC)

Chief of Contracting Office: Teresa Hass

Langley Research Center (LaRC) is a research, science, technology, and development Center that provides game-changing innovations to enable NASA to make significant contributions to the nation. The Center is recognized as a leader in systems innovation for expanding air mobility, exploring space, and definitively characterizing the Earth’s changing climate.

Langley’s work spans fundamental research to mission development and operations with an eye toward the next generation of cutting edge ideas that provide new capabilities or significantly improve performance or cost.

Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)

Acting Procurement Officer: Kristina Parmenter

Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is essential to human space exploration. Humanity is poised for the next wave of exploration into our solar system, and Marshall’s goal is to expand human presence deeper into the solar system than ever before.

ith a reputation for solving complex problems and more than five decades of experience, today Marshall is building the Space Launch System, the only vehicle that will have enough power to send humans to deep space. Marshall is also developing advanced technologies that are necessary for a human journey to Mars.

Understanding our planet, solar system, and universe better helps us explore, and Marshall’s scientists and technologists are developing the next generation of missions to observe the outer edge of the universe, the surface of the sun, and our own planet, Earth.

Whether through leadership in complex engineering, technology development, or scientific research, Marshall Space Flight Center makes human space exploration a reality.

MSFC Procurement site

NASA Office of JPL Management and Oversight (NOJMO)

Chief of Contracting Office: James Williams

The NASA Office of JPL Management and Oversight (NOJMO) Director provides strategic leadership and managerial supervision to the on-site NMO staff at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA, and the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, MD. As the primary interface to the NASA Headquarters (HQ) Mission Support Directorate, the NMO Director, implements strategic and tactical directives from HQ, provides regular status briefings on programmatic and institutional activities, and coordinates communication between NMO and the NASA HQ Mission Directorates and Mission Support Offices. The Director ensures proper coordination of all the required operational functions associated with the management of the JPL and APL contracts (including operations at the overseas Deep Space Network facilities in Australia and Spain), and is the focal point for communication with upper management at the JPL and actively represents NASA in local outreach and educational events.

The Technical Assistant for Program Management serves as an expert in project design and certification providing programmatic oversight of flight projects as requested by the NASA functionally responsible directorate. This function requires developing detailed insight into individual project problem areas, providing mitigation options, identifying common thread issues across all program elements and recommending corrective approaches. Recommendations and problem solutions are coordinated across Program and Project performing organizations. Briefings are prepared and periodically delivered to senior NASA management.

NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC)

Procurement Officer: Eli Ouder

The NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) Procurement Office is a full service procurement office with recognized expertise in the award and administration of grants and cooperative agreements; research and development contracts; complex, large dollar service contracts; and commercial item acquisitions.

The NSSC Procurement Office supports NASA’s overall mission by providing seven core procurement services across the Agency, including:

  • Award and administration of grants and cooperative agreements
  • Award and administration of Agency-wide contracts
  • Award and administration of enterprise software license agreements
  • Award and administration of SBIR and STTR contracts
  • Award and administration of internal training purchases
  • Administration of the purchase card; 1102 training; CAAS verification and validation; and FAC-C and FAC-COR certification programs
  • Award and administration of acquisitions below the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT)

NSSC Procurement site

Stennis Space Center (SSC)

Procurement Officer: Eli Ouder

Stennis Space Center (SSC) is NASA’s primary rocket propulsion testing facility. The center provides rocket propulsion test services for NASA and the Department of Defense as well as the commercial sector. It is home to NASA’s Rocket Propulsion Test Program, which manages all of the space agency’s propulsion test facilities.

The center also has grown into a unique “federal city” that hosts more than 40 resident agencies and has become a leader in promoting the use of NASA science research to address community issues.

The Stennis Advanced Technology and Technology Transfer Branch develops and licenses state-of-the-art components, sensors, processes and software. Some of the technologies are highly specialized.

Stennis is also home to the largest concentration of oceanographers and hydrographers in the world.

SSC Procurement site