- Sample Outline
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Purpose and Scope
- 1.2 Responsibility and Change Authority
- 1.3 Definitions
- 2.0 Applicable and Reference Documents
- 2.1 Applicable Documents
- 2.2 Reference Documents
- 2.3 Order of Precedence
- 3.0 System Description
- 3.1 System Requirements Flowdown
- 3.2 System Architecture
- 3.3 End Item Architectures
- 3.4 Ground Support Equipment
- 3.5 Other Architecture Descriptions
- 4.0 Verification and Validation Process
- 4.1 Verification and Validation Management Responsibilities
- 4.2 Verification Methods
- 4.3 Validation Methods
- 4.4 Certification Process
- 4.5 Acceptance Testing
- 5.0 Verification and Validation Implementation
- 5.1 System Design and Verification and Validation Flow
- 5.2 Test Articles
- 5.3 Support Equipment
- 5.4 Facilities
- 6.0 End Item Verification and Validation
- 6.1 End Item A
- 6.n End Item n
- 7.0 System Verification and Validation
- 7.1 End-Item Integration
- 7.2 Complete System Integration
- 8.0 Program Verification and Validation
- 8.1 Vehicle Integration
- 8.2 End-to-End Integration
- 8.3 On-Orbit V&V Activities
- 9.0 System Certification Products
- Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Appendix B: Definition of Terms
- Appendix C: Requirement Verification Matrix
- Appendix D: Validation Matrix
Appendix A Acronyms
Appendix B Glossary
Appendix C How to Write a Good Requirement— Checklist
Appendix D Requirements Verification Matrix
Appendix E Creating the Validation Plan with a Validation Requirements Matrix
Appendix F Functional, Timing, and State Analysis
Appendix G Technology Assessment/Insertion
Appendix H Integration Plan Outline
Appendix I Verification and Validation Plan Outline
Appendix J SEMP Content Outline
Appendix K Technical Plans
Appendix L Interface Requirements Document Outline
Appendix M CM Plan Outline
Appendix N Guidance on Technical Peer Reviews/Inspections
Appendix O Reserved
Appendix P SOW Review Checklist
Appendix Q Reserved
Appendix R HSI Plan Content Outline
Appendix S Concept of Operations Annotated Outline
Appendix T Systems Engineering in Phase E
Sample Outline
The Verification and Validation (V&V) Plan needs to be baselined after the comments from PDR are incorporated. In this annotated outline, the use of the term “system” is indicative of the entire scope for which this plan is developed. This may be an entire spacecraft, just the avionics system, or a card within the avionics system. Likewise, the terms “end item,” “subsystem,” or “element” are meant to imply the lower-level products that, when integrated together, will produce the “system.” The general term “end item” is used to encompass activities regardless of whether the end item is a hardware or software element.
The various sections are intended to move from the high-level generic descriptions to the more detailed. The sections also flow from the lower-level items in the product layer to larger and larger assemblies and to the completely integrated system. The sections also describe how that system may be integrated and further verified/validated with its externally interfacing elements. This progression will help build a complete understanding of the overall plans for verification and validation.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose and Scope
This section states the purpose of this Verification and Validation Plan and the scope (i.e., systems) to which it applies. The purpose of the V&V Plan is to identify the activities that will establish compliance with the requirements (verification) and to establish that the system will meet the customers’ expectations (validation).
1.2 Responsibility and Change Authority
This section will identify who has responsibility for the maintenance of this plan and who or what board has the authority to approve any changes to it.
1.3 Definitions
This section will define any key terms used in the plan. The section may include the definitions of verification, validation, analysis, test, demonstration, and test. See appendix B of this handbook for definitions of these and other terms that might be used.
2.0 Applicable and Reference Documents
2.1 Applicable Documents
These are the documents that may impose additional requirements or from which some of the requirements have been taken.
2.2 Reference Documents
These are the documents that are referred to within the V&V Plan that do not impose requirements, but which may have additional useful information.
2.3 Order of Precedence
This section identifies which documents take precedence whenever there are conflicting requirements.
3.0 System Description
3.1 System Requirements Flowdown
This section describes where the requirements for this system come from and how they are flowed down to subsystems and lower-level elements. It should also indicate what method will be used to perform the flowdown and bidirectional traceability of the requirements: spreadsheet, model, or other means. It can point to the file, document, or spreadsheet that captures the actual requirements flowdown.
3.2 System Architecture
This section describes the system that is within the scope of this V&V Plan. The description should be enough so that the V&V activities will have the proper context and be understandable.
3.3 End Item Architectures
This section describes each of the major end items (subsystems, elements, units, modules, etc.) that when integrated together, will form the overall system that is the scope of this V&V Plan.
3.3.1 System End Item A
This section describes the first major end item/subsystem in more detail so that the V&V activities have context and are understandable.
3.3.n System End Item n
Each end item/subsystem is separately described in a similar manner as above.
3.4 Ground Support Equipment
This section describes any major ground-support equipment that will be used during the V&V activities. This may include carts for supplying power or fuel, special test fixtures, lifting aids, simulators, or other type of support.
3.5 Other Architecture Descriptions
This section describes any other items that are important for the V&V activities but which are not included in the sections above. This may be an existing control center, training facility, or other support.
4.0 Verification and Validation Process
This section describes the process that will be used to perform verification and validation.
4.1 Verification and Validation Management Responsibilities
This section describes the responsibilities of key players in the V&V activities. It may include identification and duty description for test directors/conductors, managers, facility owners, boards, and other key stakeholders.
4.2 Verification Methods
This section defines and describes the methods that will be used during the verification activities.
4.2.1 Analysis
Defines what this verification method means (See Appendix B of this handbook) and how it will be applied to this system.
4.2.2 Inspection
Defines what this verification method means (See Appendix B of this handbook) and how it will be applied to this system.
4.2.3 Demonstration
Defines what this verification method means (See Appendix B of this handbook) and how it will be applied to this system.
4.2.4 Test
Defines what this verification method means (See Appendix B of this handbook) and how it will be applied to this system. This category may need to be broken down into further categories. Qualification Testing
This section describes the test philosophy for the environmental and other testing that is performed at higher than normal levels to ascertain margins and performance in worst-case scenarios. Includes descriptions of how the minimum and maximum extremes will be determined for various types of tests (thermal, vibration, etc.), whether it will be performed at a component, subsystem, or system level, and the pedigree (flight unit, qualification unit, engineering unit, etc.) of the units these tests will be performed on. Other Testing
This section describes any other testing that will be used as part of the verification activities that are not part of the qualification testing. It includes any testing of requirements within the normal operating range of the end item. It may include some engineering tests that will form the foundation or provide dry runs for the official verification testing.
4.3 Validation Methods
This section defines and describes the methods to be used during the validation activities.
4.3.1 Analysis
Defines what this validation method means (See Appendix B of this handbook) and how it will be applied to this system.
4.3.2 Inspection
Defines what this validation method means (See Appendix B of this handbook) and how it will be applied to this system.
4.3.3 Demonstration
Defines what this validation method means (See Appendix B of this handbook) and how it will be applied to this system.
4.3.4 Test
Defines what this validation method means (See Appendix B of this handbook) and how it will be applied to this system. This category may need to be broken down into further categories such as end-to-end testing, testing with humans, etc.)
4.4 Certification Process
Describes the overall process by which the results of these verification and validation activities will be used to certify that the system meets its requirements and expectations and is ready to be put into the field or fly. In addition to the verification and validation results, the certification package may also include special forms, reports, safety documentation, drawings, waivers, or other supporting documentation.
4.5 Acceptance Testing
Describes the philosophy of how/which of the verification/validation activities will be performed on each of the operational units as they are manufactured/coded and are readied for flight/use. Includes how/if data packages will be developed and provided as part of the delivery.
5.0 Verification and Validation Implementation
5.1 System Design and Verification and Validation Flow
This section describes how the system units/modules will flow from manufacturing/coding through verification and validation. Includes whether each unit will be verified/validated separately, or assembled to some level and then evaluated or other statement of flow.
5.2 Test Articles
This section describes the pedigree of test articles that will be involved in the verification/validation activities. This may include descriptions of breadboards, prototypes, engineering units, qualification units, protoflight units, flight units, or other specially named units. A definition of what is meant by these terms needs to be included to ensure clear understanding of the expected pedigree of each type of test article. Descriptions of what kind of test/analysis activities will be performed on each type of test article is included.
5.3 Support Equipment
This section describes any special support equipment that will be needed to perform the verification/validation activities. This will be a more detailed description than is stated in Section 3.4 of this outline.
5.4 Facilities
This section identifies and describes major facilities that will be needed in order to accomplish the verification and validation activities. These may include environmental test facilities, computational facilities, simulation facilities, training facilities, test stands, and other facilities as needed.
6.0 End Item Verification and Validation
This section describes in detail the V&V activities that will be applied to the lower-level subsystems/elements/end items. It can point to other stand-alone descriptions of these tests if they will be generated as part of organizational responsibilities for the products at each product layer.
6.1 End Item A
This section focuses in on one of the lower-level end items and describes in detail what type of verification activities it will undergo.
6.1.1 Developmental/Engineering Unit Evaluations
This section describes what kind of testing, analysis, demonstrations, or inspections the prototype/engineering or other types of units/modules will undergo prior to performing official verification and validation.
6.1.2 Verification Activities
This section describes in detail the verification activities that will be performed on this end item. Verification by Testing
This section describes all verification testing that will be performed on this end item. Qualification Testing
This section describes the test environmental and other testing that is performed at higher than normal levels to ascertain margins and performance in worst-case scenarios. It includes what minimum and maximum extremes will be used on qualification tests (thermal, vibration, etc.) of this unit, whether it will be performed at a component, subsystem, or system level, and the pedigree (flight unit, qualification unit, engineering unit, etc.) of the units these tests will be performed on. Other Testing
This section describes all other verification tests that are not performed as part of the qualification testing. These will include verification of requirements in the normal operating ranges. Verification by Analysis
This section describes the verifications that will be performed by analysis (including verification by similarity). This may include thermal analysis, stress analysis, analysis of fracture control, materials analysis, Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechnical (EEE) parts analysis, and other analyses as needed for the verification of this end item. Verification by Inspection
This section describes the verifications that will be performed for this end item by inspection. Verification Demonstration
This section describes the verifications that will be performed for this end item by demonstration.
6.1.3 Validation Activities Validation by Testing
This section describes what validation tests will be performed on this end item. Validation by Analysis
This section describes the validation that will be performed for this end item through analysis. Validation by Inspection
This section describes the validation that will be performed for this end item through inspection. Validation by Demonstration
This section describes the validations that will be performed for this end item by demonstration.
6.1.4 Acceptance Testing
This section describes the set of tests, analysis, demonstrations, or inspections that will be performed on the flight/final version of the end item to show it has the same design as the one that is being verified, that the workmanship on this end item is good, and that it performs the identified functions properly.
6.n End Item n
In a similar manner as above, a description of how each end item that makes up the system will be verified and validated is made.
7.0 System Verification and Validation
7.1 End-Item Integration
This section describes how the various end items will be assembled/integrated together, verified and validated. For example, the avionics and power systems may be integrated and tested together to ensure their interfaces and performance is as required and expected prior to integration with a larger element. This section describes the verification and validation that will be performed on these major assemblies. Complete system integration will be described in later sections.
7.1.1 Developmental/Engineering Unit Evaluations
This section describes the unofficial (not the formal verification/validation) testing/analysis that will be performed on the various assemblies that will be tested together and the pedigree of the units that will be used. This may include system-level testing of configurations using engineering units, breadboard, simulators, or other forms or combination of forms.
7.1.2 Verification Activities
This section describes the verification activities that will be performed on the various assemblies. Verification by Testing
This section describes all verification testing that will be performed on the various assemblies. The section may be broken up to describe qualification testing performed on the various assemblies and other types of testing. Verification by Analysis
This section describes all verification analysis that will be performed on the various assemblies. Verification by Inspection
This section describes all verification inspections that will be performed on the various assemblies. Verification by Demonstration
This section describes all verification demonstrations that will be performed on the various assemblies.
7.1.3 Validation Activities Validation by Testing
This section describes all validation testing that will be performed on the various assemblies. Validation by Analysis
This section describes all validation analysis that will be performed on the various assemblies. Validation by Inspection
This section describes all validation inspections that will be performed on the various assemblies. Validation by Demonstration
This section describes all validation demonstrations that will be performed on the various assemblies.
7.2 Complete System Integration
This section describes the verification and validation activities that will be performed on the systems after all its assemblies are integrated together to form the complete integrated system. In some cases this will not be practical. Rationale for what cannot be done should be captured.
7.2.1 Developmental/Engineering Unit Evaluations
This section describes the unofficial (not the formal verification/validation) testing/analysis that will be performed on the complete integrated system and the pedigree of the units that will be used. This may include system-level testing of configurations using engineering units, breadboard, simulators, or other forms or combination of forms.
7.2.2 Verification Activities
This section describes the verification activities that will be performed on the completely integrated system Verification Testing
This section describes all verification testing that will be performed on the integrated system. The section may be broken up to describe qualification testing performed at the integrated system level and other types of testing. Verification Analysis
This section describes all verification analysis that will be performed on the integrated system. Verification Inspection
This section describes all verification inspections that will be performed on the integrated system. Verification Demonstration
This section describes all verification demonstrations that will be performed on the integrated system.
7.2.3 Validation Activities
This section describes the validation activities that will be performed on the completely integrated system. Validation by Testing
This section describes all validation testing that will be performed on the integrated system. Validation by Analysis
This section describes all validation analysis that will be performed on the integrated system. Validation by Inspection
This section describes the validation inspections that will be performed on the integrated system. Validation by Demonstration
This section describes the validation demonstrations that will be performed on the integrated system.
8.0 Program Verification and Validation
This section describes any further testing that the system will be subjected to. For example, if the system is an instrument, the section may include any verification/validation that the system will undergo when integrated into its spacecraft/platform. If the system is a spacecraft, the section may include any verification/validation the system will undergo when integrated with its launch vehicle.
8.1 Vehicle Integration
This section describes any further verification or validation activities that will occur when the system is integrated with its external interfaces.
8.2 End-to-End Integration
This section describes any end-to-end testing that the system may undergo. For example, this configuration would include data being sent from a ground control center through one or more relay satellites to the system and back.
8.3 On-Orbit V&V Activities
This section describes any remaining verification/validation activities that will be performed on a system after it reaches orbit or is placed in the field.
9.0 System Certification Products
This section describes the type of products that will be generated and provided as part of the certification process. This package may include the verification and validation matrix and results, pressure vessel certifications, special forms, materials certifications, test reports or other products as is appropriate for the system being verified and validated.
Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations
This is a list of all the acronyms and abbreviations used in the V&V Plan and their spelled-out meaning.
Appendix B: Definition of Terms
This section is a definition of the key terms that are used in the V&V Plan.
Appendix C: Requirement Verification Matrix
The V&V Plan needs to be baselined after the comments from PDR are incorporated. The information in this section may take various forms. It could be a pointer to another document or model where the matrix and its results may be found. This works well for large projects using a requirements-tracking application. The information in this section could also be the requirements matrix filled out with all but the results information and a pointer to where the results can be found. This allows the key information to be available at the time of baselining. For a smaller project, this may be the completed verification matrix. In this case, the V&V Plan would be filled out as much as possible before. See Appendix D for an example of a verification matrix.
Appendix D: Validation Matrix
As with the verification matrix, this product may take various forms from a completed matrix to just a pointer for where the information can be found. Appendix E provides an example of a validation matrix.