7.0 Crew Health Records
Crew health records, including medical records, behavioral health records, and physical examination records, are securely maintained, stored, and communicated following agency guidelines. Crew health information is used for a variety of reasons including crewmember knowledge, operational needs, evaluation, and trend analysis. Crew health information is communicated, when necessary, in a timely manner to meet the program operational needs.
7.1 Crew Health Results
[V1 7001] The results of all crew health monitoring shall be kept in a permanent retrievable format for evaluation including trend analysis.
[Rationale: These records are required for individual and population evaluation including trend analysis and are to be preserved and accessible.]
7.2 Crew Records Transmission
[V1 7002] The method of transmission of crewmembers’ medical health data shall meet the medical operational needs of the program.
[Rationale: Crewmembers’ medical health data is used in a variety of instances. The most critical need may be when a crewmember is directly engaged in operational activities, and the most up to date medical data is required to meet the medical operational needs of the program.]
7.3 Crew Records Security
[V1 7003] The method for handling, storing, and transmission of crewmembers’ medical health records shall be secured.
[Rationale: Medical health records contain Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and are to be maintained in a secure fashion so that information about individuals is not disclosed without their consent, per the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a,).]