2.0 Applicable Documents

2.1 General
The documents listed in this section contain provisions that constitute technical requirements of this NASA Technical Standard as cited in the text.
The latest issuances of cited documents apply unless specific versions are designated.
Use of a version other than as designated must be approved by the delegated Health and Medical Technical Authority
Applicable documents may be accessed at https://standards.nasa.gov or obtained directly from the Standards Developing Body or other document distributors. When not available from these sources, information for obtaining the document is provided or user should contact the office of primary responsibility or Center Library.
References are provided in Appendix A
Acronyms, abbreviations, and symbols are provided in Appendix B.
Definitions are provided in Appendix C.
2.2 Government Documents NASA
HEOMD-003 | Crewed Deep Space System Human Rating Certification Requirements and Standards for NASA Missions |
JSC – 26546 | NASA International Space Station Flight Surgeon Training and Certification Plan |
JSC – 67378 | Nutritional Requirements for Exploration Missions up to 365 days |
NASA/SP-2010-3407 | Human Integration Design Handbook (HIDH) |
NASA/SP20210010952 | NASA Human Systems Integration Handbook https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20210010952 |
NASA/TP-2014- 218556 |
Human Integration Design Process (HIDP) |
NASA-STD-3001 | NASA Spaceflight Human System Standard, Volume 2: Human Factors, Habitability, and Environmental Health |
NPD 1000.3 | The NASA Organization |
NPD 8900.1 | Medical Operations Responsibilities in Support of Human Space Flight Programs |
NPD 8900.15 | To Research, Evaluate, Assess, and Treat (TREAT) Astronauts Policy |
NPD 8900.3 | Astronaut Medical and Dental Observation Study and Care Program |
NPD 8900.5 | NASA Health and Medical Policy for Human Space Exploration |
NPR 7120.11 | NASA Health and Medical Technical Authority (HMTA) Implementation |
NPR 7120.5 | NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Technical Requirements |
NPR 7123.1 | NASA Systems Engineering Process and Requirements |
NPR 8705.2 | Human Rating Requirements for Space Systems |
OCHMO-STD100.1A | NASA Astronaut Medical Standards Selection and Annual Recertification |
SSP-51721 | ISS Safety Requirements Document |
2.3 Non-Government Documents
2.4 Order of Precedence
The technical requirements and standard practices established in this NASA Technical Standard do not supersede or waive existing technical requirements and standard practices found in other Agency documentation, or in applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained by the NASA Chief Health and Medical Officer (CHMO).
Conflicts between this NASA Technical Standard and other technical requirements
documents will be resolved by the NASA CHMO.