POST2 has been used for various planetary entry, ascent, and orbital applications. The POST2 flight mechanics capabilities are presented in AAS 17-274.
Projects Utilizing POST2
Ascent Vehicle Applications
- Litton, D.K., O’Keefe, S.A., Winski, R.G., “Reverse Launch Abort System Parachute Architecture Trade Study,” AIAA 2011-1225, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2011.
- Lugo, R.A., Shidner, J.D., Powell, R.W., Marsh, S.M., Hoffman, J.A., Litton, D.K., and Schmitt, T.L., Launch Vehicle Ascent Trajectory Simulation Using the Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories II, AAS 17-274, AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2017.
Entry, Descent, and Landing Applications
- Braun, R. D., Powell, R. W., Engelund, W. C., Gnoffo, P. A., Weilmuenster, K. J., and Mitcheltree, R. A., “Mars Pathfinder Six-Degree-of-Freedom Entry Analysis,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 32, No. 6, 1995, pp. 993–1000. doi: 10.2514/3.26720.
- Desai, P.N., Schoenenberger, M., and Cheatwood, F.M.,“Mars Exploration Rover Six-Degree-of-Freedom Entry Trajectory Analysis,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 43, No. 5, 2006, pp. 1019–1025. doi:10.2514/1.6008.
- Desai, P. N., Prince, J. L., Queen, E. M., Schoenenberger, M., Cruz, J. R., and Grover, M. R., “Entry, Descent, and Landing Performance of the Mars Phoenix Lander,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 48, No. 5, 2011, pp. 798–808. doi:10.2514/1.48239.
- Way, D. W., Davis, D., Jody, and Shidner, J. D., “Assessment of the Mars Science Laboratory Entry, Descent, and Landing Simulation,” AAS 13-420, AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference, Kauai, HI, 2013.
- Lugo, R. A., Cianciolo, A. D., et al., “Integrated Precision Landing Performance and Technology Assessments of a Human-Scale Mars Lander Using a Generalized Simulation Framework,” AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum
- Lugo, R. A., Cianciolo, A. D., et al., “Precision Landing Performance of a Human-Scale Lunar Lander Using a Generalized Simulation Framework,” AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum
- Lugo, R. A., Powell, R. W., and Cianciolo, A. D., “Overview of a Generalized Numerical Predictor-Corrector Targeting Guidance with Application to Human-Scale Mars Entry, Descent, and Landing,” AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum
- Cianciolo, A. D., Lugo, R. A., et al., “Low Lift-to-Drag Morphing Shape Design,” AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum
- Lugo, R. A., Karlgaard, C. D., Powell, R. W., and Cianciolo, A. D., “Integrated Flush Air Data Sensing System Modeling for Planetary Entry Guidance with Direct Force Control,” AIAA SciTech 2019 Forum
Earth Based Applications
- Olds, A.D., Beck, R.E., Bose, D.M., White, J.P, Edquist, K.T., Hollis, B.R., Lindell, M.C., Cheatwood, F.M., Gsell, V.T., and Bowden, E.L, “IRVE-3 Post-Flight Reconstruction,” AIAA 2013-1390, AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conferences, Daytona Beach, FL, 2013.
- Dutta, S., Bowes, A., Striepe, S., Davis, J.D., Blood, E.M., and Ivanov, M.,“Supersonic Flight Dynamics Test 1 – Post-flight Assessment of Simulation Performance,” AAS 15-219, AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference, Williamsburg, VA, 2015.
- Dutta, S. and Green, J. S., “Flight Mechanics Modeling and Post-Flight Analysis of ADEPT SR-1,” AIAA 2019-2900, AIAA Aviation Conference, Dallas, TX, 2019.
Orbital Applications
- Tartabini, P.V., Munk, M.M., and Powell, R.W., “The Development and Evaluation of an Operational Aerobraking Strategy for the Mars 2001 Odyssey Orbiter,” AIAA 2002-4537, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit, Monterey, CA, 2002.
- Prince, J.L., and Streipe, S.A., “Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Operational Aerobraking Phase Assessment,” AAS 07-244, AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Sedona, AZ, 2007.
- Dutta, S., Bowes, A.L, Cianciolo, A.D, Glass, C.E., and Powell, R.W., “Guidance Scheme for Modulation of Drag Devices to Enable Return from Low Earth Orbit,” AIAA 2017-0467, AIAA SciTech Conference, Dallas, TX, 2017.