Victor Herod
Assistant to the Center Director for Technical Integration
Victor Herod is on a one-year detail as the Assistant to the Center Director for Technical Integration. In this role he supports the JSC Center Director’s staff, specifically helping with strategic planning and management of technical integration, mission support and communication activities.
Victor has more than twenty-five years of experience at JSC. He began his career with United Space Alliance as a Thermal Operations and Resources (THOR) Flight Controller and later joined NASA in the same role. Victor worked multiple Space Shuttle missions during the assembly of the International Space Station, including as the lead THOR for STS-108 (UF-1), STS-113 (11A), STS-114 (LF-1), STS-120 (10A) and STS-124 (1J). He also supported the THOR console for numerous space station increments, totaling over 5,000 hours of on-console time.
Following his time as a THOR Flight Controller, Victor has had varying roles of increasing responsibility, including as the group lead for various flight controller and instructor groups, as the technical assistant to the chief of the astronaut office, and mostly recently as the deputy chief for the space and occupational medicine branch. He has held additional special assignments including special assistant to the director of mission operations and technical assistant to the Johnson Space Center’s deputy center director.
Victor was raised in Pflugerville, TX. He earned a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering (computer engineering concentration) from the University of Texas at Austin. Victor is married to Richain Herod, and enjoys spending time coaching their two sons, Tyler and Benjamin, in soccer and basketball.