QuynhGiao Nguyen
Prior to 2021, QuynhGiao supported NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate in the Hypersonic Technology Project as the lead for High Temperature, Durable Materials (additive manufacturing, ceramic matrix composite heat exchangers, seals and sensors) for six years. Her portfolio spanned across four NASA centers and included multiple vendors, Department of Defense partnerships, Small Business Innovation Research, Space Act Agreements and an Academic Outreach component. Prior to this position, she was the Instrumentation Lead for the Boundary Layer Ingesting Inlet Distortion Tolerant Fan Project. During the previous decade, she served in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate as the Integration Manager for the Space Power System Project. QuynhGiao spent the first fifteen years of her career as a materials researcher evaluating a range of applications including high-temperature chemistries in ceramics, coatings, additive manufacturing for alloy development to lubrication for space systems. She holds a doctoral degree in Bio-Analytical and Clinical Chemistry. Her dissertation research was on the volatility of titanium dioxide in water vapor at high temperatures. Both her master’s and Bachelor of Science degrees are in Chemistry.