Dr. Kimberly Ennico-Smith
Research Astrophysicist and Planetary Scientist
Email: Kimberly.Ennico@nasa.gov
Professional Biography
Dr. Kimberly Ennico-Smith is a research astrophysicist and planetary scientist at NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley. She is multidisciplinary in her approach to space instruments, telescopes, and mission concepts. She has designed and built infrared airborne and space telescope cameras and spectrometers, tested detectors in laboratories and particle accelerators, designed low-cost suborbital instruments, and built lunar payloads. She has served as Project Scientist for the flying infrared observatory SOFIA and deputy Project Scientist on the New Horizons Pluto fly-by mission. She has been a member of the Science and Technology Definition Team for the Origins Space Telescope. She has authored 120+ peer-reviewed papers, presented 50+ invited technical talks and delivered 70+ public presentations about astronomy, space exploration and STEM. Asteroid 154587 Ennico is named for her. Since 2020, she is a deputy Project Scientist for NASA’s VIPER lunar volatiles rover.
Ph.D. Astronomy, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, 1998
B.A., Physics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 1994
Research Interests
Space telescopes, rapid space mission development, detectors, optics, calibration, spectrometers, cameras, lunar science, infrared astronomy, STEM training, science communication
Select Publications
K. Ennico-Smith, et al. VIPER Mission Traverse Planning – Design, Strategies, and Dynamics, Space Resources Roundtable XXIII (2023)
Bickel, V., Rezich, E., Deutsch, A., Schepelmann, A., Lewis, K.; Ennico-Smith, K. et al. Leveraging VIPER Geotechnical and Mobility Insights for Endurance Rover and Traverse Development, Endurance Science Workshop, 2023LPICo2985.3028B (2023)
Ennico-Smith, K. et al. Lunar Resources Catalog (LRC): VIPER Pathfinder Dataset. 2022LPICo2678.1730E (2022)
Ennico-Smith, K. Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS). In: Cudnik, B. (eds) Encyclopedia of Lunar Science. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-05546-6_24-1 (2021)
Sakon, I., Roellig, T.L., Ennico-Smith, K. et al. Mid-infrared spectrometer and camera for the Origins Space Telescope, 2021JATIS…7a1013S (2021)
Ennico-Smith, K. et al. VIPER Science Payload, Lunar & Planetary Science Conference, March 2020, 2020LPI….51.2898E (2020)
Farrah, D., Ennico-Smith, K. et al. Review: Far-Infrared Instrumentation and Technology Development for the Next Decade. JATIS, 10.1117/1.JATIS.5.2.020901 (2019)
Ennico, K. et al. An Overview of Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Since Full Operation Capability. Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, Vol. 7, No 4 (2018)
Olkin, C., Ennico, K. and Spencer, J. The Pluto system after the New Horizons flyby, Nature Astronomy, Vol. 1, p. 663-670, 10.1038/s41550-017-0257-3 (2017)
Howett, C.J.A., Ennico, K. et al. Charon’s light curves, as observed by New Horizons’ Ralph color camera (MVIC) on approach to the Pluto system. Icarus, Vol. 287, p. 152-60 (2017)
Ennico, K. et al. Configurable Aperture Space Telescope. Proc. of the SPIE, Vol. 9904, 10.1117/12.2233149 (2016)
Stern, S.A., Bagenal, F., Ennico, K. et al. The Pluto system: Initial results from its exploration by New Horizons. Science, Vol. 350, 6258, 10.1126/science.aad1815 (2015)
Heldmann, J., et al. (5th author) Real-time science operations to support a lunar polar volatiles rover mission. Advances in Space Research, Vol. 55, Issue 10, p. 2427-2437 (2015)
Robinson, T., Ennico, K., et al. Detection of Ocean Glint and Ozone Absorption Using LCROSS Earth Observations. Astrophys. J. Vol. 787, Issue 2, article id. 171, 12 pp. (2014)
Roush, T.R., et al. (4th author) In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Field Expedition 2012: Near-InfRared Volatile Spectrometer System (NIRVSS) Science Measurements Compared to Site Knowledge,” Advances in Space Research, 10.1016/j.asr.2014.08.033 (2014)
Agasid, E., Ennico, K. and Rademacher, A. Collapsible Space Telescope (CST) for Nanosatellite Imaging and Observation. SSC13-III-4, Small Satellite Conference (2013)
Ennico, K., Shirley, M., et al. The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite Payload Development & Performance in Flight. Space Sci. Rev. 10.1007/s11214-011-9753-4 (2012)
Hermalyn, B., Schultz, P. H., Shirley, M., Ennico, K., Colaprete, A. Scouring the Surface: Ejecta Dynamics and the LCROSS Impact Event, Icarus 281, 654-665 (2012)
Colaprete, A., et al. (4th author) “The detection of water within LCROSS ejecta plume.” Science, 330, 463-468 (2010)
Deen, C., et al. (4th author). Quick-look reduction software for FORCAST Grism mode on SOFIA. Proc. of the SPIE, Vol. 7735 (2010)
Keller, L., et al. (4th author) Progress report on FORCAST grism spectroscopy as a future general observer instrument mode on SOFIA. Proc. of the SPIE. Vol. 7735 (2010)
Ennico, K.A. and Sandford, S.A. AstroBiology Explorer Mission Concepts (ABE/ASPIRE). Advances in Space Research 40, 649-654 (2007)
Chiar, J. E., Ennico, K., et al. The Relationship between the Optical Depth of the 9.7 micron Silicate Absorption Feature and Infrared Differential Extinction in Dense Clouds. Astrophys. J., 666, L73-76 (2007)
Ennico, K.A., et al. Grism performance for mid-IR (5-40 micron) spectroscopy. Proc. of the SPIE, 6269, 57-65 (2006)
McKelvey, M.E., Ennico, K.A., et al. Radiation Performance of JWST Prototype FPAs. Proc. of the SPIE 5617, 223-234 (2004)
Ennico, K.A. et al. Large Format Si:As IBC Array Performance for NGST and Future IR Space Telescope Applications. Proc. of the SPIE 4850, 890-901 (2003)
Ennico, K.A. et al. Development and Testing of a 1024 x 1024 pixels Si:As IBC Detectors for SOFIA-like Applications. Proc. of the SPIE 4857, 155-165 (2003)
Ennico, K. and Greene, T.P. An Integrated Science Instrument Module for the Next Generation Space Telescope. ASP Proc. Vol. 207, NGST Science & Technology Exposition, 127-37 (2000)
Select Accepted Proposals
Planetary Citizen Science Seed Funding Program (22-CSSFP22-0006), VIPER Rocks! (Co-I) $80K (2023)
NASA Ames Code S Investment Fund, Development and Maturation of the Ames Infrared Mapper Instrument, a Compact and Versatile Hyperspectral Imager (Co-I) $30K (2023)
NASA Ames Center Innovation Fund, TRL Raising Germanium Immersion Gratings (Co-I) $75K (2016)
NASA Ames Center Innovation Fund, Configurable Aperture Space Telescope (PI) $49K (2015)
NASA Ames Center Innovation Fund, Collapsible Space Telescope Development (PI) $42K (2013)
TESS Concept Study (AO NNH07ZDA003O, awarded SMEX Phase A) (PS) (2008)
ASPIRE Astrophysics Strategic Mission Concept Study (Co-I) $107K (2008)
IRTF Observing Semester Aug 2006-Jan 2007, “Probing the Earliest Stages of Ice Chemistry Along Quiescent Sightlines in IC5146” (Co-I) Awarded five nights (2006)
NASA Ames Director’s Discretionary Fund, Development of Optical Components for AstroBiology Explorer (PI) $121K (2003, 2004)
ASTID, Design and Development of a High Resolution Infrared Spectrometer for the AstroBiology Explorer Mission (NRA 03-OSS-01 ) (Co-I) $733K (2003)
ASTID, Enabling Astrobiology on SOFIA: Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Package (NRA-03-OSS-01) (PI) $703K (2003)
ABE Concept Study (AO 01-OSS-03, awarded MIDEX Phase A) (Co-I) (2002)
NASA Missions
Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER), Role: Deputy Project Scientist (2020-)
Near Infrared Volatiles Spectrometer System (NIRVSS), Instrument assigned to multiple Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) missions, Role: Instrument Scientist (2019-)
Scientist in Residence, NASA Ames Office of Communications and Public Affairs (2019)
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), Roles: Project Scientist (2017-2019), Instrument Scientist SOFIA FORCAST Grisms (2009-13), Instrument Scientist SOFIA Echelon-Cross Echelle Spectrograph (EXES) (2009-11)
New Horizons, Pluto fly-by, Roles: Deputy Project Scientist (2011-2016) and Co-I (2014-2017)
Regolith and Environment Science and Oxygen and Lunar Volatile Extraction (RESOLVE), Role: Instrument Scientist, Near-Infrared Spectrometer (2011-14)
Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) SMEX Mission Concept, Phase A, Role: Project Scientist (2008-09)
Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), Roles: Payload Scientist and I&T Manager (2006-10)
Astrobiology Space Infrared Explorer (ASPIRE) Origins Probe Mission Concept, Role: Co-I (2004-06)
AstroBiology Explorer (ABE) MIDEX Mission Concept, Phase A, Roles: Co-I and Payload Scientist (2001-03)
Spitzer Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF), Role: Instrument Scientist Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF (MIPS) (1998-2000)
Awards & Others
2021 Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) San Francisco Chapter Katherine G. Johnson Trailblazer Award
2019 NASA Group Achievement Award Decadal Mission Studies
2019 NASA Spotlight Award for Science Communication
2019 NASA Ames Honor Award – Public Affairs SOFIA Helium Hydride Result
2018 Asteroid 154587 Ennico (https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=154587)
2016 NASA Advanced Exploration Systems Innovation Award Resource Prospector
2016 NASA Group Achievement Award New Horizons Team
2014 NASA Group Achievement Award SOFIA Program
2010 NASA Mid-Level Leadership Program (Agency-level), graduation speaker
2009 NASA Ames Honor Award, LCROSS Science and Payload Team
2005 NASA Ames Superior Accomplishment Award for success in bringing new business to NASA Ames in organizing Ames Instrumentation Workshop 2005
2004 NASA Ames Superior Accomplishment Award for innovative development of a new data-collection and data analysis system for large format infrared detector arrays
2003 NASA Ames Superior Accomplishment Award for developing new means to analyze data during extended proton-irradiation tests of NIR detectors for JWST
1999 JPL Certification of Appreciation: Successful Completion of the First High Performance Large Format Far Infrared Arrays for SIRTF
1997 British Federation of Women Graduates Fellowship, Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship, American Association of University Women (AAUW) Dissertation Fellowship, Isaac Newton Studentship
1994 Donald E. Kerr Medal for Excellence in Physics
1993 British Marshall Scholarship, Phi Beta Kappa, Society of Physics Students Scholarship
Select Science Communication & Outreach
2021 Chabot Science Museum, Oakland, CA, International Observe the Moon Night, “VIPER – roving where no rover has gone before”
2020 Silicon Valley Signature Robotics Tournament, 3-8 grade VEX Robotics competition, keynote “Welcome Problem Solvers of Tomorrow”
2019 Astronomical Society of the Pacific 130th Annual Meeting, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, “Exploring the Moon: Past, Present and Future”
2019 Twitch Con, San Diego, CA, “NASA’s Artemis Program”
2019 San Jose Comic Con, San Jose, CA, “Artemis”
2019 NASA Science Live video/podcast, at the USS Hornet, Alameda, CA,“50 Years of Apollo”
2019 Adam Savage’s Tested with host Ariel Waldman, Science Fiction’s First Moon Landing, Offworld Episode 25, “1902 Trip to the Moon and Lunar Trips today”
2019 NASA in Silicon Valley Live, video/podcast, “Celebrating Apollo 11th 50th anniversary”
2019 SwissNex San Francisco, CA, “To the Moon and Beyond 50th Anniversary of Humankind on the Moon”
2019 Charles M. Schulz Museum, Santa Rosa, CA, “To the Moon Snoopy! Arrive, Survive, Thrive, and come back Alive”
2018 BBC Sky at Night, television, “Telescope on a Plane!”
2018 NASA in Silicon Valley Live, video/podcast, “Exploring Space with the World’s Largest Flying Telescope”
2018 California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA, “Seeing our universe in new ways”
2018 NASA in Silicon Valley Live, video/podcast, “Robotic Exploration of the Moon”
2017 Disneyland, California Adventure Park, “Science and Storytelling”
2017 NASA in Silicon Valley Podcasts, video/podcast, “Occultation science” and “Pluto and Studying Space With A Flying Telescope”
2016 Sherlin Lecture Series, Aurora Community College, Aurora, CO, “New views of the Pluto and its Moons – far from boring, cold, dead worlds”
2016 Clark Planetarium, Salt Lake City, UT, “A new view of Pluto”
2015 Denver Comic Con, Denver, CO, “Women in Science” and “Outer Space Missions”
2015 Project ASTRO, High School and Community College Science Teachers, Baltimore, MD, “Frontier Exploration: NASA’s New Horizons”
2014 Spacefest, Pasadena, CA, “Outer space missions”
2010 University of Colorado sponsored International Observe the Moon Night public event, Boulder, CO, “LCROSS and LRO”
2009 Luna Philosophie “science café”, San Francisco, CA, “LCROSS”