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Kevin Fogarty

Research Scientist

Affiliation: NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)


Phone: 650-604-5850

Professional Biography

Dr. Kevin Fogarty is an astrophysicist in the Astrophysics Branch at NASA’s Ames Research Center since November 2020. He works on development of new high-contrast imaging technologies, including the PIAA-Vortex coronagraph at the AstroPIC photonic integrated circuit coronagraph. He also works on observing projects studying AGN feedback and fueling at wavelengths from the sub-millimeter to X-rays. Before starting at NASA Ames, Dr. Fogarty was the Troesh Prize Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology, and was previously a postdoctoral fellow at the Space Telescope Science Institute.


Ph.D. Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, USA

M.A. Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, USA

A.B. Physics and Astronomy, Harvard University, USA

Research Interests

Coronagraphy, Wavefront Control Algorithms, High Contrast Imaging, Exoplanets, AGNs, Cool Core Galaxy Clusters

Select Publications

BB Ren, K Fogarty,  JH Debes et al., “3C 273 host galaxy with Hubble Space Telescope coronagraphy”, 2024, A&A, 683, L5

M. Prasow-Emond, J. Hlavacek-Larrondo, K. Fogarty, et al. “The First High-Contrast Images of X-Ray Binaries: Detection of Candidate Companions to the Gamma-Cas Analog RX J1744.7-2713”, 2022, AJ, 164, 1

Kevin Fogarty, Rus Belikov, Dan Sirbu, Eugene Pluzhnik, “The PIAA-vortex coronagraph: a new coronagraph technology to maximize exo-Earth yields in the Astro2020 era”, 2022, SPIE, 1218028

Kevin Fogarty, Dimitri Mawet, Johan Mazoyer, et al., “Towards high throughput and low-order aberration robustness for vortex coronagraphs with central obstructions”, 2020, SPIE, 114433Y

Kevin Fogarty, Marc Postman, Yuan Li, et al., “The Dust and Molecular Gas in the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in MACS 1931.8-2635”, 2019, ApJ, 879, 103

Kevin Cooke, Kevin Fogarty, Jeyhan Kartaltepe, et al., “BCG Fractional Stellar Mass Growth from 0.2<Z<1.0”, 2018, ApJ, 857, 122

Kevin Fogarty, Marc Postman, Rebecca Larson, et al., “The Relationship Between Brightest Cluster Galaxy Star Formation and the Intracluster Medium in CLASH”, 2017, ApJ, 846, 103

Kevin Fogarty, Laurent Pueyo, Johan Mazoyer, et al., “Polynomial Apodizers for Centrally Obscured Vortex Coronagraphs”,  2017, AJ, 154, 240

Kevin Fogarty, Marc Postman, Thomas Connor, et al., “Star Formation Activity in CLASH Brightest Cluster Galaxies”, 2015, ApJ, 813, 117

Select Accepted Proposals

PI, 2023, “Prototype for the PIAA-Vortex Coronagraph” (NASA Ames IRAD, Funding $200,000)

CoI, 2023, “AstroPIC: Photonic Integrated Circuit High-Contrast Imaging for Space Astronomy” (NASA STMD ECI, Funding $2,500,000)

CoI, 2023, “Reaching ~0.1 arcsec inner working angle for NIRCam coronagraphic imaging” (JWST Cycle 2)

CoI, 2022 “Imaging interior to 0.2 arcsec with the STIS coronagraph”  (HST Cycle 30)

CoI, 2021 “Coronagraphic Imaging of the Iconic Quasar 3C 273” (HST Cycle 29)

PI, 2019, “The first high-contrast images of X-ray binaries” (Keck 2020A)

CoI, 2017 “The Role and Origin of Dust in a Feedback-Induced BCG Starburst”(ALMA Cycle 5)

CoI, 2016 “Tracking the Origin of Dust and Molecular Gas in an Extreme Feedback-Induced BCG Starburst”(ALMA Cycle 4)

NASA Missions

Habitable Worlds Observatory

Awards & Others

Troesh Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship, Caltech, 2017

Davidsen Fellowship, Space Telescope Science Institute, 2012

 Hoopes Prize, Harvard College, 2012