Amanda R. Hendrix
NASA Advisory Council Member
Senior Scientist, Planetary Science Institute
Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, 1996 thesis title: The Galileo Ultraviolet Spectrometer: In-Flight Calibration and the Ultraviolet
Albedos of the Moon, Gaspra, Ida and Europa thesis advisor: Professor Charles Barth
M.S., Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, 1994
B.S., Aeronautical Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, 1991
Research Interests
I study icy and non-icy moons, ocean worlds and small bodies in the solar system, primarily via ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. I am interested in using space-based and ground-based observations to understand how geological and environmental processes affect surface composition and chemistry.
Professional Appointments and Experience
Senior Scientist, Planetary Science Institute, 2012- present
Principal Investigator, TREX SSERVI Node, 2017 – present
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Jan 2024-
Science editor, Icarus journal, Jan 2022-present
Adjunct Professor, Geological Sciences Dept., Cal Poly Pomona, 2014
Adjunct Professor, Astronomy and Earth Science Dept., Mount San Antonio College, 2013-2014
Research Scientist, Asteroids, Comets and Planetary Satellites Group, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, 2000 –2012
Deputy Project Scientist, Cassini Mission to Saturn, May 2010-September 2012
Guest Editor, Icarus special issue “Cassini at Saturn,” 2009
Co-investigator, Europa Clipper UVS, January 2023-present
Co-investigator, Cassini UVIS, August 1999 – 2017
Co-investigator, LRO LAMP, January 2008 – present
Co-investigator, Galileo UVS, September 1997-2003
Fellow, NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Program, Johnson Space Center, Earth Science and Solar System Exploration Div., 1999
Principal Investigator: HST, CDAP, PDART, LASER, OPR, PG&G, JSDAP, MDAP, PDART, PICASSO research programs
Postdoctoral research associate, Univ. Colorado, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, 1996 –2000
Community Leadership Experience
NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Chair, November 2022- present
National Academies Committee on Planetary Protection, co-chair, 2020-present
National Academies NASA Mission Critical Workforce Infrastructure and Technology study member, 2023
New Great Observatories Science Analysis Group (Co-chair), compiling a science case for the three mission entrants into NASA’s Great Observatories Mission & Technology Maturation Program (GOMaP), 2023
AAS/DPS Chair 2019-2020, DPS Vice Chair, 2018-2019, DPS Past Chair, 2020-2021
NASA Planetary Protection Independent Review Board
JWST Users Committee, 2017-2022
National Academies Committee on the Review of Progress Toward Implementing the Decadal Survey Vision and Voyages for Planetary Sciences, 2017-2018
NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) steering committee, 2016-present
NASA Roadmaps to Ocean Worlds (ROW) co-chair, 2016-2019
JWST Solar System Observers Advisory Panel (SSOAP), 2014-2015
Telescope Allocation Committee experience
HST Cycle 29 TAC, chair of solar system panel, 2021
JWST cycle 1 solar system panel, 2021
NASA Planetary Missions Senior Review panel member, 2019
HST TAC, solar system panel, 2018, 2010, 2007, 2003
HST Europa Advisory Committee, 2017
NOAO Solar System TAC May 2008-May 2010
Honors and Awards
2019 Global Scholar in Residence, Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School, Atlanta
2018, Minor Planet 6813
2006, JPL Lew Allen Award for Excellence
2005, JPL Section 317 Award for Excellence (Cassini Science Planning leadership)
1999, NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship
1993-1995, Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowship
1991, California Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
Student/Post-doc advisor
Emilie Royer, JPL post-doc, April 2012-September 2013
Timothy Cassidy, JPL post-doc, November 2009-July 2011
Mark Elowitz, Open University, Ph.D. thesis co-advisor, 2017-2020
Lizeth Magana, UTSA, Ph.D. thesis committee, 2018-2021
Elizabeth Czajka, UTSA, Ph.D. thesis committee, 2019-present
Jade Decker, Mamaroneck High School 2021-2022
Camilo Jaramillo, Penn State, Ph.D. thesis committee 2022-2023
Amanda Steckel, Univ. Colorado, Ph.D. thesis co-advisor 2022-present
Kateřina Flanderova (nee Chrbolkova) – opponent at doctoral thesis defense, University of Helsinki, November, 2022.
Teaching Experience
Univ. Colorado, Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences Dept., Aug 1996 – Nov 2000
“Astronomy of the Solar System”
“Planets, Moons and Rings”
Mount San Antonio College, Astronomy and Earth Science Dept. Feb 2013-Dec. 2014
ASTR7 “Geology of the Solar System”
Cal Poly Pomona, Geological Sciences Dept., April –December 2014
GSC 495, “Planetary Science”
GSC 116, “Introductory Astronomy”