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Ethics Training at Headquarters

Ethics Training at Headquarters
5 C.F.R. §§ 2638.307-2638.308

Anyone who files a Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE-278) or a Confidential Financial Disclosure Report (OGE-450) is required to take ethics training every year. This includes all Interagency Personnel Act (IPA) Detailees, NEX, and Schedule C employees. This training must be completed by October 31.

This training requirement may be satisfied in one of two ways, though attendance at a live training session (option 1) is preferred: 

1. Attend one of the live training sessions presented by the Office of General Counsel. Scheduled dates, times, and locations at Headquarters are open to all employees.

2. Complete the web-based ethics training module located on the NASA SATERN website. To find this course, login to SATERN and search the catalog (at top of page) with the key words “Ethics for NASA Employees.”  If you have any questions on this matter, please contact a member of the Headquarters Ethics Team at (202) 358-0550 or email to: