The 2012 NASA Spacecraft Fault Management Workshop brings together NASA’s Fault Management (FM) community – including project managers, systems and software engineers, researchers, technologists, and FM practitioners – to actively, and collaboratively, address near-term challenges and long-term vision for the FM discipline.
The 2012 NASA Spacecraft Fault Management Workshop continues the efforts begun at the 1st NASA Spacecraft Fault Management Workshop (April 2008), to characterize and coalesce the systems engineering discipline of FM. Whereas the 1st NASA Spacecraft Fault Management Workshop concentrated on identifying problems and challenges that currently plague the field (see 1st NASA Spacecraft Fault Management Workshop White Paper Report), the 2012 NASA Spacecraft Fault Management Workshop will work to identify solutions to these challenges. Invited talks will highlight non-NASA views of FM (for example, the Air Force and the European Space Agency).
The goals of the 2012 NASA Spacecraft Fault Management Workshop are to:
- Capture insights into how best to assess the appropriateness of a FM approach/architecture for a mission,
- Develop a FM Technology Roadmap,
- Discuss via a panel how FM fits into the Systems Engineering engine and the Software Engineering discipline, and
- Solicit your input on the NASA Fault Management Handbook that is under development.
DAY 1 (Tuesday, 4/10) will focus on recent developments, progress and successes in the field of FM. To begin, the draft NASA Fault Management Handbook will be presented and discussed, and opportunity given for community feedback. There also will be case studies consisting of peer presentations on new technology developments, on recent mission “success stories,” and on recent FM architecture trade studies.
- “An Introduction to the 2012 NASA FM Workshop”
Lorraine Fesq (JPL/CalTech)
- “Coalescing NASA’s Views of Fault and Health Management”
Brian Muirhead (JPL/CalTech)
- “Recent Progress in FM”
Kris Fretz (JHU/APL)
- “Analytical Approaches to Guide Space Launch System FM Development”
Jon Patterson (NASA/MSFC)
- “FM for Crewed Missions”
Carlos Garcia-Galan (NASA/JSC)
- “Independent Assessment of NASA Fault Management System Architectures”
Phillip Schmidt (Aerospace Corp)
- “State Awareness and Decision-Making Architecture”
Mark Derriso (AFRL/W-P)
- “Fault Management using MBSE Tools and Techniques” (Invited Talk)
Michael Aguilar (NASA Technical Fellow, Software Engineering, NASA/GSFC)
- “Human Spaceflight ISHM Technology Development”
Mark Schwabacher (NASA/ARC)
- “System-Wide Safety Assurance Technologies”
Robert Mah (NASA/ARC)
- “No more Band-Aids: Integrating FM into the Onboard Execution Architecture”
Mitch Ingham (JPL/CalTech)
- “Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Goal-Based FM”
Dan Dvorak (JPL/CalTech)
- “Modeling Failure Modes with SysML”
Lui Wang (NASA/JSC)
- “FM Technical Performance Metrics”
Stephen Johnson (NASA/MSFC & UCCS/Jacobs)
- “AFRL’s ISHM Journey and Future Plans”
Mark Derriso (AFRL/W-P)
DAY 2 (Tuesday, 4/11) will consist of two parallel break-out sessions, described below, focusing on architecture suitability and on technology needs. Technical and instructional material for these breakout sessions will be presented in plenary talks on days 1 and 2. The Architecture Trade Study breakout session will involve an assessment of the appropriateness and suitability of FM architectures for NASA missions. Participants will work in groups to complete an evaluation of several FM architectures; participants will evaluate the architectures against mission needs and quality attributes so as to assemble an FM architecture trade-space. The Technology Roadmap breakout session will focus on capturing FM capability needs and identifying technology gaps. Participants will work in groups to discover FM objectives and to establish requirements needed to assemble a technology roadmap.
- “ISHM: Applications and Challenges on the Horizon” (Invited Talk)
Dr. Werner Dahm (Director, Security and Defense Systems Initiative, ASU)
- “FM Capabilities Roadmap Session Overview”
Ken Costello (Session Chair, IV&V Facility) and Mitch Ingham (JPL/CalTech)
- “Architecture Evaluation Session Overview”
John Day (Session Chair, JPL/CalTech) and David Garlan (CMU)
DAY 3 (Tuesday, 4/12) will begin with a terminology summit to move toward consensus on and understanding of the definitions for the core terms of this field, and to lay the foundation for improved communications among members of this community. The day concludes with presentations summarizing the results and work products from the Architecture Trade Study and Technology Roadmap breakout sessions, and closing remarks.
- “Terminology Issues in Dependable Computing” (Invited Talk)
Dr. Algirdas Avizienis (Distinguished Professor Emeritus, UCLA)
- “FM Ontology”
Steve Jenkins (JPL/CalTech)
- “FM as a Control System”
Peter Robinson (NASA/ARC)
- “FM in an Objectives-Based/Risk-Informed View of Safety and Mission Success”
Frank Groen (NASA/OSMA)
- “Integrating Fault Management: How Does It Fit?”
Marilyn Newhouse (MSFC/CSC)