Guided by the Division’s motto, “Find a way or make one” (Aut inveniam viam aut faciam), NASA Logistics embodies the relentless spirit of innovation and determination. This phrase, attributed to the famed Carthaginian general Hannibal during the Second Punic War, reflects a history of overcoming insurmountable odds. Faced with the challenge of crossing the Alps to invade Rome, Hannibal is said to have declared these words, symbolizing ingenuity, resourcefulness, and resolve – qualities that the NASA Logistics team mirrors in its own operations.
Mission: Provide Essential Logistics Services to Support NASA’s Missions
The NASA Logistics Team provides critical support to ensure the success of the agency’s missions. By delivering expert planning, resource management, and operational oversight, we enable mission teams to focus on achieving groundbreaking results, upholding NASA’s commitment to innovation and excellence.
Vision: Sustain and grow a resilient logistics workforce force while delivering affordable and sustainable logistics solutions.
Our vision is to continue to build a resilient and well-trained workforce that drives operational excellence across all logistics functions. Through innovation, adaptability, and collaboration, we empower our teams to deliver cost-effective solutions that meet the evolving needs of NASA’s missions. With a commitment to outstanding customer service and excellence, NASA Logistics ensures its operations remain a critical enabler of the Agency’s success in exploration, research, and innovation.