NASA IT Strategic Plan
The NASA IT Strategic Plan outlines our vision to strategically use information and technology at NASA. Our plan focuses on achieving outcomes – the impacts and change NASA’s missions need to be successful. We engaged NASA’s mission directorates, mission support offices, and centers during formulation, as well as external stakeholders. The resulting strategy provides a unified direction to help achieve NASA’s Strategic Plan through mission alignment, roadmaps, investments, and accountability of NASA’s IT community.
Our strategic goals are to deliver great customer experiences, achieve consistent operational excellence, transform NASA through information and technology, and ensure proactive, resilient cybersecurity, all delivered by an exceptional team. Each goal is supported by strategic objectives and performance objectives to drive success.
NASA IT Strategic Plan:
Fiscal Years (FY) 2022-2026
Quick Reference Guide: 1-Page NASA IT Strategy
Information Technology Strategic Plan Archives
2018 IT Strategic Plan (2019 Update)
2018 IT Strategic Plan
2014 IRM Strategic Plan
2011 IRM Strategic Plan
2010 IRM Strategic Plan
2009 IRM Strategic Plan
2007 IRM Strategic Plan
2006 IRM Strategic Plan