Policy Documents, Decision Memos, and Corrective Action Plans
PP&C Policy/Requirements
NASA utilizes several document types to communicate PP&C requirements. This page provides links to the PP&C requirements documents.
PP&C Policy Documents
NPR 7120.5, NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements
This document establishes the requirements by which NASA formulates and implements space flight programs and projects, consistent with the governance model contained in NASA Directive (NPD) 1000.0, NASA Governance and Strategic Management Handbook.
NPR 7120.8, NASA Research and Technology Program and Project Management Requirements
This document establishes the program and project management requirements by which the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will formulate and execute research and technology programs and projects, consistent with the governance model contained in NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 1000.0, NASA Governance and Strategic Management Handbook.
NASA Policy Decision Memorandums and Requirements Memorandums
NASA Chief Acquisition Officer's Intent Memo
In this memo, the NASA Chief Acquisition Officer prioritizes the resource and workforce realignment across the following themes: Strengthening our Acquisition Insight, Strengthening or Acquisition Oversight, Strengthening our Acquisition Performance, Increasing Equity in Procurement and Financial Assistance, Empowering the Project Management Workforce, and Encouraging a Culture of Engagement and Transparency. (12/2022)
Independent Assessment Principles and Approach DM
This white paper describes the principles and approach governing the implementation of the new Agency model for independent assessment as directed by the NASA Associate Administrator in the October 2015 memo "Independent Assessment of NASA Programs and Projects." (12/2016)
Independent Assessment of NASA Programs and Projects Memo
This memo describes the realignment of the Agency's Independent assessment function toward ensuring mission success as well as enhancing management accountability, such that the executing Mission Directorates and Center Directors will own the accountability of establishing independent assessment of their programs and projects. (10/2015)
PP&C Waivers & Tailoring
Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Memos
2022 Corrective Action Plan
The 2022 CAP includes the following initiatives related to PP&C: Schedule Database; Ensure Schedule Capability; Enhance Standing Review Board (SRB) Implementation; Increase Deep Space Exploration Systems' Transparency of Cost and Schedule; Firm Fixed Price Data Collection, and Realistic Proposal Cost Estimating.
2020 Corrective Action Plan
The 2020 CAP includes the following initiatives related to PP&C: Enhance Earned Value Management Implementation; Implement Programmatic (PPC) Training Curriculum; Increase Deep Space Exploration Systems' Transparency of Cost and Schedule; Implement CADRe Enhancements for Category III/Class D Missions; Create a Schedule Repository; Risk Assessment and Financial Evaluation of Contractors.
2018 Corrective Action Plan
The 2018 CAP includes the following initiatives related to PP&C: Enhance Earned Value Management Implementation, Improve HEOMD Portfolio Insight and Status; Implement Programmatic (PP&C) Training Curriculum; Include Original ABC Commitments for Performance-Driven Rebaselined Projects; Enhance Annual Strategic Review Process; Create Technology Readiness Assessment Best Practices Document; Update Probabilistic Programmatic Policy; Create a Schedule Repository; Enhance Implementation Indicators for Trends and Projections; Improve NASA's Governance of Strategic Acquisitions; Risk Assessment, Requirements, and Concept Definition Early in the Formulation Phase; Contractually Incentivizing High Performance.