2022 NCSS Presentations
1. Dealing with Missing Data – The Art and Science of Imputation
Kimberly Roye, Dustin Hilton, Christian Smart
3. NASA Programmatic Performance
Kevin Gilligan
4. Chief Program Management Officer Overview
Dave Mitchell
Jon Fleming
6. COMPACT KNN V2: Analogy-Based Cost Estimation Model for CubeSats
Melissa Hooke
7. Schedule Analysis for Dummies
Glenn Butts, John Dotson
8. A Deep Look into Optimistic Cognitive Bias Based on a NASA’s STEM 4th Grade Activity
Steve Sterk
10. Do Firm-Fixed Price Contracts Curb Cost Growth?
Leah Sobel, Elliot Tibor
Ron Ray
Jennifer Kunz
14. Integration of NASA Cost Tools to Estimate Mission Concept Costs
Natalie Weckesser
15. TruePlanning Space Missions Catalog
Christopher Price, Mark Jacobs, Shawn Hayes
16. Schedule Confidence and Acceleration using Deltek Acumen Fuse, Risk, and 360
David Rose, Philip Ashtianie
17. Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Cost Trace
Billy Carson
18. Integration of Model-Based Systems Engineering and Programmatic Analysis Tools
Louis Fussell
19. NNSA’s Early-Stage Cost Estimating Tools for Strategic Planning
Charles Loelius, William Todd
20. Alternative Risk Measures for Determining Program Contingency
Louis Fussell
21. Discrete Event Simulation as a Tool for Cost Estimating
Zachary Matheson, Thomas Cook, Gabe Sandler, Charles Loelius, William Todd
22. Programming Analysis & Evaluation (PA&E) Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Methodology
Cash Fitzpatrick, Christopher Massey, Charles Loelius, Christine Suhr
Briannah Smith, Kristen Kehrer
Kathy Kha, Salley Whitley
27. NASA PCEC Updates for 2022
Brian Alford, Shawn Hayes, Mark Jacobs, Richard Webb
Andy Prince
30. Post Launch Testing Sequence of Events: A Day-to-Day Project Schedule
Denis Pinha, Rodolfo Lavaque
Eric Plumer
Rachel Sholder, Sally Whitley
33. Using Automation to Lighten your Load
Erin Wood, Danelle Fogle
Sarah Lang, Justin McNeill, Jr., Tommy Tran, Alexander Zarate Garcia, C. Jason Zhang
Joe Mrozinski, Robert Shishko
Joe Mrozinski, Luther Beegle , Kyle Brown , Robert Cesarone, Michael DiNicola, Michael Fong, Melissa Hooke, Alfred Nash, Sherry Stukes
37. Mission Operations Cost Estimation Tool (MOCET) Research and Status Update
Marc Hayhurst, Brian Wood, Cindy Daniels, Lissa Jordin,Washito Sasamoto, Waldo Rodriguez
38. Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Economics
Peter Frederic
Steve Wilson, Mike Stelly
41. ARES Schedule Integration Tool – Integrating Artemis Schedules
Mark Miller
42. Applying Schedule Uncertainty in JCLs – Problems and Solutions
Matt Blocker
Sam Fleischer, Jairus Hihn, James Johnson
Sam Fleischer, Melissa Hooke
45. ONCE Database and Data Protection
James Johnson, Eric Plumer, Julie McAfee, Mike Blandford
46. Aerospace CubeSat Cost Estimation Tool (ACCET)
Shirin Eftekharzadeh, N ichols F. Brown, Jacob Sabol, Manuel E. Puyana, Angela M. Vu, Amy P. Macrina
47. Outstanding in Your MS Project Fields
William G. Paradis
48. Introducing a Dynamic Schedule Risk Rating Methodology
Dewey E. Barlow, Faith Kahler, Ryan Smith, Andrew Soukup
49. The Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) – Why are they needed?
Nick Frazier, Brad Richards, Chris Sadler
50. Applying Data to Improve Schedule Analysis
Ivan Bembers, Siemone Cerase, Tony Claridge, Michelle Jones
51. Earned Value Management and Schedule Management
Barbara Phillips, Joe Fischetti