CADRe/ONCE – Data Collection and Database
CADRe (Cost Analysis Data Requirement) is a 3 part document that describes a NASA Project at each lifecycle milestone, contains key technical parameters, and captures the estimated and actual costs in a WBS structure. The CADRe provides historical record of cost, schedule, and technical project attributes so that estimators can better estimate future analogous projects.
CADRe PART A: Describes a NASA project at each milestone (SRR, PDR, CDR, Launch and End of Mission), and describes significant changes that have occurred.
CADRe PART B: Contains standardized templates to capture key technical parameters that are considered relevant cost drivers. (e.g. Mass, Power, Data Rates, etc.)
CADRe PART C: Captures the NASA project’s Cost Estimate and actual life cycle costs within the project’s and a NASA Cost Estimating Work Breakdown Structures (WBS).
ONCE (One NASA Cost Engineering) is a web based database located at that provides controlled access to the CADRe data and information. Automated search and query of CADRe information is available via the ONCE database. ONCE is available to NASA Civil Servants and NASA Contractors with a current NASA contract.
The ONCE database is primarily based on the technical information in the CADRe Part B, and the programmatic information in Part C (cost, schedule, risk, etc.). The data stored in ONCE follows the CADRe templates and is organized so that users can quickly access information on a single, or multiple, historical NASA Projects.
ONCE makes CADRe data available in a variety of formats. Users are able to search and retrieve CADRe data via customizable reports, dashboards, and numerous graphical or tabular exports.
Additionally, the CADRe document files in the native MS Word and MS Excel formats are available in the CADRe Library.
ONCE contains a variety of other useful information in its electronic libraries for people supporting NASA Projects such as:
- A full searchable archive of all NASA Cost & Schedule Symposiums since 2006
- Key Decision Point Memos and Datasheets (Including Replans & Rebaselines)
- Schedule files from historical NASA Projects in their native format (.MPP, etc.)
The ONCE Model Portal provides users with a one-stop-shop for models and tools to help with analysis tasks. This includes both Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) tools that HQ makes available to NASA Centers, as well as In-House tools that NASA develops internally.
The goal of ONCE is to serve as a functional center-point for historical NASA Project information so that the NASA community can easily retrieve data and perform analysis to support current NASA Projects and decision makers. By integrating the CADRe data with other useful information, and models/tools, ONCE users can find everything that they need in one place. The implementation of ONCE saves a significant number of staff-hours every year and supports a centralized configuration & control process that enables OCFO SID to distribute updates quickly to a broad audience.
Request Access: ONCE Access Instructions
CADRe Overview: CADRe Brochure (PDF)
CADRe Template Part A – Version 8.0
CADRe Template Part B – Version 8.0
CADRe Template Part C – Version 8.0
Links to CADRe Waiver/Tailoring: CADRe Waiver Memo and Business Process Memo 24-01
ONCE Website: (inside NASA only)
Request Access: ONCE Access Instructions
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