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NASA Glenn’s Pilatus PC-12 to Fly Over Local Area Roadways

NASA Glenn’s Pilatus PC-12 to Fly Over Local Area Roadways


NASA’s Glenn Research Center will be flying an aircraft at various altitudes over roadways across greater Cleveland, Lodi, Mansfield, and Medina areas while testing aviation communications technologies.

The agency’s Pilatus PC-12 is outfitted with monitors to measure cell tower signal strength. NASA researchers are evaluating commercial communications technologies that will allow highly automated transportation systems to operate and move passengers or cargo at lower altitudes within urban and suburban areas.

Map of the area NASA Glenn’s aircraft will fly over roadways in greater Cleveland, Lodi, Mansfield, and Medina.
NASA Glenn’s aircraft will fly over roadways in greater Cleveland, Lodi, Mansfield, and Medina.

Flights are scheduled during daylight hours starting Thursday, May 18, until Sunday, June 25. All flights will be conducted at appropriate altitudes to safeguard the public, wildlife, or infrastructure. The aircraft will fly no lower than 500 feet in rural areas, and no lower than 1,000 feet in populated areas.

A map of the area NASA Glenn’s aircraft will fly over roadways in greater Cleveland, Lodi, Mansfield, and Medina.
Flights are scheduled during daylight hours starting Thursday, May 18, until Sunday, June 25.

Top Image: NASA Glenn’s Pilatus PC-12 aircraft helps researchers evaluate communications systems for the emerging advanced air mobility ecosystem.

For more information on NASA’s vision for Urban Air Mobility, visit:
