Aalok Gaitonde – NESC Academy Biography
Aalok is a PhD student at Purdue University at the School of Mechanical Engineering. His research is focused on developing thermal metrology techniques using infrared thermography. Specifically, one of his projects involves developing a new standardized technique for measuring the thermal conductivity of thin heat spreading materials which may have in-plane anisotropy, while another project aims to characterize deeply buried low thermal resistance interfaces found in 3D semiconductor packaging. His research is sponsored by the Cooling Technologies Research Center (CTRC) and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC). Prior to enrolling in the PhD program, he spent 4 years working in the R&D wing of 3D systems developing thermal systems for Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D printing platforms.
Aalok completed his master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue University in Fall 2016, and his MS thesis included the measurement of thermal conductivity of packed granular beds under the effect of shear and interrogation of the thermal transport and interfaces in lithium-ion batteries.