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Near Space Network

The Near Space Network provides missions within one million miles of Earth with robust communications services. Using a blend of government and commercial assets, the network supports science, human spaceflight, and technology demonstration missions exploring our planet and the solar system. This data is gathered through global direct-to-Earth antennas systems and a fleet of relay satellites.

Two antennas point up at the sky, rising above the tree line.

Where is the NSN located?

The Near Space Network is comprised of ground stations across the globe and our Tracking Data and Relay Satellite system in geosynchronous orbit.

Our ground stations provide Direct-to-Earth (DTE) communications while TDRS satellites provide near continuous bent pipe information relay services to over 25 missions like the Hubble Space Telescope, the International Space Station and many of our Earth-observing missions like Global Precipitation Measurement, Terra and Aqua. 

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SCaN Now

SCaN Now displays real time communication links between NASA spacecraft and the Near Space Network ground stations and TDRS satellites. You can explore which NSN facilities are talking with our spacecraft right now!

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Graphic image of antennas. Antenna WG1 is highlighted and showing a connection with a TDRS satellite