NASA Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act governs how federal agencies collect information from the American public and supports the principal of transparency.
The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 requires that Federal agencies obtain approval from the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) before requesting and collecting information from the public. Information collections examples can include surveys, forms, and applications.
The PRA mandates that all federal government agencies receive approval from OMB, in the form of an approval “control number,” before circulating an information collection.
How will you know if a NASA information collection is approved by OMB?
- Look for the Paperwork Reduction Act Statement on the NASA information collection instrument (either a website, survey, questionnaire, form, etc). The PRA statement will display the OMB control number assigned to the information collection and its expiration date.
- Locate NASA’s approved information collections at https://www.reginfo.gov/
- Hover over the “Information Collection Review” menu and click on “Information Collection Review” below.
- From the “Current Inventory” section, select “National Aeronautics and Space Administration” from the list of Agencies and “Submit” to view NASA’s current inventory of PRA information collections.
For more information about the PRA and the clearance process, please view the OMB’s Guide on the PRA at https://pra.digital.gov.
The NASA PRA Program is managed through the NASA Office of the Chief Information Officer. The NASA PRA Clearance Officer can be reached at HQ-OCIO-PRA-Program@mail.nasa.gov.