NASA Privacy Act System of Records Notices (SORNs)
About SORNs
The Privacy Act of 1974 is a federal law that governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of information about individuals that is maintained in systems of records by federal agencies. A system of records is a group of records under the control of an agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or other personal identifier.
The Privacy Act also requires federal agencies to inform the public on how they collect, use, and share information about you in a system of records notice (SORN). A SORN is published in the Federal Register to alert the public that a federal agency has either created, modified, or decommissioned a system of records (SORs).
NASA has a dedicated Privacy Act Officer who oversees this process and can answer questions regarding NASA SORNs.
NASA Agency Privacy Act Officer
Stayce Hoult
Office of the Chief Information Officer
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC 20546-0001
Per federal requirement and NASA policy, NASA provides public notice of the records it maintains about individuals which are retrieved by personal identifier. Each SORN describes the types of information contained in the records, the legal authority for collecting and maintaining the records, how the records are used within NASA, and the purposes (referred to as “routine uses”) for which NASA may disclose the records. SORNs also indicate whether any records are exempt from certain Privacy Act requirements.
- NASA 10EUI: Earth Observing System Data and Information System User Information
- NASA 10ACMQ: Aircraft Crewmembers Qualifications and Performance Records
- NASA 10ACSR: Astronaut Candidate Selection Records
- NASA 10CFMR: Core Financial Management Records
- NASA 10EDUA: NASA Education Program Evaluation System
- NASA 10FOIA: Freedom of Information Act System
- NASA 10GOS: Guest Operations Systems
- NASA 10HQHA – Headquarters History Collection
- NASA 10HERD: Human Experimental and Research Data Records
- NASA 10HIMS: Health Information Management System
- NASA 10HRCF: Harassment Report Case Files
- NASA 10IGDA: Office of Inspector General Advanced Data Analytics Systems
- NASA 10IGIC: Inspector General Investigations Case Files
- NASA 10NPPS: NASA Personnel and Payroll Systems
- NASA 10OAAR: Opportunities and Associated Reviewers
- NASA 10ORIS: Occupational Radiation Information Systems
- NASA 10PATS: Parking and Transit System
- NASA 10RAR: Reasonable Accommodations Act
- NASA 10SCCF: Standards of Conduct Counseling Case Files
- NASA 10SECR: Security Records System
- NASA 10SPER: Special Personnel Records
- NASA 10XROI: Exchange Records on Individuals
Rescinded NASA SORNs
The following is a list of SORNs that have been rescinded as they apply to systems that are no longer in use by NASA.
- NASA 10EEOR: Equal Opportunity Records
- NASA 10GMVP: Government Motor Vehicles Operators Permit Records
- NASA 10NASP: NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program
- GSFC 51LISTS: Locator and Information Tracking System
- JSC 72XOPR: Johnson Space Center Exchange Activities Records
Government-Wide SORNS: General Information
Some Federal agencies have responsibility for one or more systems of records which are applicable Government-wide. If NASA maintains a record or records under a Government-wide System of Records Notice (SORN), then a NASA specific SORN to cover that record or records is not necessary.
The Federal Privacy Council maintains a current list of all Government-wide SORNs.