The NASA Insignia, Logotype, identifiers, and imagery are not in the public domain. The use of the Insignia, Logotype and NASA identifiers is protected by law, and imagery is made available for use consistent with Media Usage Guidelines.
NASA has one of the most recognizable brands on the planet. As caretakers of the brand, NASA’s Office of Communications is proactive in providing collaborators with best practices and guidance to ensure NASA’s brand is handled with care both internally and externally and continues to reach new audiences.
NASA has established specific guidelines for the use of its brand, merchandise, and media. These guidelines are designed to ensure that the NASA brand is used consistently, fairly, and appropriately across all platforms and activations.
NASA Merchandise Approvals
Strict laws and regulations govern NASA policy regarding merchandising requests for producing NASA-inspired merchandise. NASA-inspired merchandise is any product which features NASA logos, identifiers, emblems, devices or imagery.
➡ Also read… Promoting and Advertising Your NASA-Themed Merchandise
Approval Process
Before submitting a request for approval, review ALL guidelines on this page and the NASA Brand Guidelines page. Your familiarity and compliance with these guidelines will help expedite the review process.
Companies interested in producing NASA-inspired merchandise must notify NASA’s Office of Communications at NASA Headquarters in writing by sending an e-mail to nasa-merchandise-& after reviewing the policy and guidelines on this page and include the following requested information:
Your email should include designs or mock-ups of the intended NASA-inspired merchandise for review. Only PDFs are accepted so that we are able to add comments. Please ensure the PDF document includes a clear image of your proposed incorporation of NASA markings on your product. Please include images of the tags, labels, hang tags, and packaging for each product if applicable. (10 MB file size limit).
In your email please include the following with your request:
- Company name
- Company website
- Street address
- City/town and State
- Country
- Postal code
- Contact name, title, email address, and phone number
➡ If design changes are made to the product after NASA approval, the product must be resubmitted for review and approval.
➡ Brand files such as logo vector artwork will be supplied only after designs and products have been reviewed and approved.
Work with NASA Directly
NASA does not have any agreement or exclusive agreements with intellectual property and/or licensing representatives in regard to the NASA brand or merchandising approvals. We encourage merchandisers to work with NASA directly so they get the clearest and latest guidance on proper use of our iconic identifiers and imagery.
If you are uncertain about correspondence from anyone giving the impression they represent NASA, please reach out and forward emails to nasa-merchandise-&
Crowdfunded Merchandise Production
If any of the products being submitted for review will be used in a crowdfunding campaign of any kind, merchandisers must disclose this in your Merchandise Approval request email and submit all associated collateral and promotional material for review. NASA approval of the products and collateral and promotional material must be secured before launching the crowdfunding campaign. If design changes are made to the product after NASA approval, the product must be resubmitted for review and approval.
Approval Letters
NASA does not issue approval authorization letters for merchandise. Once products or designs have been approved by the merchandise and branding clearance manager through the established approval process, the products may move forward in production. Our approval email should suffice for any approval justification or documentation needed.
Licensing, Access, Samples, and Exclusivity
Companies interested in producing NASA-related merchandise have equal access to NASA information.
There is no licensing, fees, or exclusivity agreements with NASA.
We do not collect post production samples or require vendors to send any physical samples, but appreciate images sent by email of final products for our records.
NASA is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government responsible for the civil space program, aeronautics research, and space research. As such, we do not license or operate like a licensing corporation and clear merchandise approvals very differently.
There are many counterfeit items available online and in stores that use our branding without authorization or clearance from the NASA Office of Communications.
Items bearing the NASA Insignia and NASA Logotype such as souvenirs, novelties, toys, models, clothing, and similar items (including items for sale through the NASA employees’ nonappropriated fund activities) may be manufactured and sold only after the request has been submitted to, and approved by, the Office of Communications.
Appearance of Endorsement or Co-branding
As a U.S. federal government agency, NASA will not promote or endorse or appear to promote or endorse a commercial product, service or activity. Therefore, there are strict regulations and restrictions on the use of any of the NASA identifiers, emblems or devices, including without limitation the NASA Insignia (the “Meatball” logo), the NASA Logotype (the “Worm” logo), and the NASA Seal as addressed in more detail below.
Using terms like ‘NASA approved,’ ‘NASA Collection,’ or ‘official NASA,’ or similar wording, to describe your product or association with NASA is prohibited.
NASA X (Brand Name) on products, promotional materials, websites, pitch presentations etc. is also prohibited.
NASA identifiers, emblems, devices, imagery, etc. can be used as decoration on the product, but should not be used in a manner that suggests “co-branding” of products. NASA does not co-brand products or enter into licensing agreements.
NASA does not sponsor organizations, individuals, sporting, or fundraising activities.
No third-party identifiers, logos or other trademark visuals (including non-logo trademarks) can be shown together with the NASA materials on products in a manner that suggests NASA jointly created the product or that the producer of the product is sponsored or endorsed by NASA.
Logos and other trademarks/branding created by outside merchandise producers should be separate from the NASA branding used as decoration on the product. Branding of outside clothing/product manufacturer should be limited to use on tags, insoles of shoes, and other areas of the product where product branding typically appears as labeling. For example, in the case of a T-shirt featuring the NASA Insignia as decoration on the front of the shirt, the logo of the company producing the T-shirt can appear simply on the collar tag, a hem tag, on the sleeve, or other location as typical for the company’s brand; however, company logos or branding will not be placed near the NASA Insignia, or in such location(s) as detracts from the NASA Insignia decoration on the front of the shirt.
NASA images may be used as graphic “hot links” to NASA websites, provided they are used within the guidelines. This permission does not extend to use of the NASA Insignia, the NASA Logotype or the NASA Seal. This NASA IP should never be on merchandiser / company websites or social media posts in any capacity.
Licensed characters are prohibited from being shown with the NASA Insignia or NASA Logotype in 2D space. In 3D space (such as plush toys) considerations will be made during merchandise review.
Merchandisers are not permitted to use our identifier in naming their products, series of products, or categories of products. Clothing and toy* collections cannot use the NASA name as a title or as part of a title for any collection.
*In general, NASA does not permit the use of its name in toy product titles unless the toy is a precise replica of an actual spacecraft, rocket, rover, or similar entity. Such products must be highly accurate, like high-fidelity models. Additional guidance will be provided during the review of product and promotional materials.
Messaging on Products
Any text / messaging included (ex: languages other than English, longitude / latitude coordinates, etc.) must be typed out and translated with the submission and context provided.
Insignia & Logotype – incorrect versions
NASA’s insignia and logotype are frequently copied for distribution online and often contain errors. Avoid “imposter” graphics by only using official artwork files provided by NASA for your products. The following are examples of common errors found in online sources:
Insignia & Logotype violations
When using the NASA insignia or logotype, avoid the following violations*.
Packaging & Hangtags
Product hangtags should not include any NASA logos, identifiers, emblems or devices, though other NASA imagery may be appropriate. Specifically, NASA logos and words like “official,” “genuine,” “original,” “authentic” etc. are not permitted on hangtags, promotional content or packaging. This regulation applies to merchandisers and NASA Exchange entities.
Use of NASA logos in a branding capacity is not permitted on packaging or for products. In certain instances, incidental use of NASA logos is permitted if the product is being exhibited on the packaging itself.
NASA Identifier, Logotype and Other Graphic Assets
The NASA Insignia was created in 1958 and was retired between 1976-1992. In 1992, it was reinstated and is presently NASA’s official identifier.
Although the NASA Logotype was retired in 1992, it has been approved to be used on souvenir merchandise in a retro historical manner. It is permitted to be shown on merchandise and guidance will be provided during product review. Multiple insignias and worms are not permitted on the same item. Any imagery shown with the NASA Logotype must stay within the context of the era in which it existed (between 1975-1992). For example, imagery from the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo program cannot appear with the NASA worm as Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo predated the existence of the worm.
Guidelines for the use of NASA Brand can be found on the NASA Brand Guidelines page.
Crew Patches
NASA astronaut crew patches are permitted on merchandise, but in some instances, NASA may recommend that the names of astronauts be removed from the patches to avoid issues relating to endorsement, or rights of publicity. With the removal of crew names, no other words or text can be added in replacement. Further guidance will be provided during product review.
NASA is not approving any merchandising applications involving Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), as they are not consistent with the categories of products the Agency is approved to merchandise. Further, as stated in the NASA Media Usage Guidelines, NASA does not wish for its images to be used in connection with NFTs.
Appropriate Products
NASA does not permit logos on certain products because they are not deemed appropriate or are not permissible given NASA’s role as a government agency. These include merchandise/products in areas like alcohol, food, cosmetics, tobacco, underwear, technology, medical related, smart watches, scientific apparatus (telescopes / microscopes), etc. NASA branding on merchandise can not be used for fundraisers.
Prohibited Categories*
- Accessories – Gaming Consoles
- Accessories – Smart Phones & Smartwatches
- Automotive parts
- Beauty & Personal Care products
- Electronics, including, but not limited to: computers, computer peripherals, and external storage devices (e.g., thumb drives, memory cards) gaming systems, peripherals (e.g., controllers, keyboards, key caps), and external storage devices, smartphones, smart watches, GPS devices
- Fitness programs, routines, or supplements
- Food and beverages
- Household appliances
- Industrial and scientific instruments/equipment
- Lawn & Garden
- Medical, health care, and wellness products and equipment
- Medical scrubs / healthcare uniforms
- Musical instruments
- Non-fungible tokens
- Remote and App Controlled Vehicles (including, but not limited to, aerial drones)
- Safety equipment/gear
- Sports & Outdoor Recreation Gear/Equipment
- Swimwear
- Technology products
- Tobacco products and accessories
- Tools & Home Improvement Supplies and Equipment
- Undergarments (including, but not limited to, lingerie, sports bras, and compression and thermal garments)
- Weapons, including guns, knives/folders, or similar devices
* NASA reserves the right to deny requests for products that do not fall into the above categories.
Image Use
For use of NASA images including images that include NASA employees (current or former), astronauts, or any identifiable NASA logos or emblems on merchandise please refer to the Commercial Use section of NASA’s Image Guidelines
When all legal and policy regulations have been met and approval by the Office of Communications is obtained, the merchandiser can access downloadable NASA imagery online or may contact the Photo Department at 202-358-1900 for access to imagery.
Brand Approval
Please be aware that NASA-approved merchandise requires the adherence to certain basic standards on use of NASA identifiers, emblems, imagery, etc. Any requested exceptions to these standards must be sought and approved in writing and in advance by the designee in the Headquarters Office of Communications in accordance with law and regulation. Further guidance will be provided during product review.
If you have questions about the above information, or if you receive correspondence from anyone claiming to represent NASA and have concerns about its legitimacy, please contact the Merchandise & Branding team at nasa-merchandise-&
Misuse of Agency Name, Initials, or Brand
No person may knowingly use the NASA name and initials or any combination, variation, or colorable imitation of those words or letters, either alone or in combination with other words or letters in connection with any product or service being offered or made available to the public in a manner reasonably calculated to convey the impression that the product or service has the authorization, support, sponsorship, or endorsement of, or the development, use, or manufacture by or on behalf of the Administration which does not, in fact, exist.
It is critical that requestors adhere to the Advertising and Media Usage Guidelines when posting or sharing your NASA-inspired merchandise. NASA’s branding can never be used in a promotional way on social media and websites, especially for product launches. Violations will be documented and notified merchandisers will be placed on a 6 month up to 1 year merchandise approval probation for not adhering to NASA’s posted guidelines.
Additional Guidance
Guidelines for logo usage, merchandising requests, media usage, and advertising requests

Brand Guidelines
Guidance for use of NASA's Insignia (the "Meatball"), Logotype (the "Worm") and other supporting graphics.

Film & Documentary
From providing footage to on-site filming learn more about working with NASA on documentary and film projects.

Images & Media
Access and use of NASA's images and media assets for educational, informational and commercial purposes

Strategic Partnerships
Learn more about how NASA collaborates with brands on engagement opportunities and products.