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NASA Advisory Council Meeting Archives: 2017-2022

NAC provides consensus advice and makes recommendations to the NASA Administrator. NASA also receives advice from two other external independent advisory committees, the National Academies’ Space Studies Board (SSB), and Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (ASEB). The chairs of these two Academy Boards serve as ex officio nonvoting members of the NASA Advisory Council to provide continuity and insight.

March 30-31, 2017 Meeting

NAC Meeting Agenda


President’s FY 2018 Proposed Budget for NASA

NASA Human Exploration and Operations Update

Human Exploration and Operations Committee Report

Science Committee Report

Aeronautics Committee Report

Institutional Committee Report

NASA Special Presentation: “Hidden Figures / Modern Figures”

Technology, Innovation and Engineering Committee Report

Ad Hoc Task Force on STEM Education Report

Meeting Minutes

NASA Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, March 2017


Final Recommendations

NASA Response to NAC Recommendation

NASA Education Budget Alignment

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July 27-18, 2017 Meeting

NAC Meeting Agenda


Welcome to NASA Langley Research Center

Institutional Committee Report

STEM Education Task Force Report

NASA Science Mission Directorate Overview

Science Committee Report

Human Exploration and Operations Committee Report

Aeronautics Committee Report

Technology, Innovation and Engineering Committee Report

Cocktails and Dreams: A Bartender’s Guide to Creating “The Right Stuff”

On-Orbit Autonomous Assembly from Nanosatellites

Reducing Uncertainty in Reliability of Structures and Materials

Update on President’s Proposed FY 2018 Budget for NASA

Meeting Minutes

NASA Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, July 2017


Final Recommendations

NASA Response to NAC Recommendation

Cybersecurity Scorecard by NASA Center

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December 7-8, 2017 Meeting

NAC Meeting Agenda


Aeronautics Committee Report

Technology, Innovation and Engineering Report

Ad Hoc Task Force on STEM Education

NASA Exploration and Operations Committee Report

Science Committee Report

Meeting Minutes

NASA Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, December 2017


NAC Recommendations

NASA Response to NAC Recommendation

Interactive Link between NAC and the NSpC

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March 28-29, 2018 Meeting

NAC Meeting Agenda


NASA Exploration Update

Human Exploration and Operations Committee Report

Aeronautics Committee Report

STEM Education Task Force Report

President’s FY 2019 Proposed Budget for NASA

NASA 2018 Strategic Plan

Science Committee Report

NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate Update

Technology, Innovation and Engineering Committee Report

Meeting Minutes

NASA Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, March 2018


NAC Recommendations

NASA Response to NAC Recommendation

Organizational Options to Promote Technology Investment and University Grants and Fellowships

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August 29-30, 2018 Meeting

NAC Meeting Agenda


Welcome to NASA Ames Research Center

NASA Exploration Update

Human Exploration and Operations Committee Report

STEM Education Task Force Report

NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Overview

Aeronautics Committee Report

Science Committee Report

Technology, Innovation and Engineering Committee Report

Meeting Minutes

NASA Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, August 2018


NAC Recommendations

NASA Responses to NAC Recommendations

Use of Decadal Surveys and Exploration Objectives to Set Priorities for the Gateway

Elevating the Status of the Ad Hoc Task Force on STEM Education

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December 10-11, 2018 Meeting

NAC Meeting Agenda


NASA Exploration Update

Human Exploration and Operations Committee Report

Technology, Innovation and Engineering Committee Report

Regulatory and Policy Committee Report

STEM Engagement Committee Report

Science Committee Report

Aeronautics Committee Report


NAC Recommendations

Meeting Minutes

NASA Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, December 10- 11, 2018

NASA Responses to NAC Recommendations

Export Control Reform – Extending ISS Relief

Export Control Reform – Avoiding Unilateral Controls – SPD 2 and 2018 NDAA



Promotional Activities*

(*Accessible version coming)

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May 30-31, 2019 Meeting

NAC Meeting Agenda


President’s FY 2020 Budget Request for NASA

NASA Human Exploration and Operations Update; NASA Humans to Moon 2024

Aeronautics Committee Report

Human Exploration and Operations Committee Report

Regulatory and Policy Committee Report

Science Committee Report

STEM Engagement Committee Report

Technology, Innovation and Engineering Committee Report


NAC Recommendations

Meeting Minutes

NASA Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, May 30-31, 2019

NASA Responses to NAC Recommendations

NASA Responses to NAC Recommendations 2019-01-02 STEM

NASA Responses to NAC Recommendations 2019-01-01 Lunar Plans

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October 31-November 1, 2019 Meeting

NAC Meeting Agenda


Aeronautics Committee Report

Human Exploration and Operations Committee Report

Kennedy Space Center Overview Report

NASA Human Exploration and Operations Program Update

NASA Planetary Protection Independent Review Board Report

Regulatory and Policy Committee Report

Science Committee Report

STEM Engagement Committee Report

Technology, Innovation and Engineering Committee Report


NAC Recommendations

Meeting Minutes

NAC Oct-Nov 2019 Meeting Minutes

NASA Responses to NAC Recommendations

NASA Responses to NAC Recommendations 2019-02-03 Principles on Space Resources

NASA Responses to NAC Recommendations 2019-02-01 Human Lunar Lander Development for Safety and 2019-02-02 Longevity of the ISS*

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March 1- 2, 2022 Meeting

NAC Meeting Agenda


Human Exploration and Operations Committee Report

Science Committee Report

Technology, Innovation and Engineering Committee Report

Aeronautics Committee Report

STEM Engagement Committee Report

NASA Responses to NAC Recommendations

Financial Commitment to the Commercial LEO Destinations 2022-01-01

All NASA Mission Directorates Re-evaluate Program Schedules and Manifest due to COVID-19 Pandemic Supplier Performance 2022-01-02

Request for Information (RFI) on Grant Augmentations to Mitigate Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic 2022-01-03

Management of Translunar/Lunar Environment 2022-01-04

NASA STEM Strategic Plan 2022-01-05

Building Research Capabilities and Infrastructure at Minority Serving Institutions 2022-01-06

Disruption of Schools and Other Identifies Challenges Resulting from the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic 2022-01-07

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August 9- 10, 2022 Meeting

NAC Meeting Agenda


Aeronautics Committee Report

Human Exploration and Operations Committee Report

Science Committee Report

Technology, Innovation and Engineering Committee Report

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